Releases: satisfactorymodding/SatisfactoryModLoader
Releases · satisfactorymodding/SatisfactoryModLoader
SatisfactoryModLoader Release 2.1.1
Install Instructions
- Don't manually install this! Use the new automatic launcher!
- mod subsystems
- chat command system
- hooking fixes
- serialization fixes
- fixed for latest experimental
SatisfactoryModLoader Release 2.1.0
Install Instructions
- Don't manually install this! Use the new automatic launcher!
- Added asset dumper + generator
- Added default values for all classes
- Added ability to add research trees
- Updated for Experimental
- Fixed dependencies
- Alpakit generates data.json
SatisfactoryModLoader Release 2.0.0
Install Instructions
- Don't manually install this! Use the new automatic launcher!
- New and improved SML!
- Proper UE4 coding, no need for the old c++ modding!
- Better interface from C++ to paks!
- And so much more!
Thank you everyone for sticking with us for the last 8 months as we release this brand new version of SML with far more functionality!
~ The SML Team
SatisfactoryModLoader Release 1.0.2
Installation instructions
- Download the xinput1_3.dll file.
- Go to your Satisfactory install folder (Usually C:/Program Files/Epic Games/SatisfactoryEarlyAccess or SatisfactoryExperimental), go to FactoryGame, Binaries, then Win64.
- Place your xinput1_3.dll file there.
- Run FactoryGame-Win64-Shipping.exe.
- If a console window appeared, SML is good to go!
Upon running for the first time, a mods folder will be generated. Any mod DLLs that you download will go in there.
- Fixed bug with unsafe mode and out of date mods
- Made SML version visible from dll (it's exported now)
- Fixed compile issue with ExampleMod
- Fixed log file
SatisfactoryModLoader Release 1.0.1
Installation instructions
- Download the xinput1_3.dll file.
- Go to your Satisfactory install folder (Usually C:/Program Files/Epic Games/SatisfactoryEarlyAccess or SatisfactoryExperimental), go to FactoryGame, Binaries, then Win64.
- Place your xinput1_3.dll file there.
- Run FactoryGame-Win64-Shipping.exe.
- If a console window appeared, SML is good to go!
Upon running for the first time, a mods folder will be generated. Any mod DLLs that you download will go in there.
- Added new config for toggling the crash report disabler
- If you disable the crash report disabler, make sure that you alt+F4 out of the crash reporter so Coffee Stain Studios don't get your modded crash.
- Added new config for unsafe mode
- Unsafe mode allows you to bypass all crashes. You can't report any bugs with this on!
- Added more logging to debug mode
- Added new hooks
- Added events for loading for DLL mods to do things as SML is loading
- Added a new actor to the pak loader,
. InitMenu allows you to run code when Satisfactory is in the menu level. - Added new events to the pak loader
: Called if SML's debug mode is enabled. For both InitMod and InitMenu.FirstMenuLoad
Called if this is the first time that the main menu is shown (When the user loads the game for the first time). For InitMenu only!
- Optimized the pak loader
- Added ensures when the game quits to alert if coremods are present, memory editing happened, or if unsafe mode is active.
- You cannot submit bug reports if any of these 3 things are active.
- Fixed the log file
SatisfactoryModLoader Release 1.0.0
Installation instructions
- Download the xinput1_3.dll file.
- Go to your Satisfactory install folder (Usually C:/Program Files/Epic Games/SatisfactoryEarlyAccess or SatisfactoryExperimental), go to FactoryGame, Binaries, then Win64.
- Place your xinput1_3.dll file there.
- Run FactoryGame-Win64-Shipping.exe.
- If a console window appeared, SML is good to go!
Upon running for the first time, a mods folder will be generated. Any mod DLLs that you download will go in there.
- Fixed the major bug causing SML to be delayed by 6 months
- Added Functions::setDependsOnPak() scans the Paks folder to make sure that the user has the specified pak installed
- Added functionality for automatically creating .sig files on startup
- Added functionality for automatically disabling the crash reporter upon startup and enabling it upon exit.
- Fixed delayed coremod loading
- Removed the future version checker because it was causing more issues than it was fixing
- Updated SDK
SatisfactoryModLoader Pre-Release 7
Installation instructions
- Download the xinput1_3.dll file.
- Go to your Satisfactory install folder, go to FactoryGame, Binaries, then Win64.
- Place your xinput1_3.dll file there.
- Run FactoryGame-Win64-Shipping.exe.
- If a console window appeared, SML is good to go!
Upon running for the first time, a mods folder will be generated. Any mod DLLs that you download will go in there.
- Integrated SPL into SML. Any mods that used SPL can now use SML. Do note that any schematic loading that you may wish to do needs to be done in PostInit instead of PreInit now.
- Added basic memory editing functionality for advanced mod authors who wish to directly modify the game memory. Do note that directly modifying the memory may lead to the game becoming unstable.
- Got things ready for a 1.0.0 release
- Fixed issue where the game didn't load at all (hotpatched into pr6)
- Fixed a lot of bugs
- Added even more bugs
SatisfactoryModLoader Pre-Release 6
Installation instructions:
- Download the xinput1_3.dll file.
- Go to your Satisfactory install folder, go to FactoryGame, Binaries, then Win64.
- Place your xinput1_3.dll file there.
- Run FactoryGame-Win64-Shipping.exe.
- If a console window appeared, SML is good to go!
Upon running for the first time, a mods folder will be generated. Any mod DLLs that you download will go in there.
- Added coremod support. Any dll in the coremods folder will be loaded at launch. Adding coremods will invalidate any SML bug report because it's hard to determine if SML or the coremod has the problem.
- Added new version checking code so people stop bothering me whenever the game is out of date. Now it only throws an error when you install a version of SML that is updated beyond your Satisfactory version.
- Added warning and error macros for ExampleMod.
- Added wrappers for addRecipe and loadObjectFromPak.
- Changed spawn actor commands to return the object that they spawned.
- Updated the SDK.
- Shortened compile times dramatically. The first time you compile the project it will take 5 mins, but after that it will take shorter than 2 mins.
- Made the executable 7 times smaller (3800KB to 500KB)
- Fixed chat commands and hooks not working.
- Fixed a bunch of typos in ExampleMod.
This update is a smaller update than the last one, but it fixes a lot of the issues in it. The build process has also been updated, so compiling should be much easier than it was before!
SatisfactoryModLoader Pre-Release 5
Installation instructions:
- Download the xinput1_3.dll file.
- Go to your Satisfactory install folder, go to FactoryGame, Binaries, then Win64.
- Place your xinput1_3.dll file there.
- Run FactoryGame-Win64-Shipping.exe.
- If a console window appeared, SML is good to go!
Upon running for the first time, a mods folder will be generated. Any mod DLLs that you download will go in there.
- Added asset loading from paks!
- Added utilities around asset loading such as the ability to give the player items, load new recipes, and place new entities.
- Changed
- Added new math functions and constructors for FVector and FRotator
- Added Doxygen documentation for easy use! Find the stable docs here and the cutting edge docs here!
- Made SML store common variables such as the global world, player character, and player controller for easy use and access.
- Updated the SDK version
- Updated to the latest experimental version of satisfactory
- Refactored a lot of the code
- Removed the submodule from the code and just added it to the repo to make it easier to clone.
With this huge new update, you are able to create custom buildings in Unreal Engine and add them directly to the game! I really hope this brings modding to new heights as we work together with creating something incredible.
SatisfactoryModLoader Pre-Release 4
Installation instructions:
- Download the xinput1_3.dll file.
- Go to your Satisfactory install folder, go to FactoryGame, Binaries, then Win64.
- Place your xinput1_3.dll file there.
- Run FactoryGame-Win64-Shipping.exe.
- If a console window appeared, SML is good to go!
Upon running for the first time, a mods folder will be generated. Any mod DLLs that you download will go in there.
- Updated SDK to be the latest
- Updated Satisfactory CL
- Added a lot of documentation for functions in the Functions:: namespaces
- Added custom events for mods to register and call
- Added chat commands for SML functions
- Fixed configs for SML and ExampleMod
- Removed some debug log spam