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Trivy Scan for Critical Vulnerabilities #204

Trivy Scan for Critical Vulnerabilities

Trivy Scan for Critical Vulnerabilities #204

Workflow file for this run

name: Trivy Scan for Critical Vulnerabilities
description: "List of image registries to scan"
required: false
default: |
- cron: "0 19 * * *" # Runs every day at 2 PM EST (7 PM UTC)
types: [opened, synchronize] # Triggers on PR open and when commits are pushed to the PR
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout code
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Install Helm
run: |
curl | bash
- name: Render Helm Chart to YAML
id: render-helm
run: |
cd charts/runwhen-local
# Parse the Chart.yaml file to extract repositories
yq eval '.dependencies[] | .repository' Chart.yaml | while read -r repo; do
name=$(echo $repo | sed 's|https://||' | sed 's|http://||' | awk -F'/' '{print $1}')
echo "Adding Helm repository $name with URL $repo"
helm repo add $name $repo || true
# Update the Helm repo index
helm repo update
# Build dependencies and render the Helm chart to YAML
helm dependency build
helm template . --set runner.enabled=true > ../../rendered_chart.yaml
echo "Rendered Helm chart to YAML in ../../rendered_chart.yaml."
- name: Verify Rendered YAML File
run: |
if [ -f "rendered_chart.yaml" ]; then
echo "Rendered YAML file exists."
echo "Rendered YAML file does not exist!"
exit 1
- name: Extract Images from Rendered YAML
id: extract-images
run: |
# Extract image lines and remove leading/trailing quotes or unnecessary text
grep -E "image:|\"image:" rendered_chart.yaml | sed -e 's/.*image: *//' -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//' > registries.txt
sort -u registries.txt -o registries.txt
echo "Images extracted from Helm chart:"
cat registries.txt
echo "Total images found: $(wc -l < registries.txt)"
- name: Add Workflow Input Registries
id: add-input-registries
run: |
# Add additional registries specified in workflow inputs
echo "${{ github.event.inputs.registries }}" | sed 's/- /\n/g' | sed 's/^ *//;s/ *$//' >> registries.txt
sort -u registries.txt -o registries.txt
echo "Combined list of registries:"
cat registries.txt
echo "Total registries found: $(wc -l < registries.txt)"
- name: Install latest Trivy
run: |
TRIVY_VERSION=$(curl -s | jq -r .tag_name)
sudo dpkg -i trivy_${STRIPPED_VERSION}_Linux-64bit.deb
- name: Verify registry entries and file reading
run: |
echo "Reading registries from registries.txt:"
while IFS= read -r registry || [[ -n "$registry" ]]; do
echo "Registry: '$registry'"
done < registries.txt
- name: Scan each registry and aggregate results
id: trivy-scan
run: |
# Initialize an empty JSON array for aggregated results
echo '{"Vulnerabilities": []}' > aggregated_results.json
while IFS= read -r registry || [[ -n "$registry" ]]; do
echo "Scanning registry: '$registry'..."
if [[ -z "$registry" ]]; then
echo "Error: Empty registry value detected. Skipping..."
# Run Trivy scan and log output
trivy image --severity CRITICAL --ignore-unfixed --scanners vuln --format json "$registry" > trivy_result.json
echo "Trivy scan result for '$registry':"
# Check if Trivy output was generated and contains vulnerabilities
if [[ ! -s trivy_result.json ]]; then
echo "Error: Trivy scan failed for '$registry'. Skipping..."
# Safely handle null values in the Trivy output and log intermediate JSON
jq --arg registry "$registry" '.Results[]?.Vulnerabilities? // [] | .[] |= . + {"Registry": $registry}' trivy_result.json > vulnerabilities.json
echo "Processed vulnerabilities for '$registry':"
cat vulnerabilities.json
# Merge the current results with the aggregated results, ensuring a flat array
jq '.Vulnerabilities += input' aggregated_results.json vulnerabilities.json > temp.json
mv temp.json aggregated_results.json
# Log the aggregated results so far
echo "Aggregated results after processing '$registry':"
done < registries.txt
- name: Calculate aggregated metric
id: calculate-metrics
run: |
echo "Calculating total Critical vulnerabilities..."
critical_count=$(jq '.Vulnerabilities | map(select(.Severity == "CRITICAL")) | length' aggregated_results.json)
echo "Total Critical vulnerabilities: $critical_count"
echo "critical_count=$critical_count" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: Upload aggregated results
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
name: trivy_aggregated_results
path: aggregated_results.json
- name: Display total critical vulnerabilities
run: |
echo "Total Critical vulnerabilities: ${{ env.critical_count }}"
- name: Generate summary report in table format
id: generate-summary
run: |
# Generate a summary report in table format
jq -r 'def group_vulns:
reduce .Vulnerabilities[] as $v ({};
.[$v.VulnerabilityID + "@" + $v.InstalledVersion + "@" + $v.FixedVersion] += [{
"Registry": $v.Registry,
"VulnerabilityID": $v.VulnerabilityID,
"InstalledVersion": $v.InstalledVersion,
"FixedVersion": $v.FixedVersion,
"Severity": $v.Severity
group_vulns |
to_entries | map(.value) | flatten |
unique_by(.VulnerabilityID, .InstalledVersion, .FixedVersion) |
sort_by(.Registry) |
(["Registry", "Vulnerability ID", "Installed Version", "Fixed Version", "Severity"] | (., map(length*"-"))),
(.[] | [.Registry, .VulnerabilityID, .InstalledVersion, .FixedVersion, .Severity]) |
@tsv' aggregated_results.json | column -t -s $'\t'