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Add yaml definitions of MARKER, MATRIX and MCDESINT
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Robin Tesse committed Aug 5, 2020
1 parent b09b15e commit 77b9d4d
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Showing 3 changed files with 232 additions and 9 deletions.
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions zgoubi_metadata/data/elements_yaml/MARKER.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
zgoubi_name: MARKER
doc: |
.. rubric:: Zgoubi manual description
Just a marker.
No data ’.plt’ as a second LABEL will cause storage of current coordinates into zgoubi.plt
131 changes: 129 additions & 2 deletions zgoubi_metadata/data/elements_yaml/MATRIX.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,135 @@
zgoubi_name: MATRIX
- {name: IORD, type: I, default: 0, doc: ""}
- {name: IFOC, type: I, default: 0, doc: ""}
- IORD: {type: I, default: 0, doc: ""}
- IFOC: {type: I, default: 0, doc: ""}

- - IORD
doc: |
Calculation of transfer coefficients, periodic parameters
.. rubric:: Zgoubi manual description
``MATRIX`` causes the calculation of the transfer coefficients through the optical structure, from the ``OBJET`` down to the location
where ``MATRIX`` is introduced in the structure, or, upon option, down to the horizontal focus closest to that location. In this last
case the position of the focus is calculated automatically in the same way as the position of the waist in ``IMAGE``. Depending
on ``OBJET`` and on option ``IFOC``, ``MATRIX`` also delivers the beam matrix and betatron phase advances or (case of a periodic
structure) periodic beam matrix and tunes, chromaticities and other global parameters.
Depending on the value of option ``IORD``, different procedures follow
* If ``IORD`` = 0, ``MATRIX`` is inhibited (equivalent to ``FAISCEAU``, whatever ``IFOC``).
* If ``IORD`` = 1, using ``OBJET``, ``KOBJ`` = 5[.N], the first order transfer matrix [Rij] is calculated, from a third order approximation
of the coordinates. For instance
.. math::
Y^+ &= (\frac{Y}{T_0}) T_0 + (\frac{Y}{T_0^2}) T_0^2 + (\frac{Y}{T_0^3}) T_0^3 \\
Y^- &= -(\frac{Y}{T_0}) T_0 + (\frac{Y}{T_0^2}) T_0^2 - (\frac{Y}{T_0^3}) T_0^3 \\
will yield, neglecting third order terms,
.. math::
R_{11} = (\frac{Y}{T_0}) = \frac{Y^+ - Y^-}{2T_0}
This is repeated N times if ``OBJET``, ``KOBJ`` = 5.N (2 ≤ N ≤ 99) is used, so delivering first order data for each 11-particle
set, with for each set the reference trajectory being trajectory number 1+(N-1)x11 in the Nx11-particle list (keyword
``FAISCEAU`` will print out that list in zgoubi.res, if desired).
If ``OBJET``, ``KOBJ`` = 5.1 is used instead (hence introducing initial optical function values, :math:`\alpha_{Y, Z}`,
:math:`\alpha_{Y, Z}`, :math:`\D_{Y, Z}`, :math:`\D'_{Y, Z}`), then, using the Rij above,
``MATRIX`` will transport the optical functions and phase advances :math:`\phi_{Y}` , :math:`\phi_{Z}`, following
.. math::
\beta \\
\alpha \\
R_{11}^2 & -2R_{11}R_{12} & R_{12}^2 \\
-R_{11}R_{21} & R_{12}R_{21} & R_{11}R_{12} \\
R_{21}^2 & -2R_{21}R_{22} & R_{22}^2
\beta \\
\alpha \\
.. math::
\Delta \phi_Y &= Atan \frac{R_{12}}{(R_{11} \beta_{Y, objet} - R_{12} \alpha_{Y, objet})} \\
\Delta \phi_Z &= Atan \frac{R_{34}}{(R_{33} \beta_{Z, objet} - R_{34} \alpha_{Z, objet})} \\
.. math::
\phi_{Y, Z} \rightarrow \phi_{Y, Z} + 2\pi \text{ if } \phi_{Y, Z} < 0, \text{ given [0, $\pi$] Atan determination}
and print these out.
* If ``IORD`` = 2, using ``OBJET``, ``KOBJ`` = 6, fifth order Taylor expansions are used for the calculation of the first order transfer
matrix [Rij ] and of the second order matrix [Tijk]. Other higher order coefficients are also calculated.
* If ``IORD`` = 3, using ``OBJET``, ``KOBJ`` = 6.1, transport coefficients up to 3rd order are computed using 102 rays (after routines
developed for ``RAYTRACE`` [65, 66]).
An automatic generation of an appropriate object for the use ofMATRIX can be obtained using the procedureOBJET (pages 59, 282),
as follows
* if ``IORD`` = 1, use ``OBJET``(``KOBJ`` = 5[.N, 2 ≤ N ≤ 99]), that generates up to 99*11 initial coordinates. In this case, up to 99
matrices may be calculated, each one wrt. to the reference trajectory of concern (trajectory number 1, 12, 23, ... 1+(N-1)x11
* if ``IORD`` = 2, use ``OBJET``(``KOBJ`` = 6) that generates 61 initial coordinates.
* if ``IORD`` = 3, use ``OBJET``(``KOBJ`` = 6.1) that generates 102 initial coordinates
The next option, IFOC, acts as follows
* If ``IFOC`` = 0, the transfer coefficients are calculated at the location ofMATRIX, and with respect to the reference trajectory.
For instance, :math:`Y^+` and :math:`T^+` above are defined for particle number i as :math:`Y^+` = :math:`Y^+(i) - Y(Ref)`,
and :math:`T^+` = :math:`T^+(i) - T(Ref)`.
* If ``IFOC`` = 1, the transfer coefficients are calculated at the horizontal focus closest to ``MATRIX`` (determined automatically),
while the reference direction is that of the reference particle. For instance, :math:`Y^+` is defined for particle number i as
:math:`Y^+ = Y^+(i) − Y_{focus}`, while :math:`T^+` is defined as :math:`T^+` = :math:`T^+(i) - T(Ref)`).
* If ``IFOC`` = 2, no change of reference frame is performed : the coordinates refer to the current frame. Namely, :math:`Y^+ = Y^+(i)`,
:math:`T^+ = T^+(i)`, etc.
** Periodic Structures **
* If ``IFOC`` = 10 +NPeriod, then, from the 1-turn transport matrix as obtained in the way described above, ``MATRIX`` calculates
periodic parameters characteristic of the structure such as optical functions and tune numbers, assuming that it is NPeriod -
periodic. In non-coupled hypothesis, this is performed by a simple identification
.. math::
[T_{ij}] = I cos \mu + J sin \mu
In the coupled hypothesis, the computation uses the Edwards-Teng method [37].
Matrix computation is repeated N times if ``OBJET``, ``KOBJ`` = 5.N (2 ≤ N ≤ 99) is used, so delivering first order data for
each of the N 11-particle sets.
If ``IORD`` = 2 (using ``OBJET``, ``KOBJ`` = 6) additional periodic parameters are computed such as chromaticities, beta-function
momentum dependence, etc.
``PRINT`` : Addition of ``PRINT`` following ``IORD``, ``IFOC`` [, coupled] will cause stacking of ``MATRIX`` output data into
zgoubi.MATRIX.out file (convenient for use with e.g. gnuplot type of data treatment software).
Addition of “coupled ” next to ``IORD``, ``IFOC`` [, ``PRINT``], in the case of periodic beam matrix
request (i.e., ``IFOC`` = 10 + NPeriod ) will cause use of coupled formalism.
:underline:`About the source code`:
The program matric computes the transport matrix coefficients, it is called by zgoubi when the keyword ``MATRIX`` is met
along the zgoubi.dat sequence. matimp, called by matric, ensures the print out of the matrix (and possibly the beam matrix)
in zgoubi.res, and upon ``PRINT`` option in zgoubi.MATRIX.out as well.
104 changes: 97 additions & 7 deletions zgoubi_metadata/data/elements_yaml/MCDESINT.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,14 +1,104 @@
zgoubi_name: MCDESINT

- {name: M2, type: E, unit: "", default: 0, doc: ""}
- {name: M3, type: E, unit: "", default: 0, doc: ""}
- {name: I1, type: I, default: 0, doc: ""}
- {name: I2, type: I, default: 0, doc: ""}
- {name: I3, type: I, default: 0, doc: ""}
- INFO: {type: A, unit: "", default: 0, doc: "Switch"}
- M2: {type: E, unit: "MeV_c2", default: 0, doc: "Masses of the two decay products"}
- M3: {type: E, unit: "MeV_c2", default: 0, doc: "Masses of the two decay products"}
- TAU2: {type: E, unit:"s", default: 0, doc: "COM lifetime of particle 2"}
- I1: {type: I, default: 0, doc: "Seeds for random number generators"}
- I2: {type: I, default: 0, doc: "Seeds for random number generators"}
- I3: {type: I, default: 0, doc: "Seeds for random number generators"}

- - M2
- M3
- - [INFO, M2, M3, TAU2]
- - I1
- I2
- I3

doc: |
Monte-Carlo simulation of in-flight decay
.. rubric:: Zgoubi manual description
When ``MCDESINT``[38] is met in a structure (normally, after ``OBJET`` or after ``CIBLE``), in-flight decay simulation
starts. It must be preceded by ``PARTICUL`` for the definition of mass ``M1`` and ``COM`` lifetime :math:`\tau_1` of the
parent particle.
The two-body decay simulated is
.. math::
1 \rightarrow 2 + 3
The decay is isotropic in the center of mass. 1 is the incoming particle, with mass M1, momentum :math:`p1 = \gamma_1 M_1 \beta_1 c`
(relative momentum :math:`D1 = \frac{p_1}{q}\frac{1}{BORO} with BORO = reference rigidity, defined in ``[MC]OBJET``).
2 and 3 are decay products with respective masses and momenta M2,M3 and :math:`p2 = \gamma_2 M_2 \beta_2 c`, :math:`p3 = \gamma_3 M_3 \beta_3 c`.
The average distance s1 at which a particle will decay is related to its center of mass lifetime :math:`\tau_1` by
.. math::
s_1 = c \tau_1 \sqrt{\gamma_1^2 -1}
The actual path length s up to the decay point is calculated, for each one of the particles defined by
``[MC]OBJET`` and prior t ray-tracing, from a random number :math:`0 < R_1 \leq 1` by using the exponential decay
.. math::
s = s_1 \ln(R_1)
After decay of the parent particle 1, particle 2 will be ray-traced with assumed positive charge, while
particle 3 is discarded. Its scattering angles in the center of mass :math:`\theta^*` and :math:`\phi` are generated from two other
random numbers :math:`0 < R_2 \leq 1` and :math:`0 < R_3 \leq 1` by
.. math::
\theta^* &= acos(1-2R_2) \text{ ( $0 < \theta^* \leq \pi$)}\\
\phi &= 2 \pi R_3 \text{ ( $0 < \phi \leq 2\pi$)}\\
:math:`\phi` is a relativistic invariant, and θ in the laboratory frame (Fig. 43) is given by
.. math::
\tan(\theta) = \frac{1}{\gamma_1} \frac{\sin\theta^*}{\frac{\beta_1}{\beta_2^*} + \cos\theta^*}
:math:`\beta_2^*` and momentum :math:`\p_2` are given by
.. math::
\gamma_2^* &= \frac{M_1^2 + M_2^2 - M_3^2}{2M_1M_2}\\
\gamma_2 &= \gamm_1\gamma_2^* (1+\beta_1\beta_2\cos\theta^*)\\
\beta_2 &= (1 - \frac{1}{\gamma_2^2})^{1/2}\\
p_2 = M_2 \sqrt{\gamma_2^2 -1}
Finally, :math:`\theta` and :math:`\phi` are transformed into the angles T2 and P2 in the zgoubi frame, and the relative momentum
takes the value :math:`D2 = \frac{p_2}{q}\frac{1}{BORO} with BORO = reference rigidity, see ``OBJET``), while the starting
position of M2 is the very location of the parent particle decay, (Y1,Z1, s1).
The decay simulation by zgoubi satisfies the following procedures. In optical elements and field maps,
after each integration step ``XPAS``, the actual path length of the particle, F(6, I), is compared to its limit path
length s. If s is passed, then the particle is considered as having decayed at :math:`F(6, I) − \frac{XPAS}{2}`, at a position
obtained by a linear translation from the position at F(6, I). Presumably, the smaller ``XPAS``, the smaller the
error on position and angles at the decay point. In ``ESL`` and ``CHANGREF``, F(6, I) is compared to s at the end of the element.
If the decay occurs inside the element, the particle is considered as having decayed at its actual limit path length s, thus its coordinates at
s are recalculated by translation.
The limit path length of all particles (I = 1, ``IMAX``) is stored in the array ``FDES`` (6, I). For further statistical
purposes (e.g., use of ``HISTO``) the daughter particle 2 is tagged with an ′S′ standing for “secondary”. When
a particle decays, its coordinates D, Y , T, Z, P, s, time at the decay point are stored in ``FDES`` (J, I), J = 1, 7.
* A note on negative drifts* :
The use of negative drifts with ``MCDESINT`` is allowed and correct. For instance, negative drifts may occur in a structure
for some of the particles when using ``CHANGREF`` (due to the Z-axis rotation or a negative ``XCE``),
or when using ``DRIFT`` with XL < 0. Provision has been made to take it into account during the
``MCDESINT`` procedure, as follows.
If, due to a negative drift, a secondary particle reaches back the decay location of its parent particle, then
the parent particle is “resurrected “ with its original coordinates at that location, the secondary particle is
discarded, and ray-tracing resumes in a regular way for the parent particle which is again allowed to decay,
after the same path length. This procedure is made possible by prior storage of the coordinates of the parent
particles (in array ``FDES`` (J, I)) each time a decay occurs.
Negative steps (``XPAS``< 0) in optical elements are not compatible with ``MCDESINT``.

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