Last update: 2020-06-07
This repository contains data on reported COVID-19 cases in Germany and its federal states that is published daily by the Robert-Koch-Institut (RKI).
corona_rki <- read_csv("data/corona_deu_rki.csv")
corona_rki %>%
arrange(desc(Datum), Bundesland) %>%
print(n = 16)
## # A tibble: 1,530 x 6
## Datum Bundesland Fallzahl Todeszahl Fallzahl_neu Todeszahl_neu
## <date> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 2020-06-07 Baden-Württemb… 34912 1791 14 1
## 2 2020-06-07 Bayern 47334 2501 8 12
## 3 2020-06-07 Berlin 6997 205 33 4
## 4 2020-06-07 Brandenburg 3297 158 3 0
## 5 2020-06-07 Bremen 1517 44 4 0
## 6 2020-06-07 Hamburg 5113 254 2 0
## 7 2020-06-07 Hessen 10203 484 32 1
## 8 2020-06-07 Mecklenburg-Vo… 773 20 7 0
## 9 2020-06-07 Niedersachsen 12466 605 67 0
## 10 2020-06-07 Nordrhein-West… 38616 1623 92 1
## 11 2020-06-07 Rheinland-Pfalz 6775 230 14 0
## 12 2020-06-07 Saarland 2747 166 7 0
## 13 2020-06-07 Sachsen 5323 214 2 2
## 14 2020-06-07 Sachsen-Anhalt 1720 56 3 1
## 15 2020-06-07 Schleswig-Hols… 3109 147 2 0
## 16 2020-06-07 Thüringen 3077 170 11 0
## # … with 1,514 more rows
Data is downloaded each day at 11am from the website of the RKI (and updated again at 11pm). The time stamp refers to the day when the data was downloaded.
Population sizes of the federal states were scraped from Wikipedia and are also available in this repo.
population <- read_csv("data/einwohner_bundesland.csv")
## # A tibble: 16 x 2
## Bundesland Einwohner
## <chr> <dbl>
## 1 Baden-Württemberg 11069533
## 2 Bayern 13076721
## 3 Berlin 3644826
## 4 Brandenburg 2511917
## 5 Bremen 682986
## 6 Hamburg 1841179
## 7 Hessen 6265809
## 8 Mecklenburg-Vorpommern 1609675
## 9 Niedersachsen 7982448
## 10 Nordrhein-Westfalen 17932651
## 11 Rheinland-Pfalz 4084844
## 12 Saarland 990509
## 13 Sachsen 4077937
## 14 Sachsen-Anhalt 2208321
## 15 Schleswig-Holstein 2896712
## 16 Thüringen 2143145
I’ll try to update the data daily. You can import the most recent version directly from GitHub.
corona_rki <- read_csv("")
I will also produce a plot from time to time, probably in German. You’re welcome to use them.