SatisfactoryModLoader Pre-Release 7
Installation instructions
- Download the xinput1_3.dll file.
- Go to your Satisfactory install folder, go to FactoryGame, Binaries, then Win64.
- Place your xinput1_3.dll file there.
- Run FactoryGame-Win64-Shipping.exe.
- If a console window appeared, SML is good to go!
Upon running for the first time, a mods folder will be generated. Any mod DLLs that you download will go in there.
- Integrated SPL into SML. Any mods that used SPL can now use SML. Do note that any schematic loading that you may wish to do needs to be done in PostInit instead of PreInit now.
- Added basic memory editing functionality for advanced mod authors who wish to directly modify the game memory. Do note that directly modifying the memory may lead to the game becoming unstable.
- Got things ready for a 1.0.0 release
- Fixed issue where the game didn't load at all (hotpatched into pr6)
- Fixed a lot of bugs
- Added even more bugs