Prerequisite Git, maven and tomcat should be installed on your machine.
Step to run the application
1 Open terminal
2 Make dir to checkout the code :
In case above URL won't work please go through the below steps
Step 1
First or add an user with administrator access right for Tomcat. To add Tomcat user, edit this file %TOMCAT_PATH%/conf/tomcat-users.xml Assuming user name:admin and password:admin
Step 2
In Maven side, you need to add the same user authentication information in “%MAVEN_PATH%/conf/settings.xml“ tomcat admin admin
Step 3
Declare the tomcat server name in the pom.xml file same as the tomcat server id mentioned in step 2 of mvn settings. org.codehaus.mojo tomcat-maven-plugin tomcat
Technology stack in the project**** Spring MVC Spring AOP
Spring REST client jackson for REST client
spring test junit mockito
jquery client side validaion slf4j over log4j12 for logging Maven for build
maven-compiler-plugin tomcat-maven-plugin