This repository contains the scripts and results relating to Sean Condon's work on the Allen Algorithm for LHCb during the summer of 2020.
writeups - Latex source code and pdf's describing weekly progress on the project.
catBoostClassifiers - Directory where trained BDT models are saved along with result plots and files.
AllenMVA - Contains training and testing data for BDT models.
pycharmScripts - Python scripts for training and testing models.
The files and found in pycharmScripts/can be used to train custom BDT models with various hyperparameters from command-line. will train one BDT model for the training data, while will train a different BDT model for each type of decay in the training data.
Generic classifiers enforce the parent particle PT > 2 Gev, Tau > 0.2 ps, and eta between 2 and 5; this removes around 92% of training data. Specific classifiers do not enforce these cuts because there is not enough training data to train seperate models for each decay type after cutting out so much data.
To make a custom classifier, clone the repository and navigate cd into pycharmScripts. Activate the virtual environment that contains the necessary dependencies with:
source venv/bin/activate
Once the python virtual environment is activated, simply call the python file you want to run, for example:
This call comes with a lot of custom arguments that influence the learning rate, iterations, shuffling, and many more hyperparameters of the model training process. You can view the possible arguments with:
python -h
For example, you can train a generic classifier with a learning rate of 0.01, 800 iterations, and a depth of 8 with:
python --learningRate 0.01 --iterations 800 --depth 8