pyquickhelper is used to automate the release of the documentation such as automating Jenkins, converting notebooks into many formats, extending Sphinx with custom extensions... It assumes the project is organized on the same template as this one.
- simple forms in notebooks
- help generation including notebook conversion
- folder synchronization
- logging
- help running unit tests
- simple server to server sphinx documentation
- file compression, zip, gzip, 7z
- helpers for ipython notebooks (upgrade, offline run)
- parser to quickly add a magic command in a notebook
- Sphinx directives to integrate a blogpost in the documentation
- mechanism to add forms in notebooks
This project contains the following folders:
- a source folder: src
- a unit test folder: _unittests, go to this folder and run run_unittests.py
- a folder: _doc, it will contain the documentation, a subfolder _doc/sphinxdox/source/blog contains blog post to communicate on the module
- a file setup.py to build and to install the module, if the source were retrieve from GitHub, the script can also be called with the following extra options (python setup.py <option>): * clean_space: remove extra spaces in the code * build_sphinx: builds the documentation * unittests: run the unit tests, compute the code coverage
- a script build_script.bat which produces many script on Windows to easily run the setup, generate the documentation, run the unit tests.
Convert a notebook into slides:
from pyquickhelper.helpgen import nb2slides nb2slides("nb.ipynb", "convert.slides.html")
Merge two notebooks:
from pyquickhelper.ipythonhelper import read_nb nb1 = read_nb("<file1>", kernel=False) nb2 = read_nb("<file2>", kernel=False) nb1.merge_notebook(nb2) nb1.to_json(outfile)
Run a notebook:
from pyquickhelper.ipythonhelper import run_notebook run_notebook("source.ipynb", working_dir="temp", outfilename="modified.ipynb", additional_path = [ "c:/temp/mymodule/src" ] )
Run a command line program:
from pyquickhelper.loghelper import run_cmd out,err = run_cmd("python setup.py install", wait=True)
A sphinx extension to generate python documentation from a script:
.. runpython:: :showcode: import sys print("sys.version_info=", str(sys.version_info))