C# console application for incremental backups of images from markdown files (currently supports naming from links from Roam Research). Basic idea behind the program is to be able to regularly backup your images from markdown files which are written through Roam.
- Download the project through GitHub
- Get into terminal and navigate into the folder containing the project
3a. Run dotnet run .\MarkdownImageBackuper.csproj
and follow the instructions in the program.
3b. Click on run button in your IDE and follow the instructions in the program.
PS C:\Users\RichardSchafer\Dev\MarkdownImageBackuper> dotnet run .\MarkdownImageBackuper.csproj
Q: Provide the directory you want to run backup from
> C:\Users\RichardSchafer\Dev\MarkdownImageBackuper\examples\basic
Q: Provide the directory where you want to backup images or hit enter to automatically create new one:
[BACKUPER]: Empty input, will create new directory
[BACKUPER]: Created backup directory: C:\Users\RichardSchafer\Dev\MarkdownImageBackuper\examples\basic\backup_2021-6-30-13-25-31
[BACKUPER]: Starting with backup...
Downloading: [2Fiaz3ATgVUk]- DONE
Downloading: [2Fapt282DtSS]- DONE
Downloading: [2FkohQg5YRIB]- DONE
Downloading: [2FcMOq2eEO7N]- DONE
------------ SUMMARY ---------------
Backed up (downloaded): 4 and skipped 0 images
- FROM: C:\Users\RichardSchafer\Dev\MarkdownImageBackuper\examples\basic
- TO: C:\Users\RichardSchafer\Dev\MarkdownImageBackuper\examples\basic\backup_2021-6-30-13-25-31
It took: 0:11.217
PS C:\Users\RichardSchafer\Dev\MarkdownImageBackuper> dotnet run .\MarkdownImageBackuper.csproj
Q: Provide the directory you want to run backup from
> C:\Users\RichardSchafer\Dev\MarkdownImageBackuper\examples\basic
Q: Provide the directory where you want to backup images or hit enter to automatically create new one:
> C:\Users\RichardSchafer\Dev\MarkdownImageBackuper\examples\basic\backup_2021-6-30-13-25-31
[BACKUPER]: Starting with backup...
2Fiaz3ATgVUk already downloaded, skipping
2Fapt282DtSS already downloaded, skipping
2FkohQg5YRIB already downloaded, skipping
Downloading: [2FcMOq2eEO7N]- DONE
------------ SUMMARY ---------------
Backed up (downloaded): 1 and skipped 3 images
- FROM: C:\Users\RichardSchafer\Dev\MarkdownImageBackuper\examples\basic
- TO: C:\Users\RichardSchafer\Dev\MarkdownImageBackuper\examples\basic\backup_2021-6-30-13-25-31
It took: 0:01.791
PS C:\Users\RichardSchafer\Dev\MarkdownImageBackuper> dotnet run .\MarkdownImageBackuper.csproj
Q: Provide the directory you want to run backup from
> C:\Users\RichardSchafer\Dev\MarkdownImageBackuper\examples\basic-nonexisting\
[BACKUPER]: The path you've provided points to invalid directory.
Q: Provide the directory you want to run backup from
> C:\Users\RichardSchafer\Dev\MarkdownImageBackuper\examples\basic-nonexisting-two\
[BACKUPER]: The path you've provided points to invalid directory.
Q: Provide the directory you want to run backup from
[BACKUPER]: You provided empty input, please provide path to directory.
Q: Provide the directory you want to run backup from
> C:\Users\RichardSchafer\Dev\MarkdownImageBackuper\examples\basic
Q: Provide the directory where you want to backup images or hit enter to automatically create new one:
> C:\Users\RichardSchafer\Dev\MarkdownImageBackuper\examples\basic\backup_2021-6-nonexisting
[BACKUPER]: The path you've provided points to invalid directory, will create new one
[BACKUPER]: Created backup directory: C:\Users\RichardSchafer\Dev\MarkdownImageBackuper\examples\basic\backup_2021-6-30-13-33-0
[BACKUPER]: Starting with backup...
Downloading: [2Fiaz3ATgVUk]- DONE
Downloading: [2Fapt282DtSS]- DONE
Downloading: [2FkohQg5YRIB]- DONE
Downloading: [2FcMOq2eEO7N]- DONE
------------ SUMMARY ---------------
Backed up (downloaded): 4 and skipped 0 images
- FROM: C:\Users\RichardSchafer\Dev\MarkdownImageBackuper\examples\basic
- TO: C:\Users\RichardSchafer\Dev\MarkdownImageBackuper\examples\basic\backup_2021-6-30-13-33-0
It took: 0:20.917
The /examples
folder contains other directories with files, to test the program on:
contains the most basic usage of the program/examples/invalid-links
contains a file with some invalid / incomplete markdown image links, link to nonexistent image and one image with description (valid)/examples/multiple-files
contains more files in the directory to backup images from/examples/nested
contains nested structure of file to backup images from