Releases: rudrathegreat/astral-website
This release has the following changes -
- Glitch effect on home page scrapped (temporarily)
- Code of Conduct section
- Revamped mobile responsiveness
- New content
- Better cohesion
- Refactoring and bug fixes
Still need to add -
- Contact and Apply form
- More sections for teacher resources
- Alumni/Work Experience section
- ASTRALite produced graphics
Full Changelog: v0.5...v0.6
This release has the following changes -
- Updated content
- Revamped mobile responsiveness throughout the website
- Major bug fixes across the website
This now includes the first publicly available tool from ASTRAL, called SNRCalc, a tool to help estimate the Signal-to-Noise ratio of any signal using any telescope. This webpage is mobile responsive.
The webpages for each of the projects are now complete, and it is now just a matter of maintaining them over time. However, these webpages are currently not mobile-responsive.
Major bug fixes in the mobile responsiveness and lack of certain content on webpages.
Now will work upon new webpages for the website and making it ready for deployment.
With this, the majority of the website is up and running with mobile responsiveness achieved on all webpages.
There may still be plenty of bugs still present in the website that will be fixed.