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This repository has been archived by the owner on Oct 26, 2023. It is now read-only.


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Remote deployment link

Getting Start(to read what already have

(for linux please do docker-compose, for mac please do docker compose without "-")

  1. build
$ docker-compose build
  1. drop and recreate and migrate db
$ docker-compose run web rake db:drop db:create db:migrate

if you wish to use seed file, run

$ docker-compose run web rake db:drop db:create db:migrate db:seed
  1. start the server
$ docker-compose up
  1. put in browser, press RETERN

Main workflow to start contribution

  1. create your branch locally
$ git branch [username]/[branchname]
  1. see if your branch created locally
$ git branch
  1. go to your branch
$ git checkout [username]/[branchname]
  1. make edits to web content
  2. git add your change
$ git add .
  1. make your message
$ git commit -m "[your message]"
  1. git push
$ git push origin [your branch]
  1. open new pull request On GitHub page Pull Requests -> new pull request -> change field to "base:main branch <- compare:[yourbranch]"
  2. put some message in message box
  3. ask for at least 1 reviewer to approve (your teammate)
  4. resolve any conflict in local by typing this in your console
git pull origin main --rebase

Then in the source control on the leftside bar of VSCode, follow the prompt to accept incoming/current change add all change make a commit

$ git push origin [yourbranch] --force-with-lease
  1. click merge button in browser to main branch

Tsung test

  1. ssh to remote with PANDA.pem in current directory
ssh -i PANDA.pem [email protected]
  1. create a tsung instance (remember to terminate after use)
  • This command will output a ssh command (1) and a link(2) (NOTE:Remember it or write it down somewhere)
  1. type ssh command(1) of step 2 in the [email protected] remote, it will open another ssh remote, which is the Tsung remote
  2. Now we are in Tsung remote, there should be a example xml tsung test file called tsung_example.xml
  3. Put the test file you wrote in root of Tsung remote, run *Replace demo.xml with your tsung test.xml
tsung -f demo.xml -k start
  1. In your favorite browser(Chrome) type in link(2) you got from step 2
  2. You will see the log and graph and report for tsung

Save tsung test result

It's better to open three terminal 1 for local; 1 for [email protected]; 1 for Tsung instance [email protected]

  1. Open another ssh remote without terminate previous one
ssh -i PANDA.pem [email protected]
  1. Save log: In the new [email protected] instance run replace [email protected] with the text after ssh of ssh command (1) you get from step 2 of tsung test
rsync -auvL [email protected]:tsung_logs .
  1. Save graphs:
  • In Tsung instance, cd into tsung_logs folder, ls to see the log timestamp name
  • Then replace [20171108-2133] and [20171108-2146] with the time stamp name
    tsplot -d graphs m3_medium ./[20171108-2133]/tsung.log m3_large ./[20171108-2146]/tsung.log
  1. Save log and graph to your local computer
scp -r [email protected]:[/home/user/graphs] .

run pwd again to see where the graph file is

  • In console of your local computer, cd into a directory with authorizer of PANDA.pem file then copy the graphs to this directory replace [~/graphs] with the location of graph file of previous step
scp -r -i PANDA.pem [email protected]:[~/graphs] .

feed database


docker-compose run web rake db:drop db:create db:migrate


cd seed
pip3 install requests