Easily deploy Kubeflow v1.0.2 on existing Kubernetes clusters with 1 command.
Copy and paste the commands:
export KF_NAME=kubeflow-easy-deploy
export BASE_DIR=${HOME}
export KF_DIR=${BASE_DIR}/${KF_NAME}
mkdir -p ${KF_DIR}
cd ${KF_DIR}
wget https://github.com/sachua/kubeflow-easy-deploy/raw/master/kfctl.tar.gz
tar -xvf kfctl.tar.gz
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sachua/kubeflow-manifests/master/kfdef/kfctl_k8s_istio.v1.0.2.yaml
export PATH=$PATH:"${KF_DIR}"
export CONFIG_FILE=${KF_DIR}/kfctl_k8s_istio.v1.0.2.yaml
kfctl apply -V -f ${CONFIG_FILE}
Clone(download) this repository to your
directorygit clone https://github.com/sachua/kubeflow-easy-deploy.git
Run the shell script to pull the Docker images from public Docker registries
bash $HOME/kubeflow-easy-deploy/pull_images.sh
Run the shell script to tag and push the Docker images to your private Docker registry
bash $HOME/kubeflow-easy-deploy/push_images.sh
Choose and deploy the type of Kubeflow deployment you want:
export KF_NAME=kubeflow-easy-deploy export BASE_DIR=${HOME} export KF_DIR=${BASE_DIR}/${KF_NAME} cd ${KF_DIR} tar -xvf kfctl.tar.gz export PATH=$PATH:"${KF_DIR}"
Basic, no-auth Kubeflow
export CONFIG_FILE=${KF_DIR}/kfctl_k8s_istio.v1.0.2.yaml kfctl apply -V -f ${CONFIG_FILE}
Multi-user, auth-enabled Kubeflow
export CONFIG_FILE=${KF_DIR}/kfctl_istio_dex.v1.0.2.yaml kfctl apply -V -f ${CONFIG_FILE}
Multi-user, auth-enabled Kubeflow (Try this if 2nd option does not work)
export CONFIG_FILE=${KF_DIR}/kfctl_istio_nosds_dex.v1.0.2.yaml kfctl apply -V -f ${CONFIG_FILE}
Default credentials are:
Username: [email protected] Password: 12341234
Adding static users:
# Download the dex config kubectl get configmap dex -n auth -o jsonpath='{.data.config\.yaml}' > dex-config.yaml # Edit the dex config with extra users. # The password must be hashed with bcrypt with an at least 10 difficulty level. # You can use an online tool like: https://passwordhashing.com/BCrypt # After editing the config, update the ConfigMap kubectl create configmap dex --from-file=config.yaml=dex-config.yaml -n auth --dry-run -oyaml | kubectl apply -f - # Restart Dex to pick up the changes in the ConfigMap kubectl rollout restart deployment dex -n auth
Refer to LDAP folder to set up an LDAP database and use it with Dex.
cd ${KF_DIR}
kfctl delete -f ${CONFIG_FILE}