This project is divided into 2 parts
- Pneumonia detection from lung x-rays: COVID19 virus affects the respiratory system of healthy individual & Chest X-Ray is one of the important imaging methods to identify Pneumonia caused due to corona virus. With the Chest X - Ray dataset, developed a Deep Learning Model to classify the X-Rays of Healthy vs Pneumonia (Corona) affected patients.
- Monitoring the progress of Vaccination: Monitoring and comparing and forecasting the progress of Vaccination with the COVID19 cases per day.
This model also powers a web application to classify the Corona Virus (Pneumonia) X-rays.
Classification Model:
Input Data : 80-20 split Augmented - rescale the image 1./255, rotate by 90 degrees, shift width and height by 0.15,flip horizontally, zoom by 0.5.
Convolutional neural network : 4 Conv layers with 3x3 strides, ReLU Non-Linearity , Max Pooling, Batch Normalization 4 Dense Layers with Dropout Softmax layer
- This Model is inspired by the famous AlexNet [4] and the FastRCN [5] paper.
- The inputs are 224x224 images, which are passed through a total of four convolution layers, then flattened for classification.
- This model powers a web application to classify the Corona Virus(Pneumonia) X-rays.
- According to current situation (28/01/2021 - India), vaccination is provided to approx 2 lakh people per day. If we go in accordance with this, then it would take around 19 years to vaccinate 136 crore people.
- Our future work would include:
- Get more data
- Improve model accuracy
- Refresh the front-end design
- Deploy the pneumonia detection model on heroku