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New tactic: rewrite equiv
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The main idea is to provide a way to rewrite a procedure call, somewhere
in a program, into a different procedure call, using an equiv.

There is a variant provided to handle cases where the function to be
rewritten to has different arguments and/or left-value than the instance

Syntax and variants:

 - Same arguments:
   `rewrite equiv[{m} p d lem]`

 - Different arguments:
   `rewrite equiv[{m} p d lem (a1, a2, ... :@ lv?)]`


 - `m`: 1 or 2
 - `p`: code position
 - `d`: direction, either `-` or nothing
 - `lem`: equiv for the rewrite
 - `ai`: an expression representing a function argument
 - `lv`: a left-value

For example usage see: `tests/` or instances in the stdlib.
  • Loading branch information
Cameron-Low authored and strub committed Jan 29, 2024
1 parent 4401490 commit ff7b195
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Showing 23 changed files with 449 additions and 842 deletions.
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions examples/ChaChaPoly/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1130,8 +1130,7 @@ section PROOFS.
+ by proc; inline *; auto => /> &2; case: (p{2}).
+ by proc; auto.
by auto; conseq (_: ={RO.m}) => //; sim.
transitivity*{1} { r <@ G3(GenChaChaPoly(OCC(IFinRO))).main(); } => //;1:smt().
+ by symmetry; call (CCP_OCCP IFinRO G3).
rewrite equiv[{1} 1 -(CCP_OCCP IFinRO G3)].
inline *; sim (_: ={, Mem.log, Mem.k} /\{1} = RO.m{2}).
proc; inline *;auto.
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9 changes: 4 additions & 5 deletions examples/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -69,12 +69,11 @@ transitivity D4.sample (true ==> res{1} = finv res{2})
by apply: dinter_uni; rewrite supp_dinter /#.
by rewrite !supp_dinter /#.
proc *.
rewrite equiv [{1} D4_Sample () r () r].
rewrite equiv [{1} D4_6.sampleE_sampleWi () r ((), 5) r].
+ by auto=> />; exact: dinter_ll.
rewrite equiv [{2} D6_Sample () r ((), 5) r]; sim.
rewrite equiv[{1} 1 D4_Sample].
rewrite equiv[{1} 1 D4_6.sampleE_sampleWi ((), 5 :@ r)].
+ by auto; rewrite dinter_ll.
rewrite equiv[{1} 1 -D6_Sample ( :@ r)]; sim.

lemma prD6 : forall k &m, Pr[D6.sample() @ &m : res = k] =
if 1 <= k <= 4 then 1%r/4%r else 0%r.
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions examples/MEE-CBC/CBC.eca
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -187,9 +187,9 @@ section Random_Ideal.
equiv Random_Ideal: Random.enc ~ Ideal.enc: size p{1} = size p{2} ==> ={res}.
rewrite equiv [{2} Sampling.Sample_LoopSnoc_eq (size p + 1) r (size p + 1) c].
+ auto=> /#.
by wp; while (i0{1} = i{2} /\ c{2} = l{1} /\ size p{2} + 1 = n{1}); auto=> /#.
outline {2} [1] { r <@ Sampling.Sample.sample(size p + 1); }.
rewrite equiv[{2} 1 Sampling.Sample_LoopSnoc_eq].
by inline; wp; while (={i} /\ c{1} = l{2} /\ size p{1} + 1 = n{2}); auto=> /#.
end section Random_Ideal.

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141 changes: 0 additions & 141 deletions examples/

This file was deleted.

186 changes: 0 additions & 186 deletions src/
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Expand Up @@ -855,192 +855,6 @@ let process_rewrite1_r ttenv ?target ri tc =
| RWTactic `Field ->
process_algebra `Solve `Field [] tc

| RWEquiv (side, name, (argsl, resl), (argsr, resr)) ->
(* Check which direction we wish to go in *)
let tc = match side with
| `Left -> tc
| `Right -> as_tcenv1 (EcPhlSym.t_equiv_sym tc)

(* Extract the context *)
let env, hyps, goal = FApi.tc1_eflat tc in
let goal = EcFol.destr_equivS goal in

(* Get the symbol of name and retrieve it's equiv *)
let sym_of_name = string_of_qsymbol (unloc name) in
let equiv =
let f =
(* Check if the name is in the local context *)
if LDecl.hyp_exists sym_of_name hyps then
let _, f = LDecl.hyp_by_name sym_of_name hyps in
let _, lem = EcEnv.Ax.lookup (unloc name) env in
assert (List.is_empty lem.ax_tparams);
(* TODO: how do we handle errors? *)
try EcFol.destr_equivF f with
| DestrError _ -> raise (LowRewrite.RewriteError LRW_NothingToRewrite)
(* Type our res and args in the given memory *)
let sided_env m (p : EcModules.function_) args res =
let subenv = EcEnv.Memory.push_active m env in
let ue = EcUnify.UniEnv.create (Some []) in

let args, ret_ty =
EcTyping.trans_args subenv ue (loc args) p.f_sig (unloc args) in
let res =
EcTyping.transexpcast subenv `InProc ue ret_ty res in

let subs = try EcUnify.UniEnv.close ue with
| EcUnify.UninstanciateUni ->
EcTyping.tyerror ri.pl_loc env EcTyping.FreeTypeVariables in

let sty = f_subst_init ~tu:subs () in
let es = e_subst sty in
( es args, es res)

(* Construct a left value from an expression *)
let lv res =
let as_pvar e =
match e.e_node with
| Evar pv -> (pv, e_ty e)
| _ -> assert false in

match res.e_node with
| Evar pv ->
LvVar (pv, e_ty res)
| Etuple pvs ->
LvTuple ( as_pvar pvs)
| _ -> assert false

let meml = goal.es_ml in
let procl = EcEnv.Fun.by_xpath equiv.ef_fl env in
let argsl, resl = sided_env meml procl argsl resl in
let lvl = lv resl in

let memr = goal.es_mr in
let procr = EcEnv.Fun.by_xpath equiv.ef_fr env in
let argsr, resr = sided_env memr procr argsr resr in
let lvr = lv resr in

(* Construct minimal pre/post conditions for the new intermediate memory *)
(* Note: this only allows overwriting existing memories instead of creating new ones *)
let prpo ml mr args =
(* Extract the conjuncts of the pre-condition that are specific to the left memory *)
let ml_pr = split_sided ml goal.es_pr in
let ml_pr = odfl f_true ml_pr in

let eq_args =
(EcFol.form_of_expr ml (e_tuple args))
(EcFol.form_of_expr mr (e_tuple args)) in

(* Extract all used variables from the pre/post conditions *)
let eqs_pr = EcFol.one_sided_vs ml (f_and goal.es_pr eq_args) in
let eqs_po = EcFol.one_sided_vs ml goal.es_po in

(* Construct equalities between variables in the left memory and the intermediate memory *)
let eqs_pr = List.unique (eqs_pr @ eqs_po) in
let eqs_pr = (fun v -> f_eq (Fsubst.f_subst_mem ml mr v) v) eqs_pr in
let eqs_pr = f_ands eqs_pr in

let eqs_po = List.unique eqs_po in
let eqs_po = (fun v -> f_eq (Fsubst.f_subst_mem ml mr v) v) eqs_po in
let eqs_po = f_ands eqs_po in

f_and eqs_pr (f_and eq_args ml_pr) , eqs_po

(* Construct the proc calls that we want in each transitivity *)
let progl = EcModules.s_call (Some lvl, equiv.ef_fl, argsl) in
let progr = EcModules.s_call (Some lvr, equiv.ef_fr, argsr) in

(* Here we build the chain of transitivity calls, and discharge intermediate goals when possible*)
let tc =
(EcMemory.memtype meml, progl)
(prpo (EcMemory.memory meml) mright argsl)
(goal.es_pr, goal.es_po)
tc in
let p = process_tfocus tc (Some [Some 4,Some 4], None) in
let tc =
(EcMemory.memtype memr, progr)
(goal.es_pr, goal.es_po)
(prpo (EcMemory.memory memr) mleft argsr))
tc in

(* Two more goals (1 and 4) can be solved in general (with the same proof):
- by move=> &1 &2 H; exists var1{1} var2{1} ... varn{1}; move: H => //.
for 4 we use {2}.
let tc =
let ongoal (b : bool) (tc : tcenv1) =
let pl = EcIdent.create "&p1" in
let pr = EcIdent.create "&p2" in
let h = EcIdent.create "__" in
let tc = t_intros_i_1 [pl; pr; h] tc in

let mem, p = if b then (meml, pl) else (memr, pr) in

let goal = FApi.tc1_goal tc in

let tc =
if EcFol.is_exists goal then
(* Pairing up the correct variables for the exists intro *)
let vs, fm = EcFol.destr_exists (FApi.tc1_goal tc) in
let eqsprfm, _ =
let l, r = EcFol.destr_and fm in
if b then l, r else r, l
let eqsfm, _ = destr_and eqsprfm in
let eqsfm = destr_ands ~deep:false eqsfm in
let eqsmp = destr_eq eqsfm in
let eqsmp = (fst_map destr_local) eqsmp in
let exvs = (fun v -> List.assoc v eqsmp) (List.fst vs) in
let exvs = (Fsubst.f_subst_mem (EcMemory.memory mem) p) exvs in

FApi.as_tcenv1 (t_exists_intro_s ( paformula exvs) tc)

t_generalize_hyp ?clear:(Some `Yes) h tc

(fun _ -> true)
(function 0 -> ongoal true | 3 -> ongoal false | _ -> t_id)

let p = process_tfocus tc (Some [Some 6,Some 6], None) in
let pterm =
{ fp_mode = `Implicit;
fp_head = FPNamed (name, None);
fp_args = []; } in
let tc =
(t_seq (EcPhlCall.process_call None pterm) EcPhlAuto.t_auto)
tc in

let p = process_tfocus tc (Some [Some 3, Some 3; Some (-1), Some (-1)], None) in
let tc =
(t_seq (EcPhlInline.process_inline (`ByName (None, None, ([], None)))) ((t_try (t_seq EcPhlAuto.t_auto process_done))))

t_onall process_trivial tc

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let process_rewrite1 ttenv ?target ri tc =
EcCoreGoal.reloc (loc ri) (process_rewrite1_r ttenv ?target ri) tc
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/
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Expand Up @@ -214,6 +214,7 @@ and process1_phl (_ : ttenv) (t : phltactic located) (tc : tcenv1) =
| Pprbounded -> EcPhlPr.t_prbounded true
| Psim (cm, info) -> EcPhlEqobs.process_eqobs_in cm info
| Ptrans_stmt info -> EcPhlTrans.process_equiv_trans info
| Prw_equiv info -> EcPhlRwEquiv.process_rewrite_equiv info
| Psymmetry -> EcPhlSym.t_equiv_sym
| Peager_seq infos -> curry3 EcPhlEager.process_seq infos
| Peager_if -> EcPhlEager.process_if
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