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YTest is a PHP unit-testing library relying on runkit, and designed to work as a complement to PHPUnit. It mainly allows to stub private and static methods.


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			      ytest 0.9

For license, see LICENSE
For contributors, see CONTRIBUTORS

1. What is ytest ?

A PHP library extending PHPUnit, and based on the runkit extension.
Useful mainly to stub/mock private and static methods easily.
Also provides some other helpers.

Has been used in a real-life project of the real-world,
so has a chance to be useful...

2. Requirements:

 - PHP >= 5.2 on GNU/Linux
 - PHPUnit >= 3.4.12
 - runkit ( The fork which works, by D.Zenovich )
 + MySQL 5 as an optional dependency (required for ytest's sample)

3. Installation (on GNU/linux)

3.1 Make ytest's sample work in your PHP environment

  Extract ytest's archive in some folder, say "/home/foo/libs/ytest".
  You get something like this:

  -- ytest
     |-- config
     |-- docs
     |-- tests
     `-- libs
         `-- ytest

  Install PHPUnit >= 3.4.12 if you haven't already.  
  Assuming PHPUnit's phpunit.php lies in /home/foo/libs/phpunit,
  make a symbolic link so that ytest can find it:

  $ cd /home/foo/ytest
  $ ln -s /home/foo/libs/phpunit libs/phpunit

  Install Dmitry Zenovich's runkit version.
  You can take the latest version here:

  You'll have to build runkit yourself, and install it as a PHP extension 
  in your system. Here's a quick summary of how to do it (which might be outdated):

  $ cd runkit-1.0.3
  $ phpize
  $ ./configure
  $ make
  $ sudo make install
  $ sudo nano /etc/php5/cli/php.ini

    With nano, add the following lines at the end of your php.ini (for CLI since
    the unit tests will be run on the command line):


Setup MySQL, or you may have some troubles:
  - Create a database named "ytest".
  - Create a user named "ytest" with full privileges on the "ytest" database.


You should be able to run ytest's example test like this:
    $ cd /home/foo/ytest
    $ ./run_tests

You should see something like this:

    PHPUnit 3.4.12 by Sebastian Bergmann.


    Time: 0 seconds, Memory: 4.75Mb

    OK (31 tests, 48 assertions)

This means that ytest's sample test, tests/FooBarTest.php,
has been executed correctly.
(You can take a look at this test, but it's a bit boring,
you'll probably be better with the ytest docs.)

3.2 Integrating ytest with your own test suite

Now that ytest is functional on your PHP system,
there are two cases:

- If you have no unit tests yet, you can simply add more test files
  along FooBarTest.php in ytest/tests to test your own stuff.
  To access the ytest extensions from your test cases, you simply
  have to make your test cases inherit from yTest_CustomTestCase.
  To run your tests, use the run_tests script.

- If you already have a test suite (and maybe some 
  helper scripts around), you may either:

  - Simply put all your existing test files in ytest/tests,
    and see if it works and suits you. This is the easy way.

  - Or, integrate only the bare ytest library in your system,
    by putting ytest/libs/ytest in your PHP include path.

    In this case you'll have to require the main ytest file
    from your test scripts, for example like this:

    	 require_once 'ytest/libs/ytest/ytest.php';
    Then you'll have to initialize ytest at the beginning
    of your test suite (like what is done in ytest/Bootstrap.php),
    something like this:

	 yTest_init("ytest/config/ytest_config.php",   // path to your config file for ytest
	            "ytest/libs/ytest",                // path to the ytest library folder
		    "ytest/libs/phpunit"               // path to PHPUnit
    You'll have to tune the folders (and probably use absolute paths).	 

4. And now ?

Check the docs to learn about ytest's features.
All docs are linked from ytest's wiki on github:


YTest is a PHP unit-testing library relying on runkit, and designed to work as a complement to PHPUnit. It mainly allows to stub private and static methods.







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