Releases: runescapejon/AdventureBackpack2
AdventureBackpack 1.7.10-h12
More fixes to packets handling
This should fix extremally rare cases when players were disconnected from the server while performing actions with wearable packs right at the time of its death. And some more.
AdventureBackpack 1.7.10-h11
Fixed NPE in wearable mode packet
AdventureBackpack 1.7.10-h10
Added Russian translation based on @pingvikin work
Fixed WAILA hard dependency
Fixed visual glitch when Shift+Q Lava Crystal, #134
AdventureBackpack 1.7.10-h9
Fixed crash with Battlegear2 slots and Tool Slot
Protip: using Tool Slot you can put TiCo tool into the Battlegear slots
AdventureBackpack 1.7.10-h8
Added Backpack Types localizable, requested #110
Fixed bug with Backpack death place made in previous update
This is the last 1.7.10 release adding functionality. From this moment I'm focused on porting to 1.12.2. Bugs will still be fixed as reports are received.
AdventureBackpack 1.7.10-h7
Fixed WAILA icon for backpack types
Fixed "flickering" tooltips on heavy modpacks
Added animated tooltip ;)
Added inventory transfer from ingredient backpack to crafted backpack, #128
There are some limitations, like if you override recipe by MineTweaker, transfer won't work.
AdventureBackpack 1.7.10-h5
Mostly technical update, rearranged code and fixed few minor bugs here and there
AdventureBackpack 1.7.10-h4
Added config to respect Thaumcraft GUI and do not overlap it by status overlay
Added support for TiCo ranged weapons and ammo
Fixed CraftResult sync
Fixed rotation angle for some Gregtech tools
AdventureBackpack 1.7.10-h3a
Fixed Server crash, #122
Fixed TiCo tools maintenance on servers
AdventureBackpack 1.7.10-h2
Fixed Squid backpack correctly detects if player is under water
Another try to fix rare NPE in GuiOverlay, Darkona#130, GTNewHorizons/GT-New-Horizons-Modpack#2633
Added config to render boss health bar with given indent from top border