Hello this is a miniMarket application developed entirely in Ruby On Rails. This miniMarket help you to store a brand and then create some products with it.
You can try it following this link: https://evening-reef-67268.herokuapp.com/
- The user can create a brand. The brands just have a name. Show an error if the user do not put any name.
- The user can see a list of currents brands.
- The user can edit a brand.
- The user can delete a Brand .It have to display an alert asking if the user is sure to delete the brand before he do it.
- The user can create a product. The products have name, brand(have to selected of a list of currents brands), description and price.
- Show an error if the product do not have name of the price is greater than 100.
- The user can see a list of currents products. Show the total of the sum of the price of all the products.
- The user can edit a product.
- The user can delete a product.
###Extra points
I use bootstrap to show a better presentation and add some basics tests.