A curated list of awesome Xamarin.Forms libraries and resources.
Work in progress. Contributions are always welcome!
- LottieXamarin: Render After Effects animations natively on Android and iOS for Xamarin.
- Xamanimation: Xamarin.Forms animation library.
- Behaviors: Behaviors for Xamarin.Forms.
- Xamarin.Forms.BehaviorValidationPack: Package with multiple field validations for Xamarin.Forms.
- Creating Mobile Apps with Xamarin.Forms
- Mastering Xamarin.Forms – Second Edition
- Xamarin.Forms Essentials: First Steps Toward Cross-Platform Mobile Apps
- App-Service-Helpers: Add data storage and authentication to your app in a few lines of code.
- Akavache: Akavache is an asynchronous, persistent (i.e. writes to disk) key-value store created for writing desktop and mobile applications in C#, based on SQLite3. Akavache is great for both storing important data (i.e. user settings) as well as cached local data that expires.
- Azure Mobile Apps: Offline sync-enabled Xamarin apps that connect to Azure Mobile App.
- CosmosDB: Azure Cosmos DB is a globally distributed, multi-model database service.
- Entity Framework Core: Is a lightweight and extensible version of the popular Entity Framework data access technology.
- LiteDB: A .NET NoSQL Document Store in a single data file.
- Realm: Alternative to SQLite, simple and fast.
- SQLite-net: It is an open source, minimal library to allow .NET and Mono applications to store data in SQLite 3 databases.
- Snppts: Xamarin Forms UI Snippets.
- Prebuilt Templates: Jump-start your next project with a prebuilt app.
- Xamarin.Forms Zeplin extension: Generates XAML for Xamarin.Forms.
- XamEffects: Xamarin.Forms UI effects.
- AiForms.Effects: Effects library that provides you with more flexible functions than default by targetting only Android and iOS in a Xamarin.Forms project.
- Icons8: Thousands of free icons in different styles and sizes.
- MetroStudio: Free Windows app that has thousands of icons
- Vysor: Utility for mirroring your Android physical device to your screen.
- QuickTime Player: For mirroring iOS devices.
- CodeMill.VMFirstNav: A Xamarin.Forms ViewModel First Navigation Library.
- ExRin: A framework for enterprise scale apps.
- FreshMvvm: It is a super light Mvvm Framework designed specifically for Xamarin.Forms
- MVVMCross: Cross-platform mvvm mobile development framework.
- MVVMLight: Cross-platform MVVM development framework.
- MvvmNano: Small and smart MVVM framework made with ❤ for Xamarin.Forms.
- Prism: Nice framework with an amazing navigation service.
- ReactiveUI: An advanced, composable, functional reactive model-view-viewmodel framework for all .NET platforms.
- Sextant: A ReactiveUI navigation library for Xamarin.Forms.
- TinyMvvm: TinyMvvm is a tiny MVVM library with focus on productivity.
- Elmish.XamarinForms: Elmish for Xamarin.Forms.
- Battery Status: Get battery level, how it is getting charge, and events.
- Connectivity: See if device is connected to the internet and through what connection type.
- Contacts: Currently in Alpha to gather and query contacts.
- Device Information: Base information about each device such as OS and version.
- DynamicStackLayout: Xamarin.Forms layout for creating dynamically wrapped views.
- EntryCustomReturnPlugin: Xamarin.Forms Plugin to customize the Xamarin.Forms.Entry Keyboard Return Button.
- Extended Maps: Launch navigation directions in default map app on each OS.
- Geofence: A cross platform library for Xamarin & Windows that allows for easy geofence detection.
- Geolocator: Easy way of querying GPS location.
- GoogleAnalyticsForXamarinForms: This project is a cross platform library for Xamarin Forms, which enables a handy use of Google Analytics in your applications.
- Iconize: Use icon fonts in your Xamarin.Forms application!
- InAppBillingPlugin: A simple In-App Purchase plugin for Xamarin and Windows to query item information, purchase items, restore items, and more.
- NavigationExtensions for Xamarin.Forms: Those extensions for Xamarin.Forms basicaly add storage of the navigation history when the application stops.
- LibVLCSharp: Xamarin bindings for libvlc, the multimedia framework powering the VLC applications made by VideoLAN.
- Media: Take or pick photos/videos.
- MediaManager: Cross platform media plugin for Xamarin and Windows.
- NFCForms: Easily read and write NFC tags in your Xamarin.Forms application.
- PayPal: PayPal Plugin for Xamarin.Forms.
- Permissions: Check and request runtime permissions.
- Plugin.GuestureLock: GuestureLock for Xamarin.Forms.
- Screenshot: Get and save screenshot in yours apps for Xamarin and Windows.
- Settings: Fully cross platform settings for your application.
- Share: Easily share text or open a browser.
- SimpleAudioPlayer: Plays local files and audio data as a stream. This allows you to store audio data in a portable class library and play it on all supported platforms.
- Text To Speech: Turn your text into a vocal symphony on mobile devices.
- TinyInsights: A library that abstracting crash reporting- and analytics services and makes it possible to use multiple providers.
- TinyAccountManager: Account manager for Xamarin and UWP. Store account information in your app in a secure way.
- TinyNavigationHelper: Is a library that is created for you that want to abstract the navigation without installing a bigger MVVM framework.
- TinyPubSub: Worlds smallest pub/sub thingy created mostly for Xamarin Forms.
- Toasts.Forms.Plugin: A simple way of showing notifications inside your Xamarin or Windows application.
- Version Tracking: Track which versions of your Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Mac, Xamarin.Android, or Windows app a user has previously installed.
- Vibrate: Make that device rumble!.
- WhenTheAppWasBuilt: Strongly shake your device and we'll show you when the app was built.
- Xamarin.Essentials: (Official) Essential cross platform APIs for your mobile apps.
- Xam.Plugins.OnDeviceCustomVision: Plugin to allow custom vision models to be used from mobile devices.
- XamCal: A Xamarin.Forms Calendar Plugin.
- Xam.Plugin.Webview: Xamarin Plugin for a HybridWebView in PCL projects.
- Xam.Reactive.Location: Location on each Xamarin platform is already event/push driven which is where Reactive models do great. This creates a useful wrapper around the iOS/Android location APIs.
- ZXing.Net.Mobile: The goal of ZXing.Net.Mobile is to make scanning barcodes as effortless and painless as possible in your own applications.
- Xamarin.Forms.Contacts: Read Contacts Data on iOS and Android.
- Xamarin.Forms.Segues: A library that provides support for segues between Pages.
- Xamarin.Forms.GraphQL: {GraphQL} bindings allow binding from XAML directly to a GraphQL data source.
- Xamarin.Cognitive.BingSpeech: Is a managed client library that makes it easy to work with the Microsoft Cognitive Services Bing Speech API on Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Android, Xamarin.Forms, UWP, and other .NET Standard 2.0 projects.
- Prism Template Pack: Contains a collection of snippets, item templates, and project templates for use with building Xamarin.Forms applications using Prism.
- xamarin-forms-samples: Sample apps built using the Xamarin.Forms framework.
- charlespetzold-xamarin-forms-samples: Code samples for Xamarin.Forms.
- JSON.NET: Is a popular high-performance JSON framework for .NET
- Utf8Json: Definitely Fastest and Zero Allocation JSON Serializer for C#(.NET, .NET Core, Unity and Xamarin), this serializer write/read directly to UTF8 binary so boostup performance.
- Xamarin.Forms.Mocks: Library for running Xamarin.Forms inside of unit tests.
- Android File Transfer: Browse and transfer files between your Mac computer and your Android device.
- Assetxport: Resize UWP, Xamarin.Android and Xamarin.iOS assets automatically.
- Charles: Is an HTTP proxy / HTTP monitor / Reverse Proxy that enable to view all of the HTTP and SSL / HTTPS traffic between the machine and the Internet.
- clean-compress: A macOS utility that cleans (and optionally compresses/zips) Xamarin solutions.
- dpilove: Easily find the DPI of any screen.
- Gorilla Player: Instant XAML Preview for Xamarin Forms.
- Infragistics AppMap: Visually map out and generate your Xamarin.Forms application. Code generation includes Pages (Views), ViewModels, and navigation code that follows best-practice Prism MVVM architecture.
- LiveXAML: Whenever you save any XAML file, it automatically updates the running application.
- MFractor: MFractor is the essential productivity tool for Xamarin Studio.
- Mutatio: Visual Studio for Mac add-in/extension for converting old PCLs to .NET Standard 2.0 targeting projects automatically.
- Productivity Power Tools: An extension bundle installer that will install each of the individual components of Productivity Power Tools (copy has HTML, fix tabs, etc.).
- UI Sleuth: Xamarin.Forms debugging tool.
- VSTouchbarTools: A simple extension that installs a XML definition for Parallels v13 to offer basic Touchbar support.
- vsmacdeepclean: Is a Visual Studio for macOS add-in / extension that let you easily clean projects, NuGet, Xamarin and VS cache without leaving the IDE.
- XAML Styler: A visual studio extension, which formats XAML source code by sorting the attributes based on their importance.
- NSwag: Swagger and code generation tool for C#. Easily integrate your own or 3rd party APIs into your app.
- Tizen.TV.UIControls: The Tizen TV UIControls is a set of helpful extensions to the Xamarin Forms framework for the Samsung TV device.
- ACR User Dialogs: A cross platform library that allows you to call for standard user dialogs from a shared/portable library.
- AutoSuggestBox: Represents a text control that makes suggestions to users as they type.
- BottomTabbedPage: A Xamarin.Forms control brings BottomNavigationView for bottom navigation on Android.
- BadgeView: A Xamarin.Forms control to display a round badge.
- BuildIt: Build It is the set of libraries that makes it easier and quicker to build applications.
- ButtonCircle: Circle buttons with icon for your Xamarin.Forms applications.
- CircularProgress: Circular Progress control for Xamarin Forms.
- ColorPicker: Color picker for Xamarin.Forms. It can be used as a large color mixer control (ColorPickerMixer) or as a dialog for select a color (ColorPickerDialog) or as an entry editor (ColorPickerEntry) of hexadecimal value with preview of a color and option of launch a dialog with color mixer.
- CrossPlacePicker: Simple cross platform plugin to pick place using google maps with the help of Cross Platform API.
- DynamicWrapLayout: A Xamarin.Forms layout for creating dynamically wrapped views.
- EasyLayout.Forms: Simplifies working with RelativeLayout Programatically in Xamarin.Forms.
- EmbeddedPicker: Embedded page picker control for Xamarin.forms for both Android and iOS.
- EnhancedEntry: Enhanced Entry for Xamarin.forms projects that extends the current xamarin.forms Entry.
- ExpandableListView: Expandable ListView in Xamarin.Forms.
- FFImageLoading: Library to load images quickly & easily on Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Android, Xamarin.Forms and Windows (UWP, WinRT).
- flexlayout-xamarin-forms: Flex Layout for Xamarin.Forms.
- FlexButton: Button control for Xamarin.Forms with events for different states, color overlays and adjustable shapes and paddings. Supports iOS and Android.
- FlippingAndResizableUI: UI with rotated view and expandable panel in Xamarin.Forms.
- FlowListView: ListView derivative with flowing, grid-like columns support.
- glidex.forms: Is an attempt at using Glide for faster Xamarin.Forms images on Android.
- GradientBoxView: Create beautiful gradients.
- GridSplitter: A control for Xamarin Forms that redistributes space between columns or rows of a Grid control.
- IconEntry: Entry with icon for Xamarin Forms.
- Infinite Scrolling: A small library to quickly and easily add infinite/endless scrolling support to any Xamarin.Forms ListView.
- ImageCircle: Simple but elegant way of display circle images in your Xamarin.Forms projects.
- ImageCropper: Xam.Plugins.ImageCropper is a useful image cropping and rotating library for Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android.
- ImageCropper.Forms: Xamarin.Forms plugin to crop and rotate photos.
- ImageCropView: Image cropper for Xamarin.Forms.
- MarkdownView: A native Xamarin.Forms Markdown renderer.
- MarkdownTextView: A Xamarin.Forms component to display markdown text in a TextView.
- mapbox-xamarin-forms: This library provides the controls/renderers for using Mapbox SDKs inside your Xamarin.Forms app.
- Microcharts: Is an extremely simple charting library for a wide range of platforms.
- NControl: Is a Xamarin.Forms wrapper control built around the NGraphics library enabling developers to create custom controls without the need for custom renderers.
- OxyPlot Xamarin: Charts for Xamarin Classic and Xamarin.Forms.
- ParallaxScroll: Xamarin forms parallax scroll effect.
- PinView: PIN keyboard for Xamarin.Forms.
- PhotoBrowser: Full screen image viewer(Xamarin.Forms) that includes "pinch to zoom" and "swipe to dismiss" gestures.
- PullToRefreshLayout: Implementation of pull to refresh layout for Xamarin.Forms targeting iOS and Android.
- Rg.Plugins.Popup: Popup Page Plugin for Xamarin Forms.
- ShapeControl.Forms: Xamarin.Forms Library that allows you to draw shapes such as circle, roundrect, oval and so on.
- Signature Pad: makes capturing, saving, exporting, and displaying signatures extremely simple on iOS, Android and Windows.
- SkiaRate: This library is using SkiaSharp to display a customisable RatingView.
- SkiaSharp.DiagramEngine: Using SkiaSharp with Xaml,Bindings and DataTemplates.
- SkiaSharp.Elements: Simple way to draw and interact with elements using the library SkiaSharp. Compatible with Xamarin Forms.
- SKOR.UI:UI Controls for Xamarin.Forms (GradientButton).
- SlideOverKit: SlideOverKit is a premium component for Xamarin.Forms. It allows developers to easily create awesome Slideovers in Xamarin.Forms.
- SlidingPanel: Xamarin.Forms library that allows you to have for Google-Map-Like sliding panel from bottom of the screen.
- StatesButton: States Button Control for Xamarin.Forms.
- STabbedPage.Forms: Full customizable TabbedPage control for Xamarin.Forms.
- SwipeCards: A Tinder control for Xamarin.Forms that supports iOS, Android and UWP.
- Tab Badge: Xamarin Forms bindable Tab badges for iOS and Android
- TabStrip: Tab Strip control for Xamarin.Forms.
- TabView: TabView control for Xamarin.Forms.
- TimberLabel: A custom Xamarin.Forms.Label control that adds support for padding, rounded corners and, borders on iOS and Android.
- TitleBar: Customizable Xamarin.Forms title bar for Android, iOS and Windows Phone: place up to 5 buttons inside it and position/paint the bar as you want.
- TopTabbedPage: A Xamarin.Forms page based TabbedPage to show tabs at top on iOS.
- XAMLCSS: Style Xaml-applications with CSS.
- XFGloss:Xamarin.Forms UI Enhancements.
- XFFlipViewControl: An animated Flippable View with Xamarin.Forms.
- XFParallax: Xamarin Forms Parallax View control.
- XamForms.Controls.Calendar: Custom calendar control for Xamarin.Forms.
- XMedia: A Xamarin Forms selector multiple images.
- Xamarin.Forms.DataGrid: DataGrid library for Xamarin.Forms Application.
- Xamarin.Forms.GridView: GridView for xamarin.Forms with grouping, pull to refresh and selection visual state support.
- Xam.Plugin.HtmlLabel: Use this Xamarin.Forms plugin to display HTML content into a label.
- Xamarin.Forms.MultiSelectListView: Select multiple rows in a listview with Xamarin.Forms.
- Xam.Plugin.PopupMenu: A simple popup menu for Xamarin Forms.
- Xamarin.RangeSlider: Pick ranges in Xamarin.Forms.
- Xamarin.CustomControls.AutoCompleteView: AutoCompleteView for Xamarin Forms.
- XamarinFormsCustomSlider: Simple Xamarin.Forms Slider without defining custom renderer. Put a floating label on top of it.
- Xamarin Forms Extended Controls: This controls are just a few controls that differ from the baked in Xamarin.Forms Controls.
- Xamarin.Forms.InputKit: CheckBox, Radio Button, Labeled Slider, Dropdows etc.
- Xamarin.Forms.StepProgressBar: Add a step progress bar in your Xamarin.Forms project. You can choose between a square or circular control.
- Xam.Plugin.SimpleAppIntro: Just a nice and simple AppIntro for your Xamarin Forms project.
- CarouselView.FormsPlugin: Carousel view with good customization options for Xamarin Forms.
- Xamarin UITest: An Automated UI Acceptance Testing framework that allows programmers to write and execute tests in C# and NUnit that validate the functionality of iOS and Android Apps.
- Xamarin Test Recorder: This tool makes it easy to record automated tests for your app.
- Tizen.CircularUI: Tizen Wearable CircularUI project is to develop an open source software motivate software developer to creating Tizen Wearable Xamarin Forms app more easily and efficiently.