Project name: MySQL remote dump Author: Sakib Iqbal Author email: [email protected] Short description: Script to dump mysql database into local from remote server. Script Language: Python 2.7 Dependancy: paramiko, setuptools
Idel scenario and dependency:
- Server hosted MySQL
- Server with ssh access
- ssh user with write permission at it's ~ folder.
- mysqldump command should be enabled in the server.
How to run the script:
- In shell, run "easy_install paramiko"
- Goto the script directry Method 1:
- Run the script with this command: "python"
- Fill up the form Method 2:
- Run the script with this command: "python "
Form documentation:
- Host name: Remote server host name. Ex.
- Server user name: Remote server ssh username
- Server password: Remore server ssh password
- Database Name: Remote server mysql database name
- Database user name: Remote server mysql database username
- Database password: Remote server mysql database password