For the lady's wallet and the man's pocket! Here you have the most complete and compact HTML cheat sheet in the entire world!
<!DOCTYPE html> <!-- In HTML 4.01, the <!DOCTYPE> declaration refers to a DTD, because HTML 4.01 was based on SGML. The DTD specifies the rules for the markup language, so that the browsers render the content correctly. HTML5 is not based on SGML, and therefore does not require a reference to a DTD -->
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">
<html></html> <!-- Indicates that the page is written in html -->
<head></head> <!-- Contains Information specific to the page like title, styles and scripts -->
<title></title> <!-- Title for the page that shows up in the browser title bar -->
<body></body> <!-- Content that the user will see -->
<base/> <!-- Usefull for specifying relative links in a document -->
<style></style> <!-- Contains styles for the html document -->
<meta/> <!-- Contains additional information about the page, author, page description and other hidden page info -->
<script></script> <!-- Contains all scripts internal or external -->
<link/> <!-- Used to create relationships with external pages and stylesheets -->
<h1></h1> ... <h6></h6> <!-- All six levels of heading with 1 being the most promiment and 6 being the least prominent -->
<p></p> <!-- Used to organize paragraph text -->
<div></div> <!-- A generic ontainerused to denote a page section -->
<span></span> <!-- Inline section or block container used for creating inline style elements -->
<br/> <!-- Creates a line-break -->
<hr> <!-- Creates a sectional break into HTML -->
<article> <!--Defines an article in a document-->
<aside> <!--Defines content aside from the page content -->
<bdi> <!--Isolates a part of text that might be formatted in a different direction from other text outside it -->
<details> <!-- Defines additional details that the user can view or hide -->
<dialog> <!--Defines a dialog box or window -->
<figcaption> <!--Defines a caption for a <figure> element -->
<figure> <!-- Defines self-contained content -->
<footer> <!--Defines a footer for a document or section -->
<header> <!--Defines a header for a document or section-->
<main> <!--Defines the main content of a document-->
<mark> <!--Defines marked/highlighted text -->
<meter> <!--Defines a scalar measurement within a known range (a gauge) -->
<nav> <!--Defines navigation links-->
<progress> <!--Represents the progress of a task-->
<rp> <!--Defines what to show in browsers that do not support ruby annotations-->
<rt> <!--Defines an explanation/pronunciation of characters (for East Asian typography)-->
<ruby> <!--Defines a ruby annotation (for East Asian typography)-->
<section> <!--Defines a section in a document-->
<summary> <!--Defines a visible heading for a <details> element-->
<time> <!--Defines a date/time-->
<wbr> <!--Defines a possible line-break-->
<strong></strong> and <b></b><!-- Makes text contained in the tag as bold -->
<em></em> and <i></i><!-- Alternative way to make the text contained in the tag as italic -->
<strike></strike><!-- creates a strike through the text element -->
<pre></pre><!-- Preformatted monospace text block with some spacing intact -->
<blockquote></blockquote><!-- Contains long paragraphs of quotations often cited -->
<abbr></abbr> <!-- Contains abbreviations while also making the full form avaialable -->
<address></address><!-- Used to display contact information -->
<code></code><!-- Used to display inline code snippets -->
<a href="url"></a> <!-- Used to link to external or internal pages of a wbesite -->
<a href="mailto:[email protected]"></a> <!-- Used to link to an email address -->
<a href="name"></a> <!-- Used to link to a document element -->
<a href="#name"></a> <!-- Used to link to specific div element (<h2 id="name">Title</h2>) -->
<a href="tel://####-####-##"></a> <!-- Used to display phone numbers and make them as clickable -->
<img src="url" alt="text"> <!-- Used to display images in a webpage wehre src="url" contains the link to the image source and alt="" contains an alternative text to display wehn the image is not displayed -->
<ol></ol> <!-- Used to create ordered lists with numbers in the items -->
<ul></ul> <!-- Used to display unordered lists with numbers in the items -->
<li></li> <!-- Contains list items inside ordered and unordered lists -->
<dl></dl> <!-- Contains list item definitions -->
<dt></dt> <!-- definition of single term inline with body content -->
<dd></dd> <!-- The descrpition of the defined term -->
<form action="url"></form> <!-- Form element creates a form and action="" specifies where the data is to be sent to when the visitor submits the form -->
method="somefunction()" <!-- Contains the type of request (GET, POST... etc) which dictates how to send the data of the form -->
enctype="" <!-- Dictates how the data is to be encoded when the data is sent to the web server. -->
autocomplete="" <!-- Specifies if the autocomplete functionality is enabled or not -->
novalidate <!-- Dictates if the form will be validated or not -->
accept-charset="" <!-- Identifies the character encoding upon form submission -->
target="" <!-- Tell where to display the information upon form submission. POssible values: '_blank', '_self', '_parent', '_top' -->
<fieldset disabled="disabled"></fieldset> <!-- Identifies the group of all fields in the form -->
<label for=""></label> <!-- A simple field label telling the user what to type in the field -->
<legend></legend> <!-- The form legend acts as a caption for the fieldset element -->
<input type="text/email/number/color/date"> <!-- Input is the input field where the user can input various types of data -->
name="" width="" value="" size="" maxlength="" required="" step=""
<textarea name="" id="" cols="30" rows="10"> </textarea>
name="" size="" multiple required autofocus
type="" height="" width="" usemap=""
<iframe src="" frameborder="0"></iframe> scr="" width=""<header></header> <!-- Defines the header block for a document or a section -->
<footer></footer> <!-- Defines the footer block for a document or a section -->
<main></main> <!-- Describes the main content of a document-->
<article></article> <!-- Identifies an article inside a document -->
<aside></aside> <!-- Specifies content contained in a document sidebar -->
<section></section> <!-- Defines a section of a document -->
<details></details> <!-- Describes additonal information that user can view or hide -->
<dialog></dialog> <!-- A dialog box or a window -->
<figure></figure> <!-- An independent content block featuring images, diagrams or illustrations -->
<figcaption></figcaption> <!-- Caption that describe a figure -->
<mark></mark> <!-- Displays a portion of highlighted text with in a page content -->
<nav></nav> <!-- Navigation links for the user in a document -->
<menuitem></menuitem> <!-- The specific menu item that a usrr can raise from a pop up menu -->
<meter></meter> <!-- Describes the scalar measurement with in a known array -->
<progress></progress> <!-- Displays the progress of a task usually a progress bar -->
<rp></rp> <!-- Describes text within the browsers that do not support ruby notations -->
<rt></rt> <!-- Displays east asian typography character details -->
<ruby></ruby> <!-- Describes annotations for east asian typography -->
<summary></summary> <!-- Contains a visible heading for details element -->
<bdi></bdi> <!-- Helps you format parts of text in a different direction than other text -->
<time></time> <!-- Identifies the time and date -->
<wbr> <!-- A line break within the content -->
" " Quotation Marks - " & & Ampersand - & < < Less than sign - < > > Greater than sign - > Non-breaking space © © Copyright Symbol - © @ Ü @ symbol - @ � ö Small bullet - . � û Trademark Symbol - ™
![]() :bowtie: |
😄 :smile: |
😆 :laughing: |
😊 :blush: |
😃 :smiley: |
:relaxed: |
😏 :smirk: |
😍 :heart_eyes: |
😘 :kissing_heart: |
😚 :kissing_closed_eyes: |
😳 :flushed: |
😌 :relieved: |
😆 :satisfied: |
😁 :grin: |
😉 :wink: |
😜 :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: |
😝 :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: |
😀 :grinning: |
😗 :kissing: |
😙 :kissing_smiling_eyes: |
😛 :stuck_out_tongue: |
😴 :sleeping: |
😟 :worried: |
😦 :frowning: |
😧 :anguished: |
😮 :open_mouth: |
😬 :grimacing: |
😕 :confused: |
😯 :hushed: |
😑 :expressionless: |
😒 :unamused: |
😅 :sweat_smile: |
😓 :sweat: |
😥 :disappointed_relieved: |
😩 :weary: |
😔 :pensive: |
😞 :disappointed: |
😖 :confounded: |
😨 :fearful: |
😰 :cold_sweat: |
😣 :persevere: |
😢 :cry: |
😭 :sob: |
😂 :joy: |
😲 :astonished: |
😱 :scream: |
![]() :neckbeard: |
😫 :tired_face: |
😠 :angry: |
😡 :rage: |
😤 :triumph: |
😪 :sleepy: |
😋 :yum: |
😷 :mask: |
😎 :sunglasses: |
😵 :dizzy_face: |
👿 :imp: |
😈 :smiling_imp: |
😐 :neutral_face: |
😶 :no_mouth: |
😇 :innocent: |
👽 :alien: |
💛 :yellow_heart: |
💙 :blue_heart: |
💜 :purple_heart: |
❤️ :heart: |
💚 :green_heart: |
💔 :broken_heart: |
💓 :heartbeat: |
💗 :heartpulse: |
💕 :two_hearts: |
💞 :revolving_hearts: |
💘 :cupid: |
💖 :sparkling_heart: |
✨ :sparkles: |
⭐ :star: |
🌟 :star2: |
💫 :dizzy: |
💥 :boom: |
💥 :collision: |
💢 :anger: |
❗ :exclamation: |
❓ :question: |
❕ :grey_exclamation: |
❔ :grey_question: |
💤 :zzz: |
💨 :dash: |
💦 :sweat_drops: |
🎶 :notes: |
🎵 :musical_note: |
🔥 :fire: |
💩 :hankey: |
💩 :poop: |
💩 :shit: |
👍 :+1: |
👍 :thumbsup: |
👎 :-1: |
👎 :thumbsdown: |
👌 :ok_hand: |
👊 :punch: |
👊 :facepunch: |
✊ :fist: |
✌️ :v: |
👋 :wave: |
✋ :hand: |
✋ :raised_hand: |
👐 :open_hands: |
☝️ :point_up: |
👇 :point_down: |
👈 :point_left: |
👉 :point_right: |
🙌 :raised_hands: |
🙏 :pray: |
👆 :point_up_2: |
👏 :clap: |
💪 :muscle: |
🤘 :metal: |
🖕 :fu: |
🚶 :walking: |
🏃 :runner: |
🏃 :running: |
👫 :couple: |
👪 :family: |
👬 :two_men_holding_hands: |
👭 :two_women_holding_hands: |
💃 :dancer: |
👯 :dancers: |
🙆♀️ :ok_woman: |
🙅 :no_good: |
💁 :information_desk_person: |
🙋 :raising_hand: |
👰♀️ :bride_with_veil: |
:person_with_pouting_face: :person_with_pouting_face: |
:person_frowning: :person_frowning: |
🙇 :bow: |
💏 :couplekiss: |
💑 :couple_with_heart: |
💆 :massage: |
💇 :haircut: |
💅 :nail_care: |
👦 :boy: |
👧 :girl: |
👩 :woman: |
👨 :man: |
👶 :baby: |
👵 :older_woman: |
👴 :older_man: |
:person_with_blond_hair: :person_with_blond_hair: |
👲 :man_with_gua_pi_mao: |
👳♂️ :man_with_turban: |
👷 :construction_worker: |
👮 :cop: |
👼 :angel: |
👸 :princess: |
😺 :smiley_cat: |
😸 :smile_cat: |
😻 :heart_eyes_cat: |
😽 :kissing_cat: |
😼 :smirk_cat: |
🙀 :scream_cat: |
😿 :crying_cat_face: |
😹 :joy_cat: |
😾 :pouting_cat: |
👹 :japanese_ogre: |
👺 :japanese_goblin: |
🙈 :see_no_evil: |
🙉 :hear_no_evil: |
🙊 :speak_no_evil: |
💂♂️ :guardsman: |
💀 :skull: |
🐾 :feet: |
👄 :lips: |
💋 :kiss: |
💧 :droplet: |
👂 :ear: |
👀 :eyes: |
👃 :nose: |
👅 :tongue: |
💌 :love_letter: |
👤 :bust_in_silhouette: |
👥 :busts_in_silhouette: |
💬 :speech_balloon: |
💭 :thought_balloon: |
![]() :feelsgood: |
![]() :finnadie: |
![]() :goberserk: |
![]() :godmode: |
![]() :hurtrealbad: |
![]() :rage1: |
![]() :rage2: |
![]() :rage3: |
![]() :rage4: |
![]() :suspect: |
![]() :trollface: |
☀️ :sunny: |
☔ :umbrella: |
☁️ :cloud: |
❄️ :snowflake: |
⛄ :snowman: |
⚡ :zap: |
🌀 :cyclone: |
🌁 :foggy: |
🌊 :ocean: |
🐱 :cat: |
🐶 :dog: |
🐭 :mouse: |
🐹 :hamster: |
🐰 :rabbit: |
🐺 :wolf: |
🐸 :frog: |
🐯 :tiger: |
🐨 :koala: |
🐻 :bear: |
🐷 :pig: |
🐽 :pig_nose: |
🐮 :cow: |
🐗 :boar: |
🐵 :monkey_face: |
🐒 :monkey: |
🐴 :horse: |
🐎 :racehorse: |
🐫 :camel: |
🐑 :sheep: |
🐘 :elephant: |
🐼 :panda_face: |
🐍 :snake: |
🐦 :bird: |
🐤 :baby_chick: |
🐥 :hatched_chick: |
🐣 :hatching_chick: |
🐔 :chicken: |
🐧 :penguin: |
🐢 :turtle: |
🐛 :bug: |
🐝 :honeybee: |
🐜 :ant: |
🪲 :beetle: |
🐌 :snail: |
🐙 :octopus: |
🐠 :tropical_fish: |
🐟 :fish: |
🐳 :whale: |
🐋 :whale2: |
🐬 :dolphin: |
🐄 :cow2: |
🐏 :ram: |
🐀 :rat: |
🐃 :water_buffalo: |
🐅 :tiger2: |
🐇 :rabbit2: |
🐉 :dragon: |
🐐 :goat: |
🐓 :rooster: |
🐕 :dog2: |
🐖 :pig2: |
🐁 :mouse2: |
🐂 :ox: |
🐲 :dragon_face: |
🐡 :blowfish: |
🐊 :crocodile: |
🐪 :dromedary_camel: |
🐆 :leopard: |
🐈 :cat2: |
🐩 :poodle: |
🐾 :paw_prints: |
💐 :bouquet: |
🌸 :cherry_blossom: |
🌷 :tulip: |
🍀 :four_leaf_clover: |
🌹 :rose: |
🌻 :sunflower: |
🌺 :hibiscus: |
🍁 :maple_leaf: |
🍃 :leaves: |
🍂 :fallen_leaf: |
🌿 :herb: |
🍄 :mushroom: |
🌵 :cactus: |
🌴 :palm_tree: |
🌲 :evergreen_tree: |
🌳 :deciduous_tree: |
🌰 :chestnut: |
🌱 :seedling: |
🌼 :blossom: |
🌾 :ear_of_rice: |
🐚 :shell: |
🌐 :globe_with_meridians: |
🌞 :sun_with_face: |
🌝 :full_moon_with_face: |
🌚 :new_moon_with_face: |
🌑 :new_moon: |
🌒 :waxing_crescent_moon: |
🌓 :first_quarter_moon: |
🌔 :waxing_gibbous_moon: |
🌕 :full_moon: |
🌖 :waning_gibbous_moon: |
🌗 :last_quarter_moon: |
🌘 :waning_crescent_moon: |
🌜 :last_quarter_moon_with_face: |
🌛 :first_quarter_moon_with_face: |
🌔 :moon: |
🌍 :earth_africa: |
🌎 :earth_americas: |
🌏 :earth_asia: |
🌋 :volcano: |
🌌 :milky_way: |
⛅ :partly_sunny: |
![]() :octocat: |
:squirrel: :squirrel: |
🎍 :bamboo: |
💝 :gift_heart: |
🎎 :dolls: |
🎒 :school_satchel: |
🎓 :mortar_board: |
🎏 :flags: |
🎆 :fireworks: |
🎇 :sparkler: |
🎐 :wind_chime: |
🎑 :rice_scene: |
🎃 :jack_o_lantern: |
👻 :ghost: |
🎅 :santa: |
🎄 :christmas_tree: |
🎁 :gift: |
🔔 :bell: |
🔕 :no_bell: |
🎋 :tanabata_tree: |
🎉 :tada: |
🎊 :confetti_ball: |
🎈 :balloon: |
🔮 :crystal_ball: |
💿 :cd: |
📀 :dvd: |
💾 :floppy_disk: |
📷 :camera: |
📹 :video_camera: |
🎥 :movie_camera: |
💻 :computer: |
📺 :tv: |
📱 :iphone: |
☎️ :phone: |
☎️ :telephone: |
📞 :telephone_receiver: |
📟 :pager: |
📠 :fax: |
💽 :minidisc: |
📼 :vhs: |
🔉 :sound: |
🔈 :speaker: |
🔇 :mute: |
📢 :loudspeaker: |
📣 :mega: |
⌛ :hourglass: |
⏳ :hourglass_flowing_sand: |
⏰ :alarm_clock: |
⌚ :watch: |
📻 :radio: |
📡 :satellite: |
➿ :loop: |
🔍 :mag: |
🔎 :mag_right: |
🔓 :unlock: |
🔒 :lock: |
🔏 :lock_with_ink_pen: |
🔐 :closed_lock_with_key: |
🔑 :key: |
💡 :bulb: |
🔦 :flashlight: |
🔆 :high_brightness: |
🔅 :low_brightness: |
🔌 :electric_plug: |
🔋 :battery: |
📲 :calling: |
📧 :email: |
📫 :mailbox: |
📮 :postbox: |
🛀 :bath: |
🛁 :bathtub: |
🚿 :shower: |
🚽 :toilet: |
🔧 :wrench: |
🔩 :nut_and_bolt: |
🔨 :hammer: |
💺 :seat: |
💰 :moneybag: |
💴 :yen: |
💵 :dollar: |
💷 :pound: |
💶 :euro: |
💳 :credit_card: |
💸 :money_with_wings: |
📧 :e-mail: |
📥 :inbox_tray: |
📤 :outbox_tray: |
✉️ :envelope: |
📨 :incoming_envelope: |
📯 :postal_horn: |
📪 :mailbox_closed: |
📬 :mailbox_with_mail: |
📭 :mailbox_with_no_mail: |
🚪 :door: |
🚬 :smoking: |
💣 :bomb: |
🔫 :gun: |
🔪 :hocho: |
💊 :pill: |
💉 :syringe: |
📄 :page_facing_up: |
📃 :page_with_curl: |
📑 :bookmark_tabs: |
📊 :bar_chart: |
📈 :chart_with_upwards_trend: |
📉 :chart_with_downwards_trend: |
📜 :scroll: |
📋 :clipboard: |
📆 :calendar: |
📅 :date: |
📇 :card_index: |
📁 :file_folder: |
📂 :open_file_folder: |
✂️ :scissors: |
📌 :pushpin: |
📎 :paperclip: |
✒️ :black_nib: |
✏️ :pencil2: |
📏 :straight_ruler: |
📐 :triangular_ruler: |
📕 :closed_book: |
📗 :green_book: |
📘 :blue_book: |
📙 :orange_book: |
📓 :notebook: |
📔 :notebook_with_decorative_cover: |
📒 :ledger: |
📚 :books: |
🔖 :bookmark: |
📛 :name_badge: |
🔬 :microscope: |
🔭 :telescope: |
📰 :newspaper: |
🏈 :football: |
🏀 :basketball: |
⚽ :soccer: |
⚾ :baseball: |
🎾 :tennis: |
🎱 :8ball: |
🏉 :rugby_football: |
🎳 :bowling: |
⛳ :golf: |
🚵 :mountain_bicyclist: |
🚴 :bicyclist: |
🏇 :horse_racing: |
🏂 :snowboarder: |
🏊 :swimmer: |
🏄 :surfer: |
🎿 :ski: |
:spades: |
:hearts: |
:clubs: |
:diamonds: |
💎 :gem: |
💍 :ring: |
🏆 :trophy: |
🎼 :musical_score: |
🎹 :musical_keyboard: |
🎻 :violin: |
👾 :space_invader: |
🎮 :video_game: |
🃏 :black_joker: |
🎴 :flower_playing_cards: |
🎲 :game_die: |
🎯 :dart: |
🀄 :mahjong: |
🎬 :clapper: |
📝 :memo: |
📝 :pencil: |
📖 :book: |
🎨 :art: |
🎤 :microphone: |
🎧 :headphones: |
🎺 :trumpet: |
🎷 :saxophone: |
🎸 :guitar: |
👞 :shoe: |
👡 :sandal: |
👠 :high_heel: |
💄 :lipstick: |
👢 :boot: |
👕 :shirt: |
👕 :tshirt: |
👔 :necktie: |
👚 :womans_clothes: |
👗 :dress: |
🎽 :running_shirt_with_sash: |
👖 :jeans: |
👘 :kimono: |
👙 :bikini: |
🎀 :ribbon: |
🎩 :tophat: |
👑 :crown: |
👒 :womans_hat: |
👞 :mans_shoe: |
🌂 :closed_umbrella: |
💼 :briefcase: |
👜 :handbag: |
👝 :pouch: |
👛 :purse: |
👓 :eyeglasses: |
🎣 :fishing_pole_and_fish: |
☕ :coffee: |
🍵 :tea: |
🍶 :sake: |
🍼 :baby_bottle: |
🍺 :beer: |
🍻 :beers: |
🍸 :cocktail: |
🍹 :tropical_drink: |
🍷 :wine_glass: |
🍴 :fork_and_knife: |
🍕 :pizza: |
🍔 :hamburger: |
🍟 :fries: |
🍗 :poultry_leg: |
🍖 :meat_on_bone: |
🍝 :spaghetti: |
🍛 :curry: |
🍤 :fried_shrimp: |
🍱 :bento: |
🍣 :sushi: |
🍥 :fish_cake: |
🍙 :rice_ball: |
🍘 :rice_cracker: |
🍚 :rice: |
🍜 :ramen: |
🍲 :stew: |
🍢 :oden: |
🍡 :dango: |
🥚 :egg: |
🍞 :bread: |
🍩 :doughnut: |
🍮 :custard: |
🍦 :icecream: |
🍨 :ice_cream: |
🍧 :shaved_ice: |
🎂 :birthday: |
🍰 :cake: |
🍪 :cookie: |
🍫 :chocolate_bar: |
🍬 :candy: |
🍭 :lollipop: |
🍯 :honey_pot: |
🍎 :apple: |
🍏 :green_apple: |
🍊 :tangerine: |
🍋 :lemon: |
🍒 :cherries: |
🍇 :grapes: |
🍉 :watermelon: |
🍓 :strawberry: |
🍑 :peach: |
🍈 :melon: |
🍌 :banana: |
🍐 :pear: |
🍍 :pineapple: |
🍠 :sweet_potato: |
🍆 :eggplant: |
🍅 :tomato: |
🌽 :corn: |
🏠 :house: |
🏡 :house_with_garden: |
🏫 :school: |
🏢 :office: |
🏣 :post_office: |
🏥 :hospital: |
🏦 :bank: |
🏪 :convenience_store: |
🏩 :love_hotel: |
🏨 :hotel: |
💒 :wedding: |
⛪ :church: |
🏬 :department_store: |
🏤 :european_post_office: |
🌇 :city_sunrise: |
🌆 :city_sunset: |
🏯 :japanese_castle: |
🏰 :european_castle: |
⛺ :tent: |
🏭 :factory: |
🗼 :tokyo_tower: |
🗾 :japan: |
🗻 :mount_fuji: |
🌄 :sunrise_over_mountains: |
🌅 :sunrise: |
🌠 :stars: |
🗽 :statue_of_liberty: |
🌉 :bridge_at_night: |
🎠 :carousel_horse: |
🌈 :rainbow: |
🎡 :ferris_wheel: |
⛲ :fountain: |
🎢 :roller_coaster: |
🚢 :ship: |
🚤 :speedboat: |
⛵ :boat: |
⛵ :sailboat: |
🚣 :rowboat: |
⚓ :anchor: |
🚀 :rocket: |
:airplane: |
🚁 :helicopter: |
🚂 :steam_locomotive: |
🚊 :tram: |
🚞 :mountain_railway: |
🚲 :bike: |
🚡 :aerial_tramway: |
🚟 :suspension_railway: |
🚠 :mountain_cableway: |
🚜 :tractor: |
🚙 :blue_car: |
🚘 :oncoming_automobile: |
🚗 :car: |
🚗 :red_car: |
🚕 :taxi: |
🚖 :oncoming_taxi: |
🚛 :articulated_lorry: |
🚌 :bus: |
🚍 :oncoming_bus: |
🚨 :rotating_light: |
🚓 :police_car: |
🚔 :oncoming_police_car: |
🚒 :fire_engine: |
🚑 :ambulance: |
🚐 :minibus: |
🚚 :truck: |
🚋 :train: |
🚉 :station: |
🚆 :train2: |
🚅 :bullettrain_front: |
🚄 :bullettrain_side: |
🚈 :light_rail: |
🚝 :monorail: |
🚃 :railway_car: |
🚎 :trolleybus: |
🎫 :ticket: |
⛽ :fuelpump: |
🚦 :vertical_traffic_light: |
🚥 :traffic_light: |
:warning: |
🚧 :construction: |
🔰 :beginner: |
🏧 :atm: |
🎰 :slot_machine: |
🚏 :busstop: |
💈 :barber: |
♨️ :hotsprings: |
🏁 :checkered_flag: |
🎌 :crossed_flags: |
🏮 :izakaya_lantern: |
🗿 :moyai: |
🎪 :circus_tent: |
🎭 :performing_arts: |
📍 :round_pushpin: |
🚩 :triangular_flag_on_post: |
🇯🇵 :jp: |
🇰🇷 :kr: |
🇨🇳 :cn: |
🇺🇸 :us: |
🇫🇷 :fr: |
🇪🇸 :es: |
🇮🇹 :it: |
🇷🇺 :ru: |
🇬🇧 :gb: |
🇬🇧 :uk: |
🇩🇪 :de: |
1️⃣ :one: |
2️⃣ :two: |
3️⃣ :three: |
4️⃣ :four: |
5️⃣ :five: |
6️⃣ :six: |
7️⃣ :seven: |
8️⃣ :eight: |
9️⃣ :nine: |
🔟 :keycap_ten: |
🔢 :1234: |
0️⃣ :zero: |
#️⃣ :hash: |
🔣 :symbols: |
:arrow_backward: |
⬇️ :arrow_down: |
:arrow_forward: |
⬅️ :arrow_left: |
🔠 :capital_abcd: |
🔡 :abcd: |
🔤 :abc: |
:arrow_lower_left: |
:arrow_lower_right: |
➡️ :arrow_right: |
⬆️ :arrow_up: |
:arrow_upper_left: |
:arrow_upper_right: |
⏬ :arrow_double_down: |
⏫ :arrow_double_up: |
🔽 :arrow_down_small: |
:arrow_heading_down: |
:arrow_heading_up: |
↩️ :leftwards_arrow_with_hook: |
↪️ :arrow_right_hook: |
:left_right_arrow: |
:arrow_up_down: |
🔼 :arrow_up_small: |
🔃 :arrows_clockwise: |
🔄 :arrows_counterclockwise: |
⏪ :rewind: |
⏩ :fast_forward: |
ℹ️ :information_source: |
🆗 :ok: |
🔀 :twisted_rightwards_arrows: |
🔁 :repeat: |
🔂 :repeat_one: |
🆕 :new: |
🔝 :top: |
🆙 :up: |
🆒 :cool: |
🆓 :free: |
🆖 :ng: |
🎦 :cinema: |
🈁 :koko: |
📶 :signal_strength: |
🈹 :u5272: |
🈴 :u5408: |
🈺 :u55b6: |
🈯 :u6307: |
🈷️ :u6708: |
🈶 :u6709: |
🈵 :u6e80: |
🈚 :u7121: |
🈸 :u7533: |
🈳 :u7a7a: |
🈲 :u7981: |
🈂️ :sa: |
🚻 :restroom: |
🚹 :mens: |
🚺 :womens: |
🚼 :baby_symbol: |
🚭 :no_smoking: |
:parking: |
♿ :wheelchair: |
🚇 :metro: |
🛄 :baggage_claim: |
🉑 :accept: |
🚾 :wc: |
🚰 :potable_water: |
🚮 :put_litter_in_its_place: |
㊙️ :secret: |
㊗️ :congratulations: |
:m: |
🛂 :passport_control: |
🛅 :left_luggage: |
🛃 :customs: |
🉐 :ideograph_advantage: |
🆑 :cl: |
🆘 :sos: |
🆔 :id: |
🚫 :no_entry_sign: |
🔞 :underage: |
📵 :no_mobile_phones: |
🚯 :do_not_litter: |
🚱 :non-potable_water: |
🚳 :no_bicycles: |
🚷 :no_pedestrians: |
🚸 :children_crossing: |
⛔ :no_entry: |
✳️ :eight_spoked_asterisk: |
✴️ :eight_pointed_black_star: |
💟 :heart_decoration: |
🆚 :vs: |
📳 :vibration_mode: |
📴 :mobile_phone_off: |
💹 :chart: |
💱 :currency_exchange: |
♈ :aries: |
♉ :taurus: |
♊ :gemini: |
♋ :cancer: |
♌ :leo: |
♍ :virgo: |
♎ :libra: |
♏ :scorpius: |
♐ :sagittarius: |
♑ :capricorn: |
♒ :aquarius: |
♓ :pisces: |
⛎ :ophiuchus: |
🔯 :six_pointed_star: |
❎ :negative_squared_cross_mark: |
:a: |
:b: |
🆎 :ab: |
:o2: |
💠 :diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside: |
♻️ :recycle: |
🔚 :end: |
🔛 :on: |
🔜 :soon: |
🕐 :clock1: |
🕜 :clock130: |
🕙 :clock10: |
🕥 :clock1030: |
🕚 :clock11: |
🕦 :clock1130: |
🕛 :clock12: |
🕧 :clock1230: |
🕑 :clock2: |
🕝 :clock230: |
🕒 :clock3: |
🕞 :clock330: |
🕓 :clock4: |
🕟 :clock430: |
🕔 :clock5: |
🕠 :clock530: |
🕕 :clock6: |
🕡 :clock630: |
🕖 :clock7: |
🕢 :clock730: |
🕗 :clock8: |
🕣 :clock830: |
🕘 :clock9: |
🕤 :clock930: |
💲 :heavy_dollar_sign: |
©️ :copyright: |
®️ :registered: |
™️ :tm: |
❌ :x: |
❗ :heavy_exclamation_mark: |
:bangbang: |
:interrobang: |
⭕ :o: |
✖️ :heavy_multiplication_x: |
➕ :heavy_plus_sign: |
➖ :heavy_minus_sign: |
➗ :heavy_division_sign: |
💮 :white_flower: |
💯 :100: |
✔️ :heavy_check_mark: |
☑️ :ballot_box_with_check: |
🔘 :radio_button: |
🔗 :link: |
➰ :curly_loop: |
〰️ :wavy_dash: |
〽️ :part_alternation_mark: |
🔱 :trident: |
:black_square: :black_square: |
:white_square: :white_square: |
✅ :white_check_mark: |
🔲 :black_square_button: |
🔳 :white_square_button: |
⚫ :black_circle: |
⚪ :white_circle: |
🔴 :red_circle: |
🔵 :large_blue_circle: |
🔷 :large_blue_diamond: |
🔶 :large_orange_diamond: |
🔹 :small_blue_diamond: |
🔸 :small_orange_diamond: |
🔺 :small_red_triangle: |
🔻 :small_red_triangle_down: |
![]() :shipit: |