- Git (1.7+)
- Mercurial (1.6+)
- Ruby (1.9 recommended) and RubyGems
- Vim (7.3+)
- Tree
Optional, but recommended:
The bootstrapper depends on three things: ruby, rake, and bundler. Assuming you
have ruby and ruby gems installed on your system: gem install rake bundler
$ zsh < <( curl https://raw.github.com/gf3/dotfiles/master/bootstrap.sh )
Don't worry, all your old files will be backed up!
Run the bootstrapper again!
$ ~/.dotfiles/bootstrap.sh
Overview of the vim setup. Sensible defaults for all the things!
Reference to vim mappings.
Toggle invisibles.,ls
Show buffers (same as:buffers
Toggle paste mode.,qs
Toggle search highlight.,qq
Close Quickfix window (think Ack.vim).,rp
Toggle Rainbow Parenthesis.,ss
Strip all trailing whitespace in buffer.,W
Sudo write!Y
Yank from cursor to end of line (same asy$
Replace word under cursor.,]
Indent current block.,[
Outdent current block.,⏎
Insert newline.'
Actually calls`
for better mark jumping (line + column).J
Join lines and restore cursor position.
Some handy aliases for hard to type things that I use often:
As well ↑
, ↓
, ⏎
, and ⎋
may be used in completions menus. <PageUp>
and <PageDown>
work in both insert and command mode.
Increase split size.-
Decrease split size.^j
Go to split below.^k
Go to split above.^h
Go to split left.^l
Go to split right.
Preview markdown buffer with Github styles.,mf
Render markdown buffer to html in a file.,mt
Render markdown buffer to html in a tab.
Alias to:w
because I'm always typing it.
Installed plugins and syntax files.
- Ack
- Clojure
- Cocoa
- CoffeeScript
- CSS-color
- CtrlP
- Fish
- Gist
- Haml
- Handlebars
- Histwin
- Indent Guides
- Jade
- Javascript
- Markdown
- Nerdcommenter
- Nu
- Pastie
- Powerline
- Pathogen
- Racket
- Rails
- Rainbow Parenthesis
- Repeat
- Ruby
- Slim
- Snipmate
- Stylus
- Surround
Rudimentary support for vim on the iPad has been added via usage of the
value. In this mode <Tab>
is <Esc>
and ,<Tab>
Most of the shell junk is setup to work in both zsh and bash. Bash users should see .bash_profile and .bash_prompt.
Check out .aliases
Additional useful scripts bundled:
- ack
- bookmarklet
A modified version of Menlo is available in .fonts
for use with powerline.vim.
I've included some handy git script additions as well as configution changes. Have a look at .gitconfig to see various aliases and settings.
Additional scripts (see .scripts directory for source):
- git-publish-branch
- git-rank-contributors
- git-rbranch
- git-review
- git-show-merges
- git-wtf
Sensible configurations exist for:
- Ack
- Awesome Print
- RubyGems
- Git
- Vim
- GVim / MacVim