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This repos presents the necessary configuration to bootstrap a GKE private cluster, connect to it through bastion VM using Identity-Aware Proxy (IAP) TCP forwarding and deploy the Wundergraph Router using helm Chart.


The terraform code used too bootstrap the infrastructure is based on the Cloud Foundation Fabric

Project Set-up

  1. Initialize Git repo with submodules: git clone --recurse-submodules REPO_URL

  2. Create the GCP project using gcloud for example export PROJECT_NAME=gke-autopilot-wunder && gcloud projects create $PROJECT_NAME.

  3. Create the service account that would be used with terrafrom:

gcloud iam service-accounts create terraform --project=$PROJECT_NAME

gcloud iam service-accounts keys create terraform-private-key.json \
  1. Enable billing account for project:
gcloud services enable --project $PROJECT_NAME
export ACCOUNT_ID=YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID && gcloud beta billing projects link $PROJECT_NAME --billing-account $ACCOUNT_ID`
  1. Set-up required roles for the service account:
export SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL=serviceAccount:[email protected]

  1. Set-up the env variables:

    • using the generated key from step 2 export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/path/to/terraform-private-key.json

    • set-up the google region: export GOOGLE_REGION=europe-west1 and the zone for the bastion vm. export VM_ZONE=$GOOGLE_REGION-b

    • set up project id and region for terraform use:

      export TF_VAR_project_id=$PROJECT_NAME
      export TF_VAR_region=$GOOGLE_REGION
  2. Create terraform plan: terraform init

  3. Initialize terraform plan: terraform plan -out terraplan --var-file=./envs/dev.tfvars

  4. Validate and apply the plan: terraform apply terraplan

  5. Provison required tools for bastion vm using ansible: cd ansible && ansible-playbook -v playbook.yaml

  6. Run command to download the kubernetes cluster config: gcloud container clusters get-credentials wundergaph-cluster --region $GOOGLE_REGION

  7. Get the full ssh command that you need to launch each time to create the IAP proxy enabling communicating with GKE: gcloud compute ssh mgmt --tunnel-through-iap --zone=$VM_ZONE --project=$PROJECT_NAME --dry-run -- -L 8888:localhost:8888 -N -q -f > && chmod +x && echo export HTTPS_PROXY=localhost:8888 >>

    Otherwise run directly gcloud compute ssh mgmt --tunnel-through-iap --zone=$VM_ZONE --project=$PROJECT_NAME -- -L 8888:localhost:8888 -N -q -f and export HTTPS_PROXY=localhost:8888

  8. Create the namespace for deploying the wundergraph router: kubectl create namespace router

  9. Finally, deploy the wundergraph router: helm upgrade router --install --atomic --wait --namespace router ./router

Project tear-down

Run Terrafrom commands:

terraform plan -destroy -out destroyplan --var-file=./envs/dev.tfvars terraform
apply destroyplan

Because of GCP ISSUE run gcloud compute network-endpoint-groups list and for each NEG listed, run gcloud compute network-endpoint-groups delete NAME --zone ZONE and run again terraform destroy to delete the rest of the infrastructure.

Deploy two subgraphs for testing

helm upgrade employees --install --atomic --wait  ./subgraphs/employees

helm upgrade family --install --atomic --wait  ./subgraphs/family


GKE autopilot using wundergraph Router






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