nxs-universal-chart is a Helm chart you can use to install any of your applications into Kubernetes/OpenShift and other orchestrators compatible with native Kubernetes API.
- Flexible way to deploy your applications.
- Supported any Ingress controllers (Ingress Nginx, Traefik).
- Supported basic Istio resources (Gateway, VirtualService, DestinationRule).
- Easy way to template any custom resource with extraDeploy feature.
- Supported Kubernetes versions (<1.23/1.24/1.25/1.26/1.27/1.28/1.29/1.30) and OpenShift versions (3.11/<4.8/4.9/4.11/4.12/4.13).
- Supported Helm versions (2/3)
- Development
- DevOps engineers
Who deploy into Kubernetes/OpenShift on regular basis.
To install the chart with the release name my-release
$ helm repo add nixys https://registry.nixys.io/chartrepo/public
$ helm install my-release nixys/nxs-universal-chart -f values.yaml
The command deploys your application with custom values on the Kubernetes/OpenShift cluster. The Parameters section lists the parameters that can be configured during installation. To check deployment examples, please see samples. For additional ways to customize your experience with nxs-universal-chart please check Additional features.
Tip: Get yaml manifests with
helm template
Name | Description | Value |
global.kubeVersion |
Global Override Kubernetes version | "" |
global.helmVersion |
Global Override Helm version | "" |
global.apiVersion.cronJob |
Global Override CronJob API version | "" |
global.apiVersion.deployment |
Global Override Deployment API version | "" |
global.apiVersion.statefulSet |
Global Override StatefulSet API version | "" |
global.apiVersion.ingress |
Global Override Ingress API version | "" |
global.apiVersion.pdb |
Global Override PodDisruptionBudget API version | "" |
global.apiVersion.traefik |
Global Override Traefik resources API version | "" |
global.apiVersion.istioGateway |
Global Override Istio Gateway API version | "" |
global.apiVersion.istioVirtualService |
Global Override Istio VirtualService API version | "" |
global.apiVersion.istioDestinationRule |
Global Override Istio DestinationRule API version | "" |
Name | Description | Value |
generic.labels |
Labels to add to all deployed objects | {} |
generic.annotations |
Annotations to add to all deployed objects | {} |
generic.extraSelectorLabels |
SelectorLabels to add to deployments and services | {} |
generic.podLabels |
Labels to add to all deployed pods | {} |
generic.podAnnotations |
Annotations to add to all deployed pods | {} |
generic.serviceAccountName |
The name of the ServiceAccount to use by workload | [] |
generic.hostAliases |
Pods host aliases to use by workload | [] |
generic.dnsPolicy |
DnsPolicy for workload pods | [] |
generic.priorityClassName |
priorityClassName for workload pods | [] |
generic.volumes |
Array of typed Volumes to add to all deployed workloads | [] |
generic.volumeMounts |
Array of k8s VolumeMounts to add to all deployed workloads | [] |
generic.extraVolumes |
Array of k8s Volumes to add to all deployed workloads | [] |
generic.extraImagePullSecrets |
Array of existing pull secrets to add to all deployed workloads | [] |
generic.usePredefinedAffinity |
Use Affinity presets in all workloads by default | true |
generic.tolerations |
Tolerations to add to all deployed workloads. It's overrided by the specific resource's tolerations | [] |
generic.tolerations.key |
The key that the toleration applies to | "" |
generic.tolerations.operator |
Operator used to compare the key. Allowed values: Exists or Equal |
"" |
generic.tolerations.value |
The value associated with the key, used when the operator is Equal |
"" |
generic.tolerations.effect |
Effect of the toleration. Allowed values: NoSchedule , PreferNoSchedule , NoExecute |
"" |
generic.lifecycle |
lifecycle hooks to add all workloads by default. Properties overridden by the specific resource's | {} |
generic.startupProbe |
startupProbe to add to all workloads by default. Properties overridden by the specific resource's | {} |
generic.readinessProbe |
readinessProbe to add to all workloads by default. Properties overridden by the specific resource's | {} |
generic.livenessProbe |
livenessProbe to add to all workloads by default. Properties overridden by the specific resource's | {} |
generic.podSecurityContext |
podSecurityContext adds securityContext to pod level to all workloads by default. Specific resource's securityContext can override this or merge with it by defining securityContext.mergeWithGeneric with value true . |
{} |
generic.containerSecurityContext |
containerSecurityContext adds securityContext to container level to all containers by default. Specific resource's securityContext can override this or merge with it by defining securityContext.mergeWithGeneric with value true . |
{} |
Name | Description | Value |
kubeVersion |
Override Kubernetes version | "" |
nameOverride |
String to override release name | "" |
envs |
Map of environment variables which will be deplyed as ConfigMap with name RELEASE_NAME-envs |
{} |
envsString |
String with map of environment variables which will be deplyed as ConfigMap with name RELEASE_NAME-envs |
"" |
secretEnvs |
Map of environment variables which will be deplyed as Secret with name RELEASE_NAME-secret-envs |
{} |
secretEnvsString |
String with map of environment variables which will be deplyed as Secret with name RELEASE_NAME-secret-envs |
"" |
imagePullSecrets |
Map of registry secrets in .dockerconfigjson format |
{} |
defaultImage |
Docker image that will be used by default | [] |
defaultImageTag |
Docker image tag that will be used by default | [] |
defaultImagePullPolicy |
Docker image pull policy that will be used by default | "IfNotPresent" |
podAffinityPreset |
Pod affinity preset. Ignored if workload affinity is set. Allowed values: soft or hard |
soft |
podAntiAffinityPreset |
Pod anti-affinity preset. Ignored if workload affinity is set. Allowed values: soft or hard |
soft |
nodeAffinityPreset.type |
Node affinity preset type. Ignored if workload affinity is set. Allowed values: soft or hard |
"" |
nodeAffinityPreset.key |
Node label key to match. Ignored if workload affinity is set |
"" |
nodeAffinityPreset.values |
Node label values to match. Ignored if workload affinity is set |
[] |
extraDeploy |
Map of extra objects (k8s manifests or Helm templates) to deploy with the release. Example | [] |
diagnosticMode.enabled |
Enable diagnostic mode (all probes will be disabled and the command will be overridden) | false |
diagnosticMode.command |
Command to override all containers in the deployment | ["sleep"] |
diagnosticMode.args |
Args to override all containers in the deployment | ["infinity"] |
releasePrefix |
Override prefix for all manifests names. Release name used by default. You should use "-" to make it empty. |
"" |
parentChart.name |
When nxs-universal-chart used as library chart as dependency, parent chart name can be used in label app.kubernetes.io/name and helm.sh/chart instead of xs-universal-char chart values. This is important to uniquely identify app's resources with selector labels. | "" |
parentChart.version |
When nxs-universal-chart used as library chart as dependency, parent chart version can be used in label helm.sh/chart and app.kubernetes.io/version instead of xs-universal-char chart values | "" |
is a map of the Ingress parameters, where key is a hostname (domain) of Ingress.
Name | Description | Value |
name |
Custom name of the ingress, if empty ingress hostname will be used | "" |
labels |
Extra labels for ingress | {} |
annotations |
Extra annotations for ingress | {} |
certManager.issuerName |
CertManager issuer name for ingress TLS | "" |
certManager.issuerType |
CertManager issuer type for ingress TLS | "cluster-issuer" |
ingressClassName |
The name of ingressClass to use | "" |
tlsName |
The name of secret to use for CertManager generated TLS | "" |
hosts |
Array of the ingress hosts objects | [] |
extraTls |
Array of the ingress tls params | [] |
Name | Description | Value |
hostname |
Hostname to serve by ingress, if empty ingress hostname will be used | "" |
paths |
Array of the ingress paths objects | [] |
Name | Description | Value |
path |
URL path | "/" |
pathType |
Type of the ingress path see for details | "Prefix" |
serviceName |
Name of the service to route requests | "" |
servicePort |
Name or number of the service port to route requests | "" |
is a map of the Services parameters, which uses for all Services.
Name | Description | Value |
servicesGeneral.labels |
Labels to add to all services | {} |
servicesGeneral.annotations |
Annotations to add to all services | {} |
is a map of the Service parameters, where key is a name of Service.
Name | Description | Value |
labels |
Extra labels for service | {} |
annotations |
Extra annotations for service | {} |
type |
Type of a service | "" |
loadBalancerIP |
IP of a service with LoadBalancer type | "" |
loadBalancerSourceRanges |
Service Load Balancer sources | [] |
loadBalancerClass |
Service Load Balancer Class | "" |
allocateLoadBalancerNodePorts |
Load Balancer NodePort allocation | true |
externalTrafficPolicy |
Service external traffic policy | "Cluster" |
healthCheckNodePort |
Health check node port (numeric port number) for the service | `` |
externalIPs |
Array of the external IPs that route to one or more cluster nodes | [] |
ports |
Array of the service port objects | [] |
extraSelectorLabels |
Extra selectorLabels for select workload | {} |
clusterIP |
Service clusterIP parameter value | "" |
Name | Description | Value |
name |
Name of the service port | "" |
protocol |
Protocol of the service port | "TCP" |
port |
Service port number | `` |
targetPort |
Service target port number | `` |
nodePort |
Service NodePort number | `` |
is a map of the Deployments parameters, which uses for all Deployments.
Name | Description | Value |
deploymentsGeneral.labels |
Labels to add to all deployments | {} |
deploymentsGeneral.annotations |
Annotations to add to all deployments | {} |
deploymentsGeneral.envsFromConfigmap |
Map of ConfigMaps and envs from it | {} |
deploymentsGeneral.envsFromSecret |
Map of Secrets and envs from it | {} |
deploymentsGeneral.env |
Array of extra environment variables | [] |
deploymentsGeneral.envConfigmaps |
Array of Configmaps names with extra envs | [] |
deploymentsGeneral.envSecrets |
Array of Secrets names with extra envs | [] |
deploymentsGeneral.envFrom |
Array of extra envFrom objects | [] |
deploymentsGeneral.extraVolumes |
Array of k8s Volumes to add to all deployments | [] |
deploymentsGeneral.volumeMounts |
Array of k8s VolumeMounts to add to all deployments | [] |
deploymentsGeneral.affinity |
Affinity for CronJob; replicas pods assignment (ignored if defined on CronJob level) | {} |
deploymentsGeneral.usePredefinedAffinity |
Use Affinity presets in all deployments by default | false |
is a map of the Deployment parameters, where key is a name of the Deployment.
Name | Description | Value |
labels |
Extra labels for deployment | {} |
annotations |
Extra annotations for deployment | {} |
replicas |
Deployment replicas count | 1 |
strategy |
Deployment strategy | {} |
progressDeadlineSeconds |
The maximum time in seconds for a deployment to make progress before it is considered failed | 600 |
extraSelectorLabels |
Extra selectorLabels for deployment | {} |
podLabels |
Extra pod labels for deployment | {} |
podAnnotations |
Extra pod annotations for deployment | {} |
serviceAccountName |
The name of the ServiceAccount to use by deployment | "" |
hostAliases |
Pods host aliases | [] |
affinity |
Affinity for deployment; replicas pods assignment | {} |
securityContext |
Security Context for deployment pods | {} |
dnsPolicy |
DnsPolicy for deployment pods | "" |
priorityClassName |
priorityClassName for deployment pods | "" |
nodeSelector |
Node labels for deployment; pods assignment | {} |
tolerations |
Tolerations for deployment; replicas pods assignment | [] |
imagePullSecrets |
DEPRECATED. Array of existing pull secrets | [] |
extraImagePullSecrets |
Array of existing pull secrets | [] |
terminationGracePeriodSeconds |
Integer setting the termination grace period for the pods | 30 |
initContainers |
Array of the deployment initContainers (container objects) | [] |
containers |
Array of the deployment Containers (container objects) | [] |
volumes |
Array of the deployment typed volume objects | [] |
extraVolumes |
Array of k8s Volumes to add to deployments | [] |
is a map of the StatefulSets parameters, which uses for all StatefulSets.
Name | Description | Value |
statefulSetsGeneral.labels |
Labels to add to all StatefulSets | {} |
statefulSetsGeneral.annotations |
Annotations to add to all StatefulSets | {} |
statefulSetsGeneral.envsFromConfigmap |
Map of ConfigMaps and envs from it | {} |
statefulSetsGeneral.envsFromSecret |
Map of Secrets and envs from it | {} |
statefulSetsGeneral.env |
Array of extra environment variables | [] |
statefulSetsGeneral.envConfigmaps |
Array of Configmaps names with extra envs | [] |
statefulSetsGeneral.envSecrets |
Array of Secrets names with extra envs | [] |
statefulSetsGeneral.envFrom |
Array of extra envFrom objects | [] |
statefulSetsGeneral.extraVolumes |
Array of k8s Volumes to add to all StatefulSets | [] |
statefulSetsGeneral.volumeMounts |
Array of k8s VolumeMounts to add to all StatefulSets | [] |
statefulSetsGeneral.affinity |
Affinity for CronJob; replicas pods assignment (ignored if defined on CronJob level) | {} |
statefulSetsGeneral.usePredefinedAffinity |
Use Affinity presets in all StatefulSets by default | false |
is a map of the StatefulSets parameters, where key is a name of the StatefulSets.
Name | Description | Value |
labels |
Extra labels for statefulSet | {} |
annotations |
Extra annotations for statefulSet | {} |
replicas |
StatefulSet replicas count | 1 |
minReadySeconds |
StatefulSet minReadySeconds | `` |
strategy |
StatefulSet strategy | {} |
extraSelectorLabels |
Extra selectorLabels for statefulSet | {} |
podLabels |
Extra pod labels for statefulSet | {} |
podAnnotations |
Extra pod annotations for statefulSet | {} |
serviceAccountName |
The name of the ServiceAccount to use by statefulSet | "" |
hostAliases |
Pods host aliases | [] |
affinity |
Affinity for statefulSet; replicas pods assignment | {} |
securityContext |
Security Context for statefulSet pods | {} |
dnsPolicy |
DnsPolicy for statefulSet pods | "" |
priorityClassName |
priorityClassName for statefulSet pods | "" |
nodeSelector |
Node labels for statefulSet; pods assignment | {} |
tolerations |
Tolerations for statefulSet; replicas pods assignment | [] |
imagePullSecrets |
DEPRECATED. Array of existing pull secrets | [] |
extraImagePullSecrets |
Array of existing pull secrets | [] |
terminationGracePeriodSeconds |
Integer setting the termination grace period for the pods | 30 |
initContainers |
Array of the statefulSet initContainers (container objects) | [] |
containers |
Array of the statefulSet Containers (container objects) | [] |
volumes |
Array of the statefulSet typed volume objects | [] |
extraVolumes |
Array of k8s Volumes to add to statefulSets | [] |
volumeClaimTemplates |
Array of k8s volumeClaimTemplates to add to statefulSets | [] |
Name | Description | Value |
name |
The name of the container | "" |
image |
Docker image of the container | "" |
imageTag |
Docker image tag of the container | "latest" |
imagePullPolicy |
Docker image pull policy | "IfNotPresent" |
securityContext |
Security Context for container | {} |
command |
Container command override (list or string) | [] |
commandMaxDuration |
Duration of command execution (for jobs and cronJobs only) | `` |
commandDurationAlert |
Create Prometheus Alert on command execution time exceeded (for jobs and cronJobs only) | `` |
args |
Container arguments override | [] |
envsFromConfigmap |
Map of ConfigMaps and envs from it | {} |
envsFromSecret |
Map of Secrets and envs from it | {} |
env |
Array of extra environment variables | [] |
envConfigmaps |
Array of Configmaps names with extra envs | [] |
envSecrets |
Array of Secrets names with extra envs | [] |
envFrom |
Array of extra envFrom objects | [] |
ports |
Array of ports to be exposed from container | [] |
lifecycle |
Containers lifecycle hooks | {} |
livenessProbe |
Liveness probe object for container | {} |
readinessProbe |
Readiness probe object for container | {} |
resources |
The resources requests and limits for container | {} |
volumeMounts |
Array of the k8s Volume mounts | [] |
is a map of the ServiceAccount parameters, which uses for all service accounts and its roles/clusterroles and corresponding bindings.
Name | Description | Value |
serviceAccountGeneral.labels |
Extra labels for all ServiceAccounts | {} |
serviceAccountGeneral.annotations |
Extra annotations for all ServiceAccounts | {} |
is a map of the ServiceAccount parameters, where key is name of the service account.
Name | Description | Value |
labels |
Extra ServiceAccount, role and binding labels | {} |
annotations |
Extra ServiceAccount annotations | {} |
roles |
List of role parameters to create and bind | [] |
clusterRoles |
List of clusterRole parameters to create and bind | [] |
are list of maps of parameters of role/clusterrole. Service account can be created without corresponding roles and bindings.
Name | Description | Value |
name |
Name of role/clusterRole to create/bind | "" |
clusterScope |
If rules not present, for RoleBinding it's possible to bind either Role or ClusterRole (clusterScope=true). This parameter is ignored for clusterRoles and roles with rules. Default value is false | false |
rules |
List of rules for Role/ClusterRole | [] |
If rules is empty then only binding to existing role/clusterRole will be created. If any rules exist then corresponding role/clusterRole will be created and binded to service account.
is a map of the Secret parameters, where key is a name of Secret.
Name | Description | Value |
type |
Secret type | "Opaque" |
labels |
Extra secret labels | {} |
annotations |
Extra secret annotations | {} |
data |
Map of Secret data | {} |
Secret data
object is a map where value can be a string, json or base64 encoded string with prefix b64:
is a map of the SealedSecret parameters, where key is a name of SealedSecret.
Name | Description | Value |
labels |
Extra SealedSecret labels | {} |
annotations |
Extra SealedSecret annotations | {} |
encryptedData |
Map of SealedSecret encrypted data | {} |
is a map of the ConfigMap parameters, where key is a name of ConfigMap.
Name | Description | Value |
labels |
Extra ConfigMap labels | {} |
annotations |
Extra ConfigMap annotations | {} |
data |
Map of ConfigMap data | {} |
is a map of the PersistentVolumeClaim parameters, where key is a name of PersistentVolumeClaim.
Name | Description | Value |
labels |
Extra Persistent Volume Claim labels | {} |
annotations |
Extra Persistent Volume Claim annotations | {} |
accessModes |
Persistent Volume access modes | [] |
volumeMode |
Persistent Volume volume mode | "Filesystem" |
volumeName |
Persistent Volume volume name (if already exists) | `` |
storageClassName |
Persistent Volume Storage Class name | "" |
selector |
Labels selector to further filter the set of volumes | {} |
Name | Description | Value |
type |
Resource type of the volume ("configMap","secret","pvc") | "" |
name |
Name of the resource that will be used with release prefix | "" |
originalName |
Original name of the resource | "" |
items |
Array of volume items | [] |
is a map of the Helm Hooks Jobs parameters, which uses for all Helm Hooks Jobs.
Name | Description | Value |
hooksGeneral.labels |
Extra labels for all Hook Job | {} |
hooksGeneral.annotations |
Extra annotations for all Hook Job | {} |
hooksGeneral.envsFromConfigmap |
Map of ConfigMaps and envs from it | {} |
hooksGeneral.envsFromSecret |
Map of Secrets and envs from it | {} |
hooksGeneral.env |
Array of extra environment variables | [] |
hooksGeneral.envConfigmaps |
Array of Configmaps names with extra envs | [] |
hooksGeneral.envSecrets |
Array of Secrets names with extra envs | [] |
hooksGeneral.envFrom |
Array of extra envFrom objects | [] |
hooksGeneral.parallelism |
How much Jobs can be run in parallel (ignored if defined on Hook level) | 1 |
hooksGeneral.completions |
How much Pods should finish to finish Job (ignored if defined on Hook level) | 1 |
hooksGeneral.activeDeadlineSeconds |
Duration of the Job (ignored if defined on Hook level) | 100 |
hooksGeneral.backoffLimit |
Number of retries before considering a Job as failed (ignored if defined on Hook level) | 6 |
hooksGeneral.ttlSecondsAfterFinished |
TTL for delete finished Hook Job (ignored if defined on Hook level) | 100 |
hooksGeneral.podLabels |
Extra pod labels for Hook Job (ignored if defined on Hook level) | {} |
hooksGeneral.podAnnotations |
Extra pod annotations for Hook Job (ignored if defined on Hook level) | {} |
hooksGeneral.serviceAccountName |
The name of the ServiceAccount to use by Hook Job (ignored if defined on Hook level) | "" |
hooksGeneral.hostAliases |
Pods host aliases (ignored if defined on Hook level) | [] |
hooksGeneral.affinity |
Affinity for Hook Job; replicas pods assignment (ignored if defined on Hook level) | {} |
hooksGeneral.dnsPolicy |
DnsPolicy for Hook Job pods (ignored if defined on Hook level) | "" |
hooksGeneral.extraVolumes |
Array of k8s Volumes to add to all Hook Jobs | [] |
hooksGeneral.volumeMounts |
Array of k8s VolumeMounts to add to all Hook Jobs | [] |
hooksGeneral.usePredefinedAffinity |
Use Affinity presets in all Hook Jobs by default | false |
is a map of the Helm Hooks Jobs parameters, where key is name of the Helm Hook job.
Name | Description | Value |
labels |
Extra Hook Job labels | {} |
annotations |
Extra Hook Job annotations | {} |
kind |
Kind of the Helm Hook | "pre-install,pre-upgrade" |
weight |
Weight of the Helm Hook | "5" |
deletePolicy |
Delete Policy of the Helm Hook | "before-hook-creation" |
parallelism |
How much pods of Jobs can be run in parallel | 1 |
completions |
How much pods should finish to finish Job | 1 |
activeDeadlineSeconds |
Duration of the Job | 100 |
backoffLimit |
Number of retries before considering a Job as failed | 6 |
ttlSecondsAfterFinished |
TTL for delete finished Hook Job | 100 |
podLabels |
Extra pod labels for Hook Job | {} |
podAnnotations |
Extra pod annotations for Hook Job | {} |
serviceAccountName |
The name of the ServiceAccount to use by Hook Job | "" |
hostAliases |
Pods host aliases | [] |
affinity |
Affinity for Hook Job; replicas pods assignment | {} |
securityContext |
Security Context for Hook Job pods | {} |
dnsPolicy |
DnsPolicy for Hook Job pods | "" |
priorityClassName |
priorityClassName for Hook Job pods | "" |
nodeSelector |
Node labels for Hook Job; pods assignment | {} |
tolerations |
Tolerations for Hook Job; replicas pods assignment | [] |
imagePullSecrets |
DEPRECATED. Array of existing pull secrets | [] |
extraImagePullSecrets |
Array of existing pull secrets | [] |
initContainers |
Array of the Hook Job initContainers (container objects) | [] |
containers |
Array of the Hook Job Containers (container objects) | [] |
volumes |
Array of the Hook Job typed volumes | [] |
extraVolumes |
Array of k8s Volumes to add to Hook Job | [] |
restartPolicy |
Restart Policy of the Hook Job | "Never" |
is a map of the CronJobs parameters, which uses for all CronJobs.
Name | Description | Value |
cronJobsGeneral.labels |
Extra labels for all CronJobs | {} |
cronJobsGeneral.annotations |
Extra annotations for all CronJobs | {} |
cronJobsGeneral.envsFromConfigmap |
Map of ConfigMaps and envs from it | {} |
cronJobsGeneral.envsFromSecret |
Map of Secrets and envs from it | {} |
cronJobsGeneral.env |
Array of extra environment variables | [] |
cronJobsGeneral.envConfigmaps |
Array of Configmaps names with extra envs | [] |
cronJobsGeneral.envSecrets |
Array of Secrets names with extra envs | [] |
cronJobsGeneral.envFrom |
Array of extra envFrom objects | [] |
cronJobsGeneral.startingDeadlineSeconds |
Duration for starting all CronJobs (ignored if defined on CronJob level) | `` |
cronJobsGeneral.successfulJobsHistoryLimit |
Limitation of completed jobs should be kept (ignored if defined on CronJob level) | 3 |
cronJobsGeneral.failedJobsHistoryLimit |
Limitation of failed jobs should be kept (ignored if defined on CronJob level) | 1 |
cronJobsGeneral.parallelism |
How much pods of Job can be run in parallel (ignored if defined on CronJob level) | 1 |
cronJobsGeneral.completions |
How much pods should finish to finish Job (ignored if defined on CronJob level) | 1 |
cronJobsGeneral.activeDeadlineSeconds |
Duration of the Job (ignored if defined on CronJob level) | 100 |
cronJobsGeneral.backoffLimit |
Number of retries before considering a Job as failed (ignored if defined on CronJob level) | 6 |
cronJobsGeneral.ttlSecondsAfterFinished |
TTL for delete finished Jobs (ignored if defined on CronJob level) | 100 |
cronJobsGeneral.podLabels |
Extra pod labels for CronJob (ignored if defined on CronJob level) | {} |
cronJobsGeneral.podAnnotations |
Extra pod annotations for CronJob (ignored if defined on CronJob level) | {} |
cronJobsGeneral.serviceAccountName |
The name of the ServiceAccount to use by Job (ignored if defined on CronJob level) | "" |
cronJobsGeneral.hostAliases |
Pods host aliases (ignored if defined on CronJob level) | [] |
cronJobsGeneral.affinity |
Affinity for CronJob; replicas pods assignment (ignored if defined on CronJob level) | {} |
cronJobsGeneral.dnsPolicy |
DnsPolicy for CronJob pods (ignored if defined on CronJob level) | "" |
cronJobsGeneral.extraVolumes |
Array of k8s Volumes to add to all CronJobs | [] |
cronJobsGeneral.volumeMounts |
Array of k8s VolumeMounts to add to all CronJobs | [] |
cronJobsGeneral.usePredefinedAffinity |
Use Affinity presets in all CronJobs by default | false |
is a map of the CronJobs parameters, where key is name of the CronJob.
Name | Description | Value |
labels |
Extra CronJob labels | {} |
annotations |
Extra CronJob annotations | {} |
singleOnly |
Forbid concurrency policy | "false" |
suspend |
Suspend execution of Jobs | false |
schedule |
Cronjob scheduling | `` |
startingDeadlineSeconds |
Duration for starting CronJob | `` |
successfulJobsHistoryLimit |
Limitation of completed jobs should be kept | 3 |
failedJobsHistoryLimit |
Limitation of failed jobs should be kept | 1 |
parallelism |
How much pods of CronJob can be run in parallel | 1 |
completions |
How much pods should finish to finish Job | 1 |
activeDeadlineSeconds |
Duration of the Job | 100 |
backoffLimit |
Number of retries before considering a Job as failed | 6 |
ttlSecondsAfterFinished |
TTL for delete finished CronJob | 100 |
podLabels |
Extra pod labels for CronJob | {} |
podAnnotations |
Extra pod annotations for CronJob | {} |
serviceAccountName |
The name of the ServiceAccount to use by CronJob | "" |
hostAliases |
Pods host aliases | [] |
affinity |
Affinity for CronJob; replicas pods assignment | {} |
securityContext |
Security Context for CronJob pods | {} |
dnsPolicy |
DnsPolicy for CronJob pods | "" |
priorityClassName |
priorityClassName for CronJob pods | "" |
nodeSelector |
Node labels for CronJob; pods assignment | {} |
tolerations |
Tolerations for CronJob; replicas pods assignment | [] |
imagePullSecrets |
DEPRECATED. Array of existing pull secrets | [] |
extraImagePullSecrets |
Array of existing pull secrets | [] |
initContainers |
Array of the CronJob initContainers (container objects) | [] |
containers |
Array of the CronJob Containers (container objects) | [] |
volumes |
Array of the CronJob typed volumes | [] |
extraVolumes |
Array of k8s Volumes to add to CronJob | [] |
restartPolicy |
Restart Policy of the Jobs | "Never" |
is a map of the Jobs parameters, which uses for all Jobs.
Name | Description | Value |
jobsGeneral.labels |
Extra labels for all Job | {} |
jobsGeneral.annotations |
Extra annotations for all Job | {} |
jobsGeneral.envsFromConfigmap |
Map of ConfigMaps and envs from it | {} |
jobsGeneral.envsFromSecret |
Map of Secrets and envs from it | {} |
jobsGeneral.env |
Array of extra environment variables | [] |
jobsGeneral.envConfigmaps |
Array of Configmaps names with extra envs | [] |
jobsGeneral.envSecrets |
Array of Secrets names with extra envs | [] |
jobsGeneral.envFrom |
Array of extra envFrom objects | [] |
jobsGeneral.parallelism |
How much Jobs can be run in parallel (ignored if defined on Job level) | 1 |
jobsGeneral.completions |
How much Pods should finish to finish Job (ignored if defined on Job level) | 1 |
jobsGeneral.activeDeadlineSeconds |
Duration of the Job (ignored if defined on Job level) | 100 |
jobsGeneral.backoffLimit |
Number of retries before considering a Job as failed (ignored if defined on Job level) | 6 |
jobsGeneral.ttlSecondsAfterFinished |
TTL for delete finished Job (ignored if defined on Job level) | 100 |
jobsGeneral.podLabels |
Extra pod labels for Job (ignored if defined on Job level) | {} |
jobsGeneral.podAnnotations |
Extra pod annotations for Job (ignored if defined on Job level) | {} |
jobsGeneral.serviceAccountName |
The name of the ServiceAccount to use by Job (ignored if defined on Job level) | "" |
jobsGeneral.hostAliases |
Pods host aliases (ignored if defined on Job level) | [] |
jobsGeneral.affinity |
Affinity for Job; replicas pods assignment (ignored if defined on Job level) | {} |
jobsGeneral.dnsPolicy |
DnsPolicy for Job pods (ignored if defined on Job level) | "" |
jobsGeneral.extraVolumes |
Array of k8s Volumes to add to all Jobs | [] |
jobsGeneral.volumeMounts |
Array of k8s VolumeMounts to add to all Jobs | [] |
jobsGeneral.usePredefinedAffinity |
Use Affinity presets in all Jobs by default | false |
is a map of the Jobs parameters, where key is a name of the Job.
Name | Description | Value |
labels |
Extra Job labels | {} |
annotations |
Extra Job annotations | {} |
parallelism |
How much pods of Job can be run in parallel | 1 |
completions |
How much pods should finish to finish Job | 1 |
activeDeadlineSeconds |
Duration of the Job | 100 |
backoffLimit |
Number of retries before considering a Job as failed | 6 |
ttlSecondsAfterFinished |
TTL for delete finished Hook Job | 100 |
podLabels |
Extra pod labels for Hook Job | {} |
podAnnotations |
Extra pod annotations for Hook Job | {} |
serviceAccountName |
The name of the ServiceAccount to use by deployment | "" |
hostAliases |
Pods host aliases | [] |
affinity |
Affinity for Hook Job; replicas pods assignment | {} |
securityContext |
Security Context for Hook Job pods | {} |
dnsPolicy |
DnsPolicy for Hook Job pods | "" |
priorityClassName |
priorityClassName for Hook Job pods | "" |
nodeSelector |
Node labels for Hook Job; pods assignment | {} |
tolerations |
Tolerations for Hook Job; replicas pods assignment | [] |
imagePullSecrets |
DEPRECATED. Array of existing pull secrets | [] |
extraImagePullSecrets |
Array of existing pull secrets | [] |
initContainers |
Array of the Hook Job initContainers (container objects) | [] |
containers |
Array of the Hook Job Containers (container objects) | [] |
volumes |
Array of the Hook Job typed volumes | [] |
extraVolumes |
Array of k8s Volumes to add to Hook Job | [] |
restartPolicy |
Restart Policy of the Job | "Never" |
is a map of the Prometheus ServiceMonitor parameters, where key is name of ServiceMonitor.
Name | Description | Value |
labels |
Extra ServiceMonitor labels | {} |
endpoints |
Array of ServiceMonitor endpoints | [] |
extraSelectorLabels |
Extra selectorLabels for select workload | {} |
is a map of the PDB parameters, where key is a name
Name | Description | Value |
labels |
Extra PDB labels | {} |
minAvailable |
Pods that must be available after the eviction | "" |
maxUnavailable |
Pods that can be unavailable after the eviction | "" |
extraSelectorLabels |
Extra selectorLabels for select workload | {} |
is map of HPA parameters, where key is a name
Name | Description | Value |
labels |
Extra HPA labels | {} |
annotations |
Extra HPA annotations | {} |
apiVersion |
apiVersion for HPA object | "autoscaling/v2" |
minReplicas |
minimum replicas for HPA | 2 |
maxReplicas |
maximum replicas for HPA | 3 |
scaleTargetRef |
Required scaleTargetRef object | |
targetCPU |
target CPU utilization percentage | "" |
targetMemory |
target memory utilization percentage | "" |
metrics |
list of custom metrics | [] |
Name | Description | Value |
apiVersion | apiVersion for target HPA object | "apps/v1" |
kind | kind for target HPA object | "Deployment" |
name | Required name of target object | "" |
is map of Issuers parameters, where key is a name
Name | Description | Value |
kind |
issuer type | "ClusterIssuer" |
acme |
map with acme issuerConfig | {} |
ca |
map with ca issuerConfig | {} |
vault |
map with vault issuerConfig | {} |
selfSigned |
map with selfSigned issuerConfig | {} |
venafi |
map with venafi issuerConfig | {} |
is map of certificates parameters, where key is a name according to CertificateSpec
Name | Description | Value |
kind |
issuer type | "ClusterIssuer" |
subject |
list of certificate subject attributes | [] |
literalSubject |
requested certificate subject attributes | "" |
commonName |
requested common name attribute | "" |
duration |
requested lifetime of certificate | "" |
renewBefore |
how long to wait before renewing | "" |
dnsNames |
list of requested dns names | [] |
ipAddresses |
list of requested ip addresses | [] |
uris |
list of requested uris | [] |
emailAddresses |
list of requested email addresses | [] |
secretName |
name of secret to be created for certificate | "" |
secretTemplate |
secretTemplate object | |
keystores |
additionals (certificate keystores)[https://cert-manager.io/docs/reference/api-docs/#cert-manager.io/v1.CertificateKeystores] | [] |
issuerRef |
issuerRef object | |
isCA |
check if certificate is CA on issuing | "" |
usages |
list of requested certificate usages | [] |
privateKey |
set of privatekey options | {} |
encodeUsagesInRequest |
set whether key usage should be encoded | "" |
revisionHistoryLimit |
the number of certificate requests being stored | "" |
additionalOutputFormats |
extra output formats of the private key and signed certificate chain | "" |
Name | Description | Value |
annotations | extra annotations for generated secrets | {} |
labels | extra labels for generated secrets | {} |
Name | Description | Value |
originalName | original name of Issuer resource | "" |
name | name of the resource that will be used with release prefix | "" |
kind | kind of the issuer resource | "" |
group | group of the issuer resource | "" |
, ingressroutesTCP
, ingressroutesUDP
are maps of IngressRoute parameters, where key is a name
Name | Description | Value |
entryPoints |
list of entryPoints names. EntryPoints | [] |
routes |
list of routes. Routes object | [] |
tls |
defines TLS certificate configuration. Only for ingressroutes and ingressroutesTCP. TLS object | {} |
Name | Description | Value |
match | defines the rule corresponding to an underlying router | "" |
priority | defines the priority to disambiguate rules of the same length, for route matching | "" |
middlewares | list of reference to Middleware | [] |
middlewares.name | defines the Middleware name | "" |
middlewares.namespace | defines the Middleware namespace | "" |
services | list of any combination of TraefikService and reference to a Kubernetes service | [] |
services.name | defines the name of the service | "" |
services.namespace | defines the namespace of the service | "" |
services.passHostHeader | defines whether the Host header should be passed to the backend services | true |
services.kind | defines the kind of service (e.g., Service , TraefikService ) |
"" |
services.port | defines the port of the service. This can be a reference to a named port | "" |
services.responseForwarding.flushInterval | defines the interval for flushing response data | "" |
services.scheme | defines the scheme used to communicate with the service (http or https ) |
"" |
services.serversTransport | defines the ServersTransport name. See also ServersTransport reference | "" |
services.sticky.cookie.httpOnly | defines if the sticky cookie is HTTP only | true |
services.sticky.cookie.name | defines the name of the sticky cookie | "" |
services.sticky.cookie.secure | defines if the sticky cookie is secure | true |
services.sticky.cookie.sameSite | defines the sameSite attribute of the sticky cookie (Strict , Lax , None ) |
"" |
services.sticky.cookie.maxAge | defines the maxAge of the sticky cookie | 0 |
services.strategy | defines the load balancing strategy for the service (RoundRobin ) |
"RoundRobin" |
services.weight | defines the weight | 0 |
services.nativeLB | defines if native load balancing is used | false |
Name | Description | Value |
secretName | defines the name of the secret that contains the TLS certificate | "" |
store.name | defines the name of the TLSStore. See also TLSStore | "" |
store.namespace | defines the namespace of the TLSStore. See also TLSStore | "" |
options.name | defines the name of the TLSOption. See also TLSOptions | "" |
options.namespace | defines the namespace of the TLSOption. See also TLSOptions | "" |
certResolver | defines the name of the Certificates Resolver to use. See also Certificate Resolvers | "" |
domains | list of domains for which the certificate should be valid | [] |
passthrough | only for ingressroutesTCP. Defines whether to enable passthrough mode for the TLS connection | false |
, middlewaresTCP
are maps of Middleware parameters, where key is a name
Name | Description | Value |
spec | Defines the specification for the Middleware. See also Middlewares | {} |
, ServersTransportTCP
are maps of ServersTransport parameters, where key is a name
Name | Description | Value |
spec | Defines the specification for the ServersTransport. See also ServersTransport | {} |
is a map of TraefikService parameters, where key is a name
Name | Description | Value |
spec | Defines the specification for the TraefikService. See also TraefikServices | {} |
is a map of TLSOption parameters, where key is a name
Name | Description | Value |
minVersion | defines the minimum TLS version that is acceptable | "" |
maxVersion | defines the maximum TLS version that is acceptable | "" |
curvePreferences | list of the elliptic curves references that will be used in an ECDHE handshake, in preference order | [] |
cipherSuites | list of supported cipher suites for TLS versions up to TLS 1.2 | [] |
clientAuth | determines the server's policy for TLS Client Authentication | {} |
sniStrict | if true, Traefik won't allow connections from clients connections that do not specify a server_name extension | false |
alpnProtocols | list of supported application level protocols for the TLS handshake, in order of preference | [] |
is a map of TLSStore parameters, where key is a name
Name | Description | Value |
certificates | list of Kubernetes Secrets, each of them holding a key/certificate pair to add to the store | [] |
certificates.secretName | name of the secret containing the certificate | "" |
defaultCertificate | name of a Kubernetes Secret that holds the default key/certificate pair for the store | {} |
defaultCertificate.secretName | name of the secret containing the default certificate | "" |
defaultGeneratedCert | defines the default generated certificate settings for the TLSStore | {} |
is a map of Gateway parameters, where key is a name
See more Gateways
Name | Description | Value |
labels | labels to apply | {} |
annotations | annotations to apply | {} |
selector | one or more labels that indicate a specific set of pods on which this gateway configuration should be applied | {} |
servers | a list of server specifications. Servers object | [] |
See more Server
Name | Description | Value |
hosts | one or more hosts exposed by this gateway | [] |
port.name | label assigned to the port | "" |
port.number | a valid non-negative integer port number | "" |
port.protocol | the protocol exposed on the port (HTTP , HTTPS , GRPC , GRPC-WEB , HTTP2 , MONGO , TCP , TLS ) |
"" |
tls | set of TLS related options that govern the server’s behavior | {} |
is a map of VirtualService paramaters, where key is a name
See more VirtualServices
Name | Description | Value |
labels | labels to apply | {} |
annotations | annotations to apply | {} |
hosts | the destination hosts to which traffic is being sent | [] |
gateways | the names of gateways and sidecars that should apply these routes | [] |
http | an ordered list of route rules for HTTP traffic. HTTP object | [] |
tls | an ordered list of route rule for non-terminated TLS & HTTPS traffic. TLS object | [] |
tcp | an ordered list of route rules for opaque TCP traffic | [] |
exportTo | a list of namespaces to which this virtual service is exported | [] |
See more HTTPRoute
Name | Description | Value |
name | the name assigned to the route for debugging purposes | "" |
match | match conditions to be satisfied for the rule to be activated | [] |
route | a HTTP rule can either return a direct_response, redirect or forward (default) traffic | [] |
retries | retry policy for HTTP requests | {} |
fault | fault injection policy to apply on HTTP traffic at the client side | {} |
timeout | timeout for HTTP requests, default is disabled | "" |
rewrite | rewrite HTTP URIs and Authority headers | {} |
corsPolicy | Cross-Origin Resource Sharing policy (CORS) | {} |
See more TLSRoute
Name | Description | Value |
match | match conditions to be satisfied for the rule to be activated | [] |
route | the destination to which the connection should be forwarded to | [] |
is a map of DestinationRule parameters, where key is a name
See more DestinationRules
Name | Description | Value |
labels | labels to apply | {} |
annotations | annotations to apply | {} |
host | the name of a service from the service registry | "" |
trafficPolicy | traffic policies to apply (load balancing policy, connection pool sizes, outlier detection) | {} |
subsets | one or more named sets that represent individual versions of a service. Subsets object | [] |
exportTo | a list of namespaces to which this destination rule is exported | [] |
workloadSelector | criteria used to select the specific set of pods/VMs on which this DestinationRule configuration should be applied. WorkloadSelector object | {} |
See more Subset
Name | Description | Value |
name | name of the subset | "" |
labels | labels apply a filter over the endpoints of a service in the service registry | {} |
trafficPolicy | traffic policies that apply to this subset | {} |
See more Workload Selector
Name | Description | Value |
matchLabels | one or more labels that indicate a specific set of pods on which a policy should be applied | {} |
Following features are already in backlog for our development team and will be done soon:
- Test operability on newer versions of Kubernetes/OpenShift.
- Support for more Pod scheduling options: PodTopologySpread.
- Support for attaching PV and assigning PVC to it.
- Disabling predefined blocks, which are enabled by default.
- Support for popular CRDs, e.g. cert-manager.
- Helm unit-testing.
For support and feedback please contact me:
- telegram: @remelyanov95
- email: [email protected]
For news and discussions subscribe the channels:
- telegram community (news): @nxs_universal_chart
- telegram community (chat): @nxs_universal_chart_chat
nxs-universal-chart is released under the Apache License 2.0.