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Concourse CI Build Docker Images

This repo includes Concourse CI build configuration for the Voting App repo

Councourse CI is an Open Source Configuration As Code CI/CD tool.

Concourse uses Makefiles to allow users to create pipelines.

Concourse is primarliy driven from the fly cli.

There's even a neat UI for users to keep an eye on the progress of their CI/CD or better yet, trigger a build/deployment.

Most importantly the whole of CI/CD pipeline is kept in Source Control. Gone are the days of tinkering with your build pipelines in the UI and then forgetting what was done!

Run Concourse CI Locally

You can run concourse locally on your machine. Get the the docker-compose file from [here](wget

docker-compose up

You can access concourse by accessing:
Click on the OS to download to download the fly CLI Have a look in the docker-compose file for the login credentinals.

Check this website out for a series of excellent tutorials.

Create Pipeline

Open your terminal, connect to concourse:
fly --target tutorial login --concourse-url -u admin -p admin
fly --target tutorial sync

In the current repository, run the following command:
fly -t tutorial sp -p voting-app -c pipeline.yml -v docker-hub-username=yourusername -v docker-hub-password=yourpassword

fly -t tutorial sp -p voting-app -c pipeline.yml --load-vars-from local-params.yml

Unpause the pipeline: fly -t tutorial unpause-pipeline -p voting-app

Navigate to, you should now see a pipline called voting-app created. Click on it, go into the 'Publish' part and kick off a new build by clicking the '+' button. This build will create a new image for the voting app and push it to your docker hub registry.

If you want to destroy a pipeline:
fly -t tutorial unpause-pipeline -p pipeline-name

CI/CD Pipeline

voteapp-cicd.yml creates a pipeline that builds the docker image from Voting App repo, pushes it to docker hub and then deploy to the Azure Kubernetes Cluster.

In order to create the pipeline, the secrets are taken from params.yml file. Fill the details here and run the following command to create the pipeline:
fly -t tutorial sp -p vote-cicd -c voteapp-cicd.yml --load-vars-from local-params.yml
fly -t tutorial up -p vote-cicd

AWS Lambda Serverless Framework Pipeline

serverless.yml creates a pipeline that deploys an AWS lambda checked into AWS Lambda python repo. The repo is initiated using Serverless Framework. Pipeline also uses Serverless Framework to deploy AWS Lambda.

Create pipeline using the following command: fly -t tutorial sp -p serverless-ci -c serverless.yml --load-vars-from params.yml
fly -t tutorial up -p serverless-ci


Concourse Pipeline for Kubernetes & AWS Lambda






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