Dalton 3.4.0
Use pyproject.toml ; unit tests in CI pipeline ; update dependencies.
- Use pyproject.toml (#184) (#189)
- Use ruff format to format the code (#183) (#190)
- Use ruff check --fix to make style changes (#183) (#192)
- Add github actions CI (#191) (#193)
- Be able to run unit tests on dalton and flowsynth (#182) (#194)
- Update nginx from 1.19 to 1.27 (#200) (#202)
- Update redis from 3.2 to 7.4 (#201)
- Add unit tests for flowsynth (#204)
- Use ruff to sort and format imports (#207)
- Use ruff to detect flake8 bugbears (B) (#209)
- Use pre-built zeek images (#181)
- Use bump-my-version to update the version and tag (#197)
- Also, use bump-my-version to update the dalton-agent version
- Also, show the dalton controller version on the About page