Simple tabline in lua
This is a very minimal tabline, and I kind of see it as feature complete. I will still fix potential bugs and also approve PR's. However, I usually don't want to include complex features that requires a lot of code.
Yinameah/nvim-tabline is a fork that has proposed a couple of very cool features, but I have respectfully rejected them because I don't want the added maintenance burden :)
Check that fork out for some cool features like
- Unique names
- Truncation of long names
- Neovim 0.7+
- A patched font (see nerd fonts)
- Termguicolors should be set
use({ 'seblyng/nvim-tabline', requires = { 'nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons' } })
call plug#begin()
Plug 'seblyng/nvim-tabline'
Plug 'nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons' " Optional
call plug#end()
return {
dependencies = { 'nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons' }, -- Optional
opts = {
..., -- see options below
no_name = '[No Name]', -- Name for buffers with no name
modified_icon = '', -- Icon for showing modified buffer
close_icon = '', -- Icon for closing tab with mouse
separator = '▌', -- Separator icon on the left side
padding = 3, -- Prefix and suffix space
color_all_icons = false, -- Color devicons in active and inactive tabs
right_separator = false, -- Show right separator on the last tab
show_index = false, -- Shows the index of tab before filename
show_icon = true, -- Shows the devicon
show_window_count = {
enable = false, -- Shows the number of windows in tab after filename
show_if_alone = false, -- do not show count if unique win in a tab
count_unique_buf = true, -- count only win showing different buffers
count_others = true, -- display [+x] where x is the number of other windows
buftype_blacklist = { 'nofile' }, -- do not count if buftype among theses
Will prompt you for a custom tabname
Clears the custom tabname and goes back to default
TabLineIconSel (Only works with fg color)
TabLineIcon (Only works with fg color)