Denizen tool which creates an HTML interface to browse Flags and Notes.
v1.0.3 2022-08-10
Requires Denizen-1.2.5-b6309-DEV or newer.
Copy scripts
and webroot/dnbrowse
into plugins/Denizen/
, maintaining directory structure.
The following config options should be set in Denizen/config.yml
Commands/WebServer/Allow: true
Tags/List flags/I know what im doing and need this: true
Edit the config options at the start of scripts/dnbrowse.dsc
to set the server address and which port the interface should use.
To get a link to the browser interface, run command /dnbrowse
base permission needed to
allow to teleport player to locations, etc.(not yet implemented)custom.dnbrowse.edit
allow editing and deleting of flags and notescustom.dnbrowse.secrets
allow to show dnbrowse_secret flags, otherwise these and dnbrowse_active are filtered
Note that depending on the permissions system, the player may need to be online for the permissions to function (i.e. if the web interface is reloaded while the player is offline then the permissions may default to false).
Shows a tree view of Denizen data within a web-browser.
Currently supports: server flags and player flags, plus flags attached to noted locations, areas, inventories and inventory items. Bear in mind that location flags are stored with chunk data and so will only be available if the chunk is currently loaded.
Other flaggable objects may be added later.
Expiring flags show an icon, with relative and absolute expiration times on mouseover.
All types of note can be browsed: locations, cuboids, ellipsoids, polygons and inventories.
A search function allows searching of the data within the current tab. Since player flags are loaded on demand when each player is expanded in the tree view, only loaded players will be searched.
The search can either expand and highlight all matches, or filter the tree so only matches are shown.
Player objects show the player's head (from Clicking the head opens the player's flags.
If a Location or AreaObject is saved in flag or note, clicking an icon allows the player who launched DnBrowse to be teleported to the location. In the case of an AreaObject the player will be teleported to the center and the area will be selected with the Denizen Area Selector Tool and/or WorldEdit, if available. Requires permission