hcana classes for the Hall C LAD experiments
To build
% cmake -B build -S . -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<install location>
% cmake --build build -j4
Check that the library and classes are visible
% hcana -l
hcana [0] gSystem->Load("build/src/libNPS")
(int) 0
hcana [1] .class THcLADHodoPlane
class THcLADHodoPlane
SIZE: 1736 FILE: THcLADHodoPlane.h LINE: 18
Base classes: --------------------------------------------------------
0x0 public THaSubDetector
0x0 public THaDetectorBase
0x0 public THaAnalysisObject
0x0 public TNamed
0x0 public TObject
List of member variables --------------------------------------------------
Install the library
% cmake --install build
Add the library to LD_Library_Path
setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH ${HOME}/hallc/software/LADlib/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH