There are two ways to run the Kubernetes operator, in cluster and locally. Running the operator locally is much faster than deploying it into the cluster when developing.
There are a few prerequisites to running the kubernetes operator properly.
Ensure that your local VM is running...
minikube start
Inside of the scalog/scalog repository, bootstrap the namespace and manually provision volume space for the data layer...
kubectl create -f data/k8s/namespace.yaml
kubectl create -f data/k8s/rbac.yaml
kubectl create -f data/k8s/volumes.yaml
In the scalog-operator repository, register the custom resource with kubernetes...
kubectl create -f deploy/crds/scalog_v1alpha1_scalogservice_crd.yaml
Run the operator locally...
operator-sdk up local --namespace=scalog
Create the scalogservice
kubectl create -f deploy/crds/scalog_v1alpha1_scalogservice_cr.yaml
At this point, one shard with 2 replicas should have been spun up in your kubernetes cluster. You can scale up the number of shards by modifying
and then running kubectl apply -f deploy/crds/scalog_v1alpha1_scalogservice_cr.yaml
This is typically used for production deployments of operators, so no.