This Api connects with the Image gallery Search. The purpose of this api is obtain data through API and persist it in cache data, in this case I used Redis like Cache persistent. I've used Akka actors in order to schedule a task to obtain data from Api. Also, The framework stack that I've used was: - Play framework 2.8 - Akka actors - Cats Effects - Redis
First of all, you have to install docker and docker-compose and then, you can run docker-compose to run Redis. After that, you run the app.
docker-compose $ docker-compose up -d
$ sbt "run 9000"
API_INTERVALS: time connections to get data from API REDIS_HOST: redis host REDIS_PORT: redis port API_URL: url endpoint API from get data API_KEY: apikey.
For more information, see conf/application.conf file.
GET /images/:page/:size page: number of Page. size: items per page.
GET /image/:id id: identity of image