I am presently working as a Doctoral Student with Dr. David Luitz at the Physikalishes Institut of the University of Bonn. I did my BS-MS as a dual degree from IISER Pune with a major in Physics. I am primarily intrested in non equilibrium many body physics, and am currently excavating minimal models for Discrete Time Crystals as a part of my doctoral thesis.
University of Bonn - Doctoral Researcher (2022-)
IISER Pune- BSMS Dual Degree (2016-2021)
I did my MS Thesis at the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), Mumbai, with Dr. Rajdeep Sensarma , studying Phonon-Electron Equilibration using Keldysh Field Theory
Earlier I have been a NIUS Fellow at HBCSE (TIFR).
I mainly work in Condendesed Matter Physics, Quantum Information and Field Theories with a keen interest in Mathematical Aspects.
You can have a look at my detailed Project Report at NIUS, where I have worked on reformuating Quantum Fluid Dynamics from the Path Integral formulation.
- The Conndesed Matter Theory Journal Club-Uni Bonn:
- A Seminar Series on Geometric Quantisation
- A Seminar Series on Pan IISER Alumni Database
Gieger Counter :
MS Thesis Proposal: The usual tex file provided (at least at our time) suffered from various allignment and bibliography incompatibility issues which forced many to choose the .txt alternative. I had attempted to fix these during the Lockdown 2020 to more faithfully reprodue its .txt analogue.
Albeit being simple tweaks, several of my batchmates had found this template useful, so I am making it publicly available.
Here is a sample output.
(The Body of the sample text is an exerpt from the Liner Notes to Final Report (1999), an album by Do Not Erase, the only Rock Band ever formed at the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton.)
If you wish to fit in more text, change the classfile from article to amsart.
Editable Latex Template as zip file: MS_Thesis_Proposal.zip
Manual for Supercomputer:
Recently, I have been creating a manual to collate working knowledge of our in-house Supercomputer, Param-Brahma, which is usually passed on from generations to generations of students.
Julia in Physics: With changing times it seems that once again we are going to update out heart-throb computing language and this time the candidate is Julia. I recieved my first run through of it in the 7th Les Houches School on Computational Physics where many of us found it toiling to get in the system first place. Hence this notes.
The downloadable files are availabale at: https://julialang.org/downloads/
If you are more of a terminal person, here is a helpful blog from Henrique Ferrolho: https://ferrolho.github.io/blog/2019-01-26/how-to-install-julia-on-ubuntu
One of the best ways to use it is using Jupyter Notebooks. There are plenty of websites that contains how to set it up. Here is another useful blog on how to integrate the two: https://datatofish.com/add-julia-to-jupyter/
JLhub maintains descriptions of syntax etc for Julia functions.
AIR Raagam Schedule: During the lockdown owing to COVID-19 second phase, we figured out that Akashvani (All India Radio) has started featuring Raagam as a Youtube Live. As much excited as we were, the daily schedule were nowhere to be found easily.
I have created a channel in Telegram (using IFTTT) to ease the same by streamlinig any updates regarding Schedule, Features etc, which samples the same from Twitter at (nearly) live time.
Public Link: https://t.me/AIRRaagam
AIR Raagam is a 24x7 DTH channel dedicated to airing Indian Classical Music (Hindustani and Carnatic). It was founded in 2016 rebranding Amruthavarshini, which served the same for Carnatic Music Locally. It is being livestreamed in Youtube since February 2021.
Among many things at IISER that proliferated my interests and helped me grow is the Societey for Promotion of Indian Classical Music and Culture Among Youth (SPICMACAY, Pune Chapter). Here is one of the concerts by Vidushi Aarti Ankalikar Tikekar:
<iframe width="650" height="420" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/mQjinrIOng0" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Enjoy!! :D