- Clone this repo
- Run docker build first
docker build -t somerepo/somedir:tag .
if you are using multi acrhitecture, follow these steps:
docker build -t docker.io/salamflamo/express-js-sample:manifest-arm64 --build-arg ARCH=arm64/ .
#running this command on arm machinedocker build -t docker.io/salamflamo/express-js-sample:manifest-amd64 --build-arg ARCH=amd64/ .
#running this command on amd machine
docker manifest create \
docker.io/salamflamo/express-js-sample:multi \
--amend docker.io/salamflamo/express-js-sample:manifest-arm64 \
--amend docker.io/salamflamo/express-js-sample:manifest-amd64
docker push docker.io/salamflamo/express-js-sample:multi
#push to docker
- Push your somerepo/somedir:tag to your container registry
- Edit image repo in this deployment yaml example
- Create namespace "sample"
- Apply the yaml to kubernetes
- Fork this repo
- Upload your ssh public key to your github account
- Clone express-js-sample repo using SSH clone
- Run command
ssh -R 1:localhost:3000 <your github username>@expose.sh
- Happy try