As research software engineers, or maybe people in general, we often reflect on our lives and tell a story going from point A to point B. However, in the subtext of these stories are smaller stories -- stories that we tell ourselves. They unfortunately tend to be negative, because we are our biggest critics. Also unfortunately, these stories have direct influences on our thinking and subsequent behavior.
To some degree, we have the power to change our environments, and thus the stories that we tell ourselves. We also have the power to choose how to react - meaning when we tell ourselves a negative story, we recognize it and tell ourselves a different story.
This repository is an effort to do just that. We will identify stories, reflect on why we might tell them, and then strategies for fighting back.
We welcome you to contribute in any form, whether that be a new story, a new suggestion to an existing story, or something else entirely. If we work together as a community we can better identify, change, and stifle many of these negative stories, leading to more retention in our roles, and an overall stronger community.
This is derived from the story jekyll theme which is based on the Story Theme from HTML5 UP. Thank you!