Table of Contents
This repo contains the resources used during the "Use Docker Compose when running integration tests with Azure Pipelines" presentation at the 3rd edition of the Peak IT conference, which took place in Brașov between October 17th and 18th 2020 (online event due to COVID-19).
This presentation is based on this article: Use Docker Compose when running integration tests with Azure Pipelines.
- Azure Pipelines
- Home
- YAML reference
- One can use multi-stage pipeline to implement complex automation flows
- Announcing Azure Pipelines with unlimited CI/CD minutes for open source
- Docker
- Docker Compose
- Home
- Docker Compose healthcheck
- Compose CLI reference
- Getting Started with Docker Compose
- For learning Docker & Docker Compose I highly recommend the following course by Bret Fisher: Docker Mastery (not free, but worth every penny)
- Orchetrators to use when using more than just one Docker host
- Docker Swarm
- Kubernestes
- Apache Mesos
- Nomad
- Others
- PostgreSQL
- Home
- Linux containers
- Windows containers
- ASP.NET Core Web APIs
- Entity Framework Core
- Coverlet
- ReportGenerator
- SonarCloud
In order to have a clear image of the CI pipeline used to build the source code from this repo, please visit:
- Start compose services
# Start compose services founder under a specific project
docker-compose --file="docker-compose.yml" --project-name="peak-it-2020" up --detach
- List running Docker containers found under a specific compose project
docker container ls -a --filter "label=com.docker.compose.project=peak-it-2020" --format "{{ .ID }}"
- Display details of a particular Docker container
docker container inspect --format "{{ json .Config.Labels }}" peak-it-2020-db-dev
- Check the health state of a particular Docker container
docker container inspect --format "{{.State.Health.Status}}" peak-it-2020-db-dev
- List all ports exposed by a particular Docker container
docker container port peak-it-2020-db-dev