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An elegant parser combinators library for Typescript


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Warning This library is currently in early development and the API is subject to change. There are several bugs. Please don't use, even at your own risk. I am absolutely responsible for any bugs, so holler at me at

A TypeScript parser combinator library inspired by Parsec and Effect-TS. Write parsers using a clean, generator-based syntax or compose them using functional combinators.

Table of Contents


npm install parserator

Basic Usage

import { Parser, char, many1, digit } from 'parserator'

// Create a simple number parser
const numberParser = many1(digit).map(digits => parseInt(digits.join(""), 10))

// Parse a string
const result ="123")
// Right([123, {...}])

// Handle errors
const error ="abc")
// Left(ParserError: Expected digit but found 'a')

Generator Syntax

Write parsers using a clean, generator-based syntax that feels like async/await:

import { Parser, char, many1, digit, optional } from 'parserator'

// Parse a floating point number
const float = Parser.gen(function* () {
  // Parse optional sign
  const sign = yield* optional(char("-"))
  // Parse integer part
  const intPart = yield* many1(digit)
  // Parse optional fractional part
  const fractionalPart = yield* optional(
    Parser.gen(function* () {
      yield* char(".")
      return yield* many1(digit)
  // Parse optional exponent
  const exponentPart = yield* optional(
    Parser.gen(function* () {
      yield* char("e")
      const expSign = yield* optional(char("+") || char("-"))
      const expDigits = yield* many1(digit)
      return (expSign ?? "") + expDigits.join("")

  // Combine parts
  const numStr = 
    (sign ?? "") + 
    intPart.join("") + 
    (fractionalPart ? "." + fractionalPart.join("") : "") +
    (exponentPart ? "e" + exponentPart : "")

  return parseFloat(numStr)
})"123.456e-7") // Right([1.23456e-5, ...])

Primitive Parsers

Character Parsers

import { char, string, regex, alphabet, digit } from 'parserator'

// Match a single character
char("a").run("abc") // Right(["a", ...])

// Match an exact string
string("hello").run("hello world") // Right(["hello", ...])

// Match using regex
regex(/[0-9]+/).run("123abc") // Right(["123", ...])

// Match any letter"abc") // Right(["a", ...])

// Match any digit"123") // Right(["1", ...])



import { many0, many1, manyN, digit } from 'parserator'

// Match zero or more
many0(digit).run("123abc") // Right([["1","2","3"], ...])

// Match one or more
many1(digit).run("123abc") // Right([["1","2","3"], ...])

// Match exact number
manyN(digit, 2).run("123") // Right([["1","2"], ...])

Sequencing and Choice

import { sequence, or, between, sepBy } from 'parserator'

// Run parsers in sequence
sequence([char("a"), char("b")]).run("abc")
// Right(["b", ...])

// Try multiple parsers
or(char("a"), char("b")).run("abc")
// Right(["a", ...])

// Match between delimiters
between(char("("), char(")"), digit).run("(5)")
// Right(["5", ...])

// Match separated values
sepBy(char(","), digit).run("1,2,3")
// Right([["1","2","3"], ...])

Look-ahead and Skipping

import { lookAhead, skipSpaces } from 'parserator'

// Look ahead without consuming
// Right(["a", ...]) // Position stays at "abc"

// Skip whitespace
skipSpaces.then(char("a")).run("   abc")
// Right(["a", ...])

Error Handling

Customize error messages and add error callbacks:

const parser = many1(digit)
  .error("Expected at least one digit")
  .errorCallback((error, state) => {
    return `Error at ${state.pos.line}:${state.pos.column}: ${error.message}`
// Left(ParserError: Error at 1:1: Expected at least one digit)


Debug tools to inspect parser behavior:

import { debug, trace } from 'parserator'

// Add debug output
const debuggedParser = debug(parser, "number-parser")

// Add trace points
const tracedParser = trace("Before parsing number")

Advanced Usage

JSON Array Parser

const jsonArray = Parser.gen(function* () {
  yield* char("[")
  yield* skipSpaces
  const items = yield* sepBy(
    Parser.gen(function* () {
      yield* skipSpaces
      const value = yield* or(stringParser, numberParser)
      yield* skipSpaces
      return value
  yield* skipSpaces
  yield* char("]")
  return items
})'["hello", 123, "world"]')
// Right([["hello", 123, "world"], ...])

Recursive Parsers

const expr: Parser<number> = Parser.lazy(() => 
  Parser.gen(function* () {
    yield* char("(")
    const left = yield* number
    const op = yield* or(char("+"), char("-"))
    const right = yield* expr
    yield* char(")")
    return op === "+" ? left + right : left - right
// Right([-4, ...])

API Reference


The core Parser class that represents a parsing computation.


  • run(input: string): ParserResult<T> - Run the parser on an input string
  • parseOrError(input: string): T | ParserError - Run parser and return result or error
  • parseOrThrow(input: string): T - Run parser and throw on error
  • map<B>(f: (a: T) => B): Parser<B> - Transform parser result
  • flatMap<B>(f: (a: T) => Parser<B>): Parser<B> - Chain parsers
  • error(message: string): Parser<T> - Set error message
  • errorCallback(cb: (error: ParserError, state: ParserState) => string): Parser<T> - Custom error handling
  • tap(callback: (state: ParserState, result: ParserResult<T>) => void): Parser<T> - Adds a tap point to observe the current state and result during parsing
  • withName(name: string): Parser<T> - Name the parser for better errors

Static Methods

  • Parser.gen<T>(f: () => Generator<Parser<any>, T>): Parser<T> - Create parser using generator syntax
  • Parser.succeed<T>(value: T): Parser<T> - Create always-succeeding parser
  • string): Parser<never> - Create always-failing parser
  • Parser.lazy<T>(f: () => Parser<T>): Parser<T> - Creates a new parser that lazily evaluates the given function. This is useful for creating recursive parsers.


Basic Parsers

  • char(ch: string): Parser<string> - Creates a parser that matches a single character.
  const parser = char("a")"abc") // Right(["a", {...}])"xyz") // Left(error)
  • string(str: string): Parser<string> - Creates a parser that matches an exact string in the input.
  const parser = string("hello")"hello world") // Right(["hello", {...}])"goodbye") // Left(error)
  • regex(re: RegExp): Parser<string> - Creates a parser that matches input against a regular expression. The regex must match at the start of the input.
  const parser = regex(/[0-9]+/)"123abc") // Right(["123", {...}])
  • alphabet: Parser<string> - A parser that matches any single alphabetic character (a-z, A-Z).
  const parser = alphabet"abc") // Right(["a", {...}])"123") // Left(error)
  • digit: Parser<string> - A parser that matches any single digit character (0-9).
  const parser = digit"123") // Right(["1", {...}])"abc") // Left(error)


  • many0<T>(parser: Parser<T>, separator?: Parser<any>): Parser<T[]> - Creates a parser that matches zero or more occurrences of the input parser.

  • many1<T>(parser: Parser<T>, separator?: Parser<any>): Parser<T[]> - Creates a parser that matches one or more occurrences of the input parser.

  • manyN<T>(parser: Parser<T>, n: number, separator?: Parser<any>): Parser<T[]> - Creates a parser that matches at least n occurrences of the input parser.

  • manyNExact<T>(parser: Parser<T>, n: number, separator?: Parser<any>): Parser<T[]> - Creates a parser that matches exactly n occurrences of the input parser.

Sequencing and Choice

  • sequence<Parsers extends Parser<any>[]>(parsers: [...Parsers]): Parser<LastParser<Parsers>> - Creates a parser that runs multiple parsers in sequence. Returns the result of the last parser in the sequence.

  • between<T>(start: Parser<any>, end: Parser<any>, parser: Parser<T>): Parser<T> - Creates a parser that matches content between two string delimiters.

  const parser = between(char('('), char(')'), digit)'(5)') // Right(['5', {...}])'5') // Left(error)
  • sepBy<S, T>(sepParser: Parser<S>, parser: Parser<T>): Parser<T[]> - Creates a parser that matches zero or more occurrences of elements separated by a separator.
  const parser = sepBy(char(','), digit)"1,2,3") // Right([["1", "2", "3"], {...}])"") // Right([[], {...}])
  • or<Parsers extends Parser<any>[]>(...parsers: Parsers): Parser<T> - Creates a parser that tries multiple parsers in order until one succeeds.

  • optional<T>(parser: Parser<T>): Parser<T | undefined> - Creates a parser that optionally matches the input parser. If the parser fails, returns undefined without consuming input.

Look-ahead and Skipping

  • lookAhead<T>(parser: Parser<T>): Parser<T> - Creates a parser that looks ahead in the input stream without consuming any input. The parser will succeed with the result of the given parser but won't advance the input position.
  const parser = lookAhead(char('a'))'abc') // Right(['a', {...}])
  // Input position remains at 'abc', 'a' is not consumed
  • skipSpaces: Parser<undefined> - A parser that skips any number of space characters.

  • skipMany0<T>(parser: Parser<T>): Parser<undefined> - Creates a parser that skips zero or more occurrences of the input parser.

  • skipMany1<T>(parser: Parser<T>): Parser<undefined> - Creates a parser that skips one or more occurrences of the input parser.

  • skipManyN<T>(parser: Parser<T>, n: number): Parser<undefined> - Creates a parser that skips exactly n occurrences of the input parser.

  • skipUntil<T>(parser: Parser<T>): Parser<undefined> - Creates a parser that skips input until the given parser succeeds.

Debug Tools

  • debug<T>(parser: Parser<T>, label: string): Parser<T> - Adds debug output to a parser.

  • trace(label: string): Parser<void> - Creates a parser that logs its input state and continues.

  • debugState(label: string, state: ParserState, result: ParserResult<any>, options?: { inputPreviewLength?: number, separator?: string }) - Creates a debug output for a parser's current state and result.


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An elegant parser combinators library for Typescript








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