Simple demonstration of interaction with windows calculator
This app is just for short demonstration of Automation abilities in .NET. Not all code is covered with tests but it's a way to future improvements.
In code you can find several implementations of the interfaces - it's just for example.
For example you can use:
private IExpressionEvaluator _expressionEvaluator = new SilentExpressionEvaluator();
private readonly IExpressionEvaluator _expressionEvaluator = new ScreenCalcExpressionEvaluator();
- Before using of calculator interaction please run it and make sure if it is in the basic view.
- 0 should be on the calculator screen.
- In the App.config, set "CalcName" to be equal to a caption on the your calculator's window
It is possible to use any evaluation engine, any parsing expressions engine
- DI to be added.
- More tests
- Automatically choose calculator type
- Replace regex parsing with a proper grammar parsing (see BNF)
- Maybe graphic recognition feature for handling calc
It was an option to use ETL-pattern but it looks too complicated here
v. - Added support of a Windows 10 calculator. See ScreenMetroCalcExpressionEvaluator