What's Changed
- Add inversion function for sage.crypto.sboxes by @rusydi in #39309
- Replace sage.libs.giac with new optional package sagemath-giac by @orlitzky in #39376
- adding the super delta continued fractions, after G.-N. Han by @fchapoton in #39417
- Replace reproducible_repr() with usage of displayhook by @user202729 in #39420
- Minor code improvement in
by @tobiasdiez in #39426 - Remove deprecated sage-cython script by @tobiasdiez in #39427
- Fixed issue causing random elements of a quadratic field to always be integral by @Noel-Roemmele in #39445
- remove deprecated method in normal_form_game by @fchapoton in #39464
- Improved Efficiency of mutually_orthogonal_latin_squares function by @pyrusbrawler64 in #39483
- Implemented error when incorrect bounds cause discrete_log to give incorrect answer by @pyrusbrawler64 in #39484
- update meson and meson-python to the latest versions, 1.7.0 and 0.7.1 by @dimpase in #39492
- Add minimal relation bases for univariate polynomial matrices by @vneiger in #39516
- infinite polynomial element/gcd by @mantepse in #39522
- Hide more chronic diff on CI by @user202729 in #39542
- Fixed issue causing logarithm of base 0 to not give either of the possible correct answers. by @Noel-Roemmele in #39547
- Add Ideal.radical and Ring.nilradical by @user202729 in #39549
- no meaning for gp in pari/gp by @fchapoton in #39550
- Correct an error message. by @AndreasEnge in #39551
- fix and activate the check for pep E272 by @fchapoton in #39552
- make algdep always an alias for algebraic_dependency by @fchapoton in #39553
- Added option to return explicit polynomial in .in_subalgebra by @pyrusbrawler64 in #39555
- Fixed issue where Partitions() was caching results when an error happens. by @Noel-Roemmele in #39556
- Fixed issue where insert_row in dense integer matrices would not accept python integers. by @Noel-Roemmele in #39557
- cleaning the maximal orders in rational function fields by @fchapoton in #39558
- some fixes for E114 by @fchapoton in #39564
- remove many unused imports by @fchapoton in #39565
- some fixes for E272 in pyx files by @fchapoton in #39566
- Make test deterministic to fix CI by @user202729 in #39567
- simplify empty sets by @fchapoton in #39568
- bump python to at least 3.11 in spkg-configure.m4 by @dimpase in #39570
- Change some instances of "gens" method to return tuples by @pyrusbrawler64 in #39572
- Doctest for defining multivariate polynomial ring over InfinityRing by @pyrusbrawler64 in #39573
- full cython-lint cleanup in data_structure pyx files by @fchapoton in #39575
- py3.9 support cleanup in sage_autodoc and sphinx bump by @kiwifb in #39577
- adding some type annotations in lattices by @fchapoton in #39578
- pep8 and mypy cleanup of arith/misc.py by @fchapoton in #39584
- Enhance poset factor by @fchapoton in #39589
- avoid some conversions to
when the input is an instance ofStaticSparseBackend
by @dcoudert in #39216
New Contributors
- @AndreasEnge made their first contribution in #39551
Full Changelog: 10.6.beta7...10.6.beta8