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chernals committed Aug 6, 2020
2 parents 1effe57 + b09b15e commit aebcd41
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Showing 5 changed files with 147 additions and 23 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion zgoubi_metadata/data/elements_yaml/DIPOLES.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ template:
- - N
- AT
- RM
- - subelement1
- - {field_region}
- - KIRD
- - XPAS
Expand Down
32 changes: 22 additions & 10 deletions zgoubi_metadata/data/elements_yaml/OCTUPOLE.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ params:
LAM_S: {type: E, unit: "cm", default: 0, doc: "Exit face fringe field extent"}
NCS: {type: I, default: 0, doc: "UNUSED"}
CS_0: {type: E, default: 0, doc: "Fringe field coefficient C0"}
CS_1: {type: E, default: 1 doc: "Fringe field coefficient C1"}
CS_1: {type: E, default: 1, doc: "Fringe field coefficient C1"}
CS_2: {type: E, default: 0, doc: "Fringe field coefficient C2"}
CS_3: {type: E, default: 0, doc: "Fringe field coefficient C3"}
CS_4: {type: E, default: 0, doc: "Fringe field coefficient C4"}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -61,13 +61,25 @@ doc: |
.. rubric:: Zgoubi manual description
The meaning of parameters for OCTUPOLE is the same as for QUADRUPO. In fringe field regions the
magnetic field ~B (X, Y,Z) and its derivatives up to fourth order are derived from the scalar potential approximated
to the 8-th order in Y and Z
The meaning of parameters for ``OCTUPOLE`` is the same as for ``QUADRUPO``.
The modelling of the fringe field form factor G(X) is described under QUADRUPO, p. 128.
Outside fringe field regions, or everywhere in sharp edge dodecapole (λE = λS = 0) , ~B(X, Y,Z) in the
magnet is given by
BX = 0
BY = G0(3Y 2 − Z2)Z
BZ = G0(Y 2 − 3Z2) Y
In fringe field regions the magnetic field :math:`\vec{B}(X, Y, Z)` and its derivatives up to fourth order are derived
from the scalar potential approximated to the 6th order in Y and Z
.. math::
V(X,Y,Z) = (G(X) - \frac{G''(X)}{20} (Y^2 + Z^2) + \frac{G'''(X)}{960} (Y^2 + Z^2)^2)(Y^3Z - YZ^3)
with :math:`G_0 = \frac{B_0}{R_0^3}`
The modelling of the fringe field form factor G(X) is described under ``QUADRUPO``, p. 128.
Outside fringe field regions, or everywhere in sharp edge octupole (:math:`λ_E = λ_S = 0`),
:math:`\vec{B}(X, Y, Z)` in the magnet is given by
.. math::
B_X &= 0 \\
B_Y &= G_0 (3 Y^2 − Z^2) Z \\
B_Z &= G_0 (Y^2 − 3 Z^2) Y
57 changes: 49 additions & 8 deletions zgoubi_metadata/data/elements_yaml/QUADRUPO.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ params:
LAM_S: {type: E, unit: "cm", default: 0, doc: "Exit face fringe field extent"}
NCS: {type: I, default: 0, doc: "UNUSED"}
CS_0: {type: E, default: 0, doc: "Fringe field coefficient C0"}
CS_1: {type: E, default: 1 doc: "Fringe field coefficient C1"}
CS_1: {type: E, default: 1, doc: "Fringe field coefficient C1"}
CS_2: {type: E, default: 0, doc: "Fringe field coefficient C2"}
CS_3: {type: E, default: 0, doc: "Fringe field coefficient C3"}
CS_4: {type: E, default: 0, doc: "Fringe field coefficient C4"}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -55,16 +55,57 @@ template:

doc: |
Quadrupole magnet
.. rubric:: Zgoubi manual description
The length of the magnet XL is the distance between the effective field boundaries (EFB), Fig. 35. The field
at the pole tip R0 is B0. The extent of the entrance (exit) fringe field is characterized by λE(λS). The distance of ray-tracing on both sides of the EFBs, in the field fall off regions,
The length of the magnet XL is the distance between the effective field boundaries (EFB), Fig. 35. The field at the pole tip R0 is B0.
The extent of the entrance (exit) fringe field is characterized by :math:`\lambda_E` (:math:`\lambda_S`). The distance of ray-tracing on both sides of the EFBs, in the field fall off regions,
will be ± XE at the entrance, and ± XS at the exit (Fig. 35), by prior and further automatic change of frame.
In the fringe field regions [−XE,XE] and [−XS,XS] on both sides of the EFBs, ~B (X, Y,Z) and its derivatives
up to fourth order are calculated at each step of the trajectory from the analytical expressions of the
three components BX, BY , BZ obtained by differentiation of the scalar potential (see section 1.3.7) expressed
to the 8th order in Y and Z.
In the fringe field regions [−XE,XE] and [−XS,XS] on both sides of the EFBs, :math:`\vec{B}(X, Y, Z)` and its derivatives up to fourth
order are calculated at each step of the trajectory from the analytical expressions of the three components
BX, BY , BZ obtained by differentiation of the scalar potential (see section 1.3.7) expressed to the 8th order in Y and Z.
.. math::
V(X,Y,Z) = (G(X) - \frac{G''(X)}{12} (Y^2 + Z^2) + \frac{G''''(X)}{384} (Y^2 + Z^2)^2 - \frac{G''''''(X)}{23040} (Y^2 + Z^2)^3) YZ \\
G^{(n)} &= \frac{d^n G(X)}{dX^n} \\
where G(X) is the gradient on axis
.. math::
G(X) = \frac{G_0}{1 + exp P(d(X))}
with :math:`G_0 = \frac{B_0}{R_0}`
.. math::
P(d) = C_0 + C_1 (\frac{d}{\lambda}) + C_2 (\frac{d}{\lambda})^2 + C_3 (\frac{d}{\lambda})^3 + C_4 (\frac{d}{\lambda})^4 + C_5 (\frac{d}{\lambda})^5
where d(X) is the distance to the field boundary and :math:`\lambda` stands for :math:`\lambda_E` or :math:`\lambda_E` (normally, :math:`\lambda` ≃ 2 * R0).
When fringe fields overlap inside the magnet (XL ≤ XE + XS), the gradient G is expressed as
.. math::
G = G_E + G_S - 1
where, :math:`G_E` is the entrance gradient and :math:`G_S` is the exit gradient.
If :math:`\lambda_E` = 0 (:math:`\lambda_S` = 0), the field at entrance (exit) is considered as sharp edged, and then XE(XS) is forced to zero
(for the mere purpose of saving computing time).
Outside of the fringe field regions (or everywhere when :math:`\lambda_E` = :math:`\lambda_S` = 0) :math:`\vec{B}(X, Y, Z)` in the magnet is given
.. math::
B_X &= 0 \\
B_Y &= G_0 Z \\
B_Z &= G_0 Y
27 changes: 23 additions & 4 deletions zgoubi_metadata/data/elements_yaml/SEXTUPOL.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ params:
LAM_S: {type: E, unit: "cm", default: 0, doc: "Exit face fringe field extent"}
NCS: {type: I, default: 0, doc: "UNUSED"}
CS_0: {type: E, default: 0, doc: "Fringe field coefficient C0"}
CS_1: {type: E, default: 1 doc: "Fringe field coefficient C1"}
CS_1: {type: E, default: 1, doc: "Fringe field coefficient C1"}
CS_2: {type: E, default: 0, doc: "Fringe field coefficient C2"}
CS_3: {type: E, default: 0, doc: "Fringe field coefficient C3"}
CS_4: {type: E, default: 0, doc: "Fringe field coefficient C4"}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -61,6 +61,25 @@ doc: |
.. rubric:: Zgoubi manual description
The meaning of parameters for SEXTUPOL is the same as for QUADRUPO.
In fringe field regions the magnetic field ~B (X, Y,Z) and its derivatives up to fourth order are derived from
the scalar potential approximated to 7th order in Y and Z
The meaning of parameters for ``SEXTUPOL`` is the same as for ``QUADRUPO``.
In fringe field regions the magnetic field :math:`\vec{B}(X, Y, Z)` and its derivatives up to fourth order are derived
from the scalar potential approximated to the 6th order in Y and Z
.. math::
V(X,Y,Z) = (G(X) - \frac{G''(X)}{16} (Y^2 + Z^2) + \frac{G''''(X)}{640} (Y^2 + Z^2)^2)(Y^2Z - \frac{Z^3}{3})
with :math:`G_0 = \frac{B_0}{R_0^2}`
The modelling of the fringe field form factor G(X) is described under ``QUADRUPO``, p. 128.
Outside fringe field regions, or everywhere in sharp edge sextupole (:math:`λ_E = λ_S = 0`),
:math:`\vec{B}(X, Y, Z)` in the magnet is given by
.. math::
B_X &= 0 \\
B_Y &= 2 G_0 Y Z \\
B_Z &= G_0 (Y^2 − Z^2)
52 changes: 52 additions & 0 deletions zgoubi_metadata/data/elements_yaml/SOLENOID.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,3 +29,55 @@ doc: |
.. rubric:: Zgoubi manual description
The solenoidal magnet has an effective length XL, a mean radius R0 and an asymptotic field :math:`B_0 = \mu_0 N I /XL`
(i.e., assuming :math:`R_0` << L, \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} B_X(X,r) dX = \mu_0 N I , \forall r < R_0 ), wherein NI = number of ampere-Turns,
:math:`\mu_0 = 4\pi 10-7`. The distance of ray-tracing beyond the effective length XL, is XE at the entrance,
and XS at the exit (Fig. 38).
Two methods are available for the computation of the field :math:`\vec{B}(X, Y, Z)` and its derivatives.
**Method 1**
This is the classical on-axis field model [9]
.. math::
B_X(X, r=0) = \frac{B_0}{2} \left[ \frac{XL /2 - X}{\sqrt{(XL /2 - X)^2 + R_0^2}} + \frac{XL /2 + X}{\sqrt{(XL /2 + X)^2 + R_0^2}} \right]
with X = r = 0 taken at the center of the solenoid. This model assumes that the coil thickness is small
compared to its mean radius R0. In this model, the magnetic length is
.. math::
L_{mag} \equiv \frac{\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} B_X(X,r < R_0) dX}{B_X(X = r = 0)} = XL \sqrt{ 1 + \frac{4R_0^2}{XL^2}} > XL
with in addition
.. math::
B_X(center) \equiv B_X(X = r = 0) = \frac{\mu_0 N I}{XL \sqrt{ 1 + \frac{4R_0^2}{XL^2}}} \xrightarrow{R_0 << XL} \frac{\mu_0 N I}{ XL}
From eq. 6.3.27, the field and its derivatives at all (X, Y,Z) are extrapolated (the model validity limit is r < R0),
following the method described in section 1.3.1.
**Method 2**
The computation of the radial, :math:`B_r(X, r)`, and axial :math:`B_X(X, r)` components of the field vector :math:`\vec{B}(X, r)`
(with :math:`r = (Y^2 + Z^2)^{1/2}`) follows the technique in Ref. [61], namely, constructing :math:`B_r(X, r)`, and :math:`B_X(X, r)` from
.. math::
b_X(X, r) &= \frac{\mu_0 N I}{4\pi}\frac{ck}{r} \chi \left[ K + \frac{r_0 - r}{2r_0} (\Pi - K)\right] \\
b_r(X, r) &= \mu_0 N I\frac{1}{k} \sqrt{\frac{r_0}{r}} \left[ 2(K - E) -k^2 K)\right] \\
wherein K, E and :math:`\Pi` are the three complete elliptic integrals, :math:`\chi` is an X- and XL-dependent quantity, and
.. math::
k = 2 \sqrt{r_0 r} / \sqrt{(r_0 + r)^2 + \chi ^2}; c = 2 \sqrt{r_0 r} / (r_0 + r)
K, E and :math:`\Pi` are computed using fast converging algorithms proposed in the same reference. Their derivatives
are obtained from recursive relations [62], as needed to derive the field derivatives at all (X, Y,Z) (up to second order installed in the code).

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