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Encoded/decoded functions explicit encoding/decoding of arguments
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We go very explicit here and assume that all Luerl functions require
their arugments to be explicitly encoded and return values
decoded. This is still a test version.
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rvirding committed Oct 28, 2024
1 parent 37991d1 commit bede967
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Showing 6 changed files with 178 additions and 156 deletions.
116 changes: 63 additions & 53 deletions src/luerl.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -169,15 +169,20 @@ call_chunk(C, As, St0) ->

call_function(Fp, As, St0) ->
%% Encode the input arguments.
%% file:write_file("/Users/rv/lt", io_lib:format("cfp ~p\n", [Fp]), [append]),
{Lfp,St1} = encode_list(Fp, St0),
{Las,St2} = encode_list(As, St1),
%% Find the function definition and call function.
%% file:write_file("/Users/rv/lt", io_lib:format("cfa ~p\n", [{Lfp,Las}]), [append]),
{Lrs,St3} = call_function1(Lfp, Las, St2),
%% file:write_file("/Users/rv/lt", io_lib:format("cfl ~p\n", [Lrs]), [append]),
Rs = decode_list(Lrs, St3),
%% file:write_file("/Users/rv/lt", io_lib:format("cfr ~p\n", [Rs]), [append]),

call_function1(Lfp, Las, St0) when is_list(Lfp) ->
{F,St1} = luerl_emul:get_table_keys(Lfp, St0),
%% file:write_file("/Users/rv/lt", io_lib:format("cf1 ~p\n", [F]), [append]),
luerl_emul:functioncall(F, Las, St1);
call_function1(F, Las, St) ->
luerl_emul:functioncall(F, Las, St).
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -344,44 +349,38 @@ encode(false, St) -> {false,St};
encode(true, St) -> {true,St};
encode(B, St) when is_binary(B) -> {B,St};
encode(A, St) when is_atom(A) -> {atom_to_binary(A, utf8),St};
encode(N, St) when is_number(N) -> {N,St}; %Integers and floats
encode(N, St) when is_number(N) -> {N,St}; %Integers and floats
encode(F, St) when ?IS_MAP(F) -> encode(maps:to_list(F), St);
encode(L, St0) when is_list(L) ->
{Es,{_,St1}} = lists:mapfoldl(fun ({K0,V0}, {I,S0}) ->
{K1,S1} = encode(K0, S0),
{V1,S2} = encode(V0, S1),
(V0, {I,S0}) ->
{V1,S1} = encode(V0, S0),
end, {1,St0}, L),
%% Encode the table elements in the list.
EncTab = fun ({K0,V0}, {I,S0}) ->
{K1,S1} = encode(K0, S0),
{V1,S2} = encode(V0, S1),
(V0, {I,S0}) ->
{V1,S1} = encode(V0, S0),
{Es,{_,St1}} = lists:mapfoldl(EncTab, {1,St0}, L),
{T,St2} = luerl_heap:alloc_table(Es, St1),
{T,St2}; %No more to do for now
{T,St2}; %No more to do for now
encode(F, St) when is_function(F, 2) ->
F1 = fun(Args, State) ->
Args1 = decode_list(Args, State),
{Res, State1} = F(Args1, State),
encode_list(Res, State1)
F1 = fun(Args, State) -> F(Args, State) end,
{#erl_func{code=F1}, St};
encode(F, St) when is_function(F, 1) ->
F1 = fun(Args, State) ->
Args1 = decode_list(Args, State),
Res = F(Args1),
encode_list(Res, State)
F1 = fun(Args, State) -> Res = F(Args), {Res,State} end,
{#erl_func{code=F1}, St};
encode({M,F,A}, St) when is_atom(M) and is_atom(F) ->
{#erl_mfa{m=M,f=F,a=A}, St};
encode({userdata,Data}, St) ->
luerl_heap:alloc_userdata(Data, St);
% Table refs should not be re-encoded
encode(#tref{}=T, St) ->
case luerl_heap:chk_table(T, St) of
ok -> {T, St};
error -> error(badarg)
encode(_, _) -> error(badarg). %Can't encode anything else
%% % Table refs should not be re-encoded
%% encode(#tref{}=T, St) ->
%% case luerl_heap:chk_table(T, St) of
%% ok -> {T, St};
%% error -> error(badarg)
%% end;
encode(Term, _) -> error({badarg,Term}). %Can't encode anything else

%% decode_list([LuerlTerm], State) -> [Term].
%% decode(LuerlTerm, State) -> Term.
Expand All @@ -398,42 +397,53 @@ decode(nil, _, _) -> nil;
decode(false, _, _) -> false;
decode(true, _, _) -> true;
decode(B, _, _) when is_binary(B) -> B;
decode(N, _, _) when is_number(N) -> N; %Integers and floats
decode(N, _, _) when is_number(N) -> N; %Integers and floats
decode(#tref{}=T, St, In) ->
decode_table(T, St, In);
decode(#usdref{}=U, St, _) ->
decode_userdata(U, St);
decode(#funref{}=Fun, State, _) ->
F = fun(Args) ->
{Args1, State1} = encode_list(Args, State),
{Ret, State2} = luerl_emul:functioncall(Fun, Args1, State1),
decode_list(Ret, State2)
F; %Just a bare fun
decode(#erl_func{code=Fun}, _, _) -> Fun;
decode(#erl_mfa{m=M,f=F,a=A}, _, _) -> {M,F,A};
decode(_, _, _) -> error(badarg). %Shouldn't have anything else
decode(#usdref{}=U, St, In) ->
decode_userdata(U, St, In);
decode(#funref{}=Fun, St, In) ->
decode_luafunc(Fun, St, In);
decode(#erl_func{}=Fun, St, In) ->
decode_erlfunc(Fun, St, In);
decode(#erl_mfa{}=Mfa, St, In) ->
decode_erlmfa(Mfa, St, In);
decode(Lua, _, _) -> error({badarg,Lua}). %Shouldn't have anything else

decode_table(#tref{i=N}=T, St, In0) ->
case lists:member(N, In0) of
true -> error({recursive_table,T}); %Been here before
false ->
In1 = [N|In0], %We are in this as well
case luerl_heap:get_table(T, St) of
#table{a=Arr,d=Dict} ->
Fun = fun (K, V, Acc) ->
[{decode(K, St, In1),decode(V, St, In1)}|Acc]
Ts = ttdict:fold(Fun, [], Dict),
array:sparse_foldr(Fun, Ts, Arr);
_Undefined -> error(badarg)
true -> error({recursive_table,T}); %Been here before
false ->
In1 = [N|In0], %We are in this as well
case luerl_heap:get_table(T, St) of
#table{a=Arr,d=Dict} ->
Fun = fun (K, V, Acc) ->
[{decode(K, St, In1),decode(V, St, In1)}|Acc]
Ts = ttdict:fold(Fun, [], Dict),
array:sparse_foldr(Fun, Ts, Arr);
_Undefined -> error(badarg)

decode_userdata(U, St) ->
decode_userdata(U, St, _In) ->
{#userdata{d=Data},_} = luerl_heap:get_userdata(U, St),

decode_luafunc(Fun, _St, _In) ->
io:format("dec ~p\n", [Fun]),
fun(Args, State) ->
luerl_emul:functioncall(Fun, Args, State)

decode_erlfunc(#erl_func{code=Fun}=Ef, _St, _In) ->
io:format("dec ~p\n", [Ef]),
Fun. %Just the bare fun

decode_erlmfa(#erl_mfa{m=Mod,f=Func,a=Arg}=Mfa, _St, _In) ->
io:format("mfa ~p\n", [Mfa]),

%% Externalize and Internalize ensure that the VM state passed in
%% can be stored externally or can be recreated from external storage.
%% Currently very simple: only random state needs special treatment.
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/luerl_emul.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -304,15 +304,15 @@ load_chunk_i(I, Funrs, St) -> {I,Funrs,St}.

call(Func, St) -> call(Func, [], St).

call(#funref{}=Funref, Args, St0) -> %Lua function
call(#funref{}=Funref, Args, St0) -> %Lua function
{Ret,St1} = functioncall(Funref, Args, St0),
%% Should do GC here.
call(#erl_func{}=Func, Args, St0) -> %Erlang function
call(#erl_func{}=Func, Args, St0) -> %Erlang function
{Ret,St1} = functioncall(Func, Args, St0),
%% Should do GC here.
call(#erl_mfa{}=Func, Args, St0) -> %Erlang function as MFA triplet
call(#erl_mfa{}=Func, Args, St0) -> %Erlang function as MFA triplet
{Ret,St1} = functioncall(Func, Args, St0),

Expand Down
65 changes: 35 additions & 30 deletions src/luerl_new.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -378,30 +378,25 @@ encode(L, St0) when is_list(L) ->
{T,St2} = luerl_heap:alloc_table(Es, St1),
{T,St2}; %No more to do for now
encode(F, St) when is_function(F, 2) ->
F1 = fun(Args, State) ->
Args1 = decode_list(Args, State),
{Res, State1} = F(Args1, State),
encode_list(Res, State1)
F1 = fun(Args, State) -> F(Args, State) end,
io:format("enc ~p\n", [#erl_func{code=F1}]),
{#erl_func{code=F1}, St};
encode(F, St) when is_function(F, 1) ->
F1 = fun(Args, State) ->
Args1 = decode_list(Args, State),
Res = F(Args1),
encode_list(Res, State)
F1 = fun(Args, State) -> Res = F(Args), {Res,State} end,
io:format("enc ~p\n", [#erl_func{code=F1}]),
{#erl_func{code=F1}, St};
encode({M,F,A}, St) when is_atom(M) and is_atom(F) ->
io:format("enc ~p\n", [#erl_mfa{m=M,f=F,a=A}]),
{#erl_mfa{m=M,f=F,a=A}, St};
encode({userdata,Data}, St) ->
luerl_heap:alloc_userdata(Data, St);
% Table refs should not be re-encoded
encode(#tref{}=T, St) ->
case luerl_heap:chk_table(T, St) of
ok -> {T, St};
error -> error(badarg)
encode(_, _) -> error(badarg). %Can't encode anything else
%% % Table refs should not be re-encoded
%% encode(#tref{}=T, St) ->
%% case luerl_heap:chk_table(T, St) of
%% ok -> {T, St};
%% error -> error(badarg)
%% end;
encode(Term, _) -> error({badarg,Term}). %Can't encode anything else

%% decode_list([LuerlTerm], State) -> [Term].
%% decode(LuerlTerm, State) -> Term.
Expand All @@ -421,18 +416,15 @@ decode(B, _, _) when is_binary(B) -> B;
decode(N, _, _) when is_number(N) -> N; %Integers and floats
decode(#tref{}=T, St, In) ->
decode_table(T, St, In);
decode(#usdref{}=U, St, _) ->
decode_userdata(U, St);
decode(#funref{}=Fun, State, _) ->
F = fun(Args) ->
{Args1, State1} = encode_list(Args, State),
{Ret, State2} = luerl_emul:functioncall(Fun, Args1, State1),
decode_list(Ret, State2)
F; %Just a bare fun
decode(#erl_func{code=Fun}, _, _) -> Fun;
decode(#erl_mfa{m=M,f=F,a=A}, _, _) -> {M,F,A};
decode(_, _, _) -> error(badarg). %Shouldn't have anything else
decode(#usdref{}=U, St, In) ->
decode_userdata(U, St, In);
decode(#funref{}=Fun, St, In) ->
decode_luafunc(Fun, St, In);
decode(#erl_func{}=Fun, St, In) ->
decode_erlfunc(Fun, St, In);
decode(#erl_mfa{}=Mfa, St, In) ->
decode_erlmfa(Mfa, St, In);
decode(Lua, _, _) -> error({badarg,Lua}). %Shouldn't have anything else

decode_table(#tref{i=N}=T, St, In0) ->
case lists:member(N, In0) of
Expand All @@ -450,10 +442,23 @@ decode_table(#tref{i=N}=T, St, In0) ->

decode_userdata(U, St) ->
decode_userdata(U, St, _In) ->
{#userdata{d=Data},_} = luerl_heap:get_userdata(U, St),

decode_luafunc(Fun, _St, _In) ->
io:format("dec ~p\n", [Fun]),
fun(Args, State) ->
luerl_emul:functioncall(Fun, Args, State)

decode_erlfunc(#erl_func{code=Fun}=Ef, _St, _In) ->
io:format("dec ~p\n", [Ef]),
Fun. %Just the bare fun

decode_erlmfa(#erl_mfa{m=Mod,f=Func,a=Arg}=Mfa, _St, _In) ->
io:format("mfa ~p\n", [Mfa]),

%% Externalize and Internalize ensure that the VM state passed in
%% can be stored externally or can be recreated from external storage.
Expand Down

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