Analyzing vast amounts of bank loan application data can be like navigating an uncharted territory. Just as sifting through mountains of unorganized data requires significant effort, traditional loan analysis necessitates meticulous cleaning and interpretation. This project proposes a data visualization solution using Excel to act as a compass for loan officers. By leveraging clear visualizations, loan officers can gain a deeper understanding of applicant information, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions to optimize loan approval processes.
Initially the Data set available in "Finanacial_loan.csv" format, which is used for the analysis of "Bank_Loan_Analysis.xlsx" file, which contains the details of the Loans.
- Excel
- Data loading and inspection.
- Handling missing values and empty rows.
- Data cleaning and formatting.
- Converting the data into a table.
- Modifying into a Pivot tables.
- Usage of FUNCTIONS in the process.
- Creating dashboards through the Visuals.
- Preparation of Report Documentation.
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