An app to allow small farmers and backyard gardners to easily sell the food they raise locally. Trying to decentralize and localize the food system!
This site is currently in development and does not yet have active users, but if you want to see a live version with dummy users you can check it out here
This project was bootstrapped with
This is a React.js front end, with the backend built with the open source Pocket Base
The app was initialized with Create React App.
If you want to check this out in a development enviornment
In the project directory, you can run:
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in your browser.
The page will reload when you make changes.
You may also see any lint errors in the console.
I wanted the app to allow buyers to easily find sellers close to them. I solved this by intigrating the Leaflet Library for displaying mapping features. Each seller location is stored in the database and those are all mapped on the main page.
In order to protect privacy for sellers who might use thier home as the selling point. Before the lat long is stored in the database the final digits are scrambled and rounded to only provide a general location not a specific place until the seller is willing to share it with the buyer.
let indexOf = lat.indexOf('.');
lat = lat.slice(0, indexOf + 3);
lat = lat.concat('5');
Routing is handled through the react-router-dom and the useParams() hook is used to pull data from the URL for dynamic routing of infinite products and sellers. When a user navigates to a product page or seller page the final part of the URL is the seller ID or product ID, on loading the page a database call brings back the info to populate the page with data and images.