- Minimum SDK Version: 24
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.secuxtech:secux-paymentkit-v2-android:{version}'
Add permission to the AndroidManifest.xml
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION"/>
Request permission
if (this.checkSelfPermission(Manifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
requestPermissions(new String[]{Manifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION}, 1);
import com.secuxtech.paymentkit.*;
All the three init functions should be done when app starts up.
Use SecuXAccountManager object to do the operations below.
SecuXAccountManager mAccountManager = new SecuXAccountManager();
Set server URL before using the APIs below
void setBaseServer(String url)
Server URL: e.g. https://pmsweb-test.secux.io
String serverUrl = "https://pmsweb-test.secux.io";
SecuXAccountManager accMgr = new SecuXAccountManager();
Set the administractor account, which is assigned to customers by SecuX
void setAdminAccount(String name, String password)
name: Administractor account name.
password: Administractor account password.
String serverUrl = "https://pmsweb-test.secux.io";
SecuXAccountManager accMgr = new SecuXAccountManager();
accMgr.setAdminAccount("test", "12345678");
Use SecuXAccountManager object to do the operations below
private SecuXAccountManager mAccountManager = new SecuXAccountManager();
2.1 Get supported coin/token
Pair<Integer, String> getSupportedCointokenArray(List<Pair<String, String>>
An empty array list for returned coin/token pair list
The first return value shows the operation result, if the result is
SecuXServerRequestHandler.SecuXRequestOK, the input coinTokenList parameter contains
all the supported coin and token pairs, otherwise the second return value contains
an error message.
List<Pair<String, String>> coinTokenArray = new ArrayList<>();
ret = mAccountManager.getSupportedCointokenArray(coinTokenArray);
if (ret.first == SecuXServerRequestHandler.SecuXRequestOK) {
for (int i = 0; i < coinTokenArray.size(); i++) {
Log.i(TAG, coinTokenArray.get(i).toString());
2.2 User account registration
Register a new user account with specified coin/token account. Please note the registration operation may take around 15 seconds to set up.
Pair<Integer, String> registerUserAccount(SecuXUserAccount userAccount,
String coinType, String token)
userAccount: A SecuXUserAccount object with name, password, phone number(optional)
coinType: Coin type string
token: Token string
The first return value shows the operation result. If the result is SecuXRequestOK,
registration is successful, otherwise the second return value contains an error message.
SecuXUserAccount newAccount = new SecuXUserAccount("xxxxx", "+886-123456789",
Pair<Integer, String> ret = mAccountManager.registerUserAccount(account, "DCT", "SPC");
if (ret.first==SecuXServerRequestHandler.SecuXRequestOK) {
showMessageInMain("Account registration successful!");
}else {
showMessageInMain("registration failed! Error: " + ret.second);
2.3 User account login
Note: Login session is valid for 30 minutes. To continue use after 30 minutes, relogin is required.
Pair<Integer, String> loginUserAccount(SecuXUserAccount userAccount)
userAccount: A SecuXUserAccount object with login name and password
The first return value shows the operation result. If the result is SecuXRequestOK,
registration is successful, otherwise the second return value contains an error message.
SecuXUserAccount account = new SecuXUserAccount("[email protected]", "",
Pair<Integer, String> ret = mAccountManager.loginUserAccount(mAccount);
if (ret.first==SecuXServerRequestHandler.SecuXRequestOK){
showMessageInMain("Login successful!");
showMessageInMain("Login failed! Error: " + ret.second);
2.4 Get coin/token account list
Must successfully login the server before calling the function. Return all the coin/token accounts belongs to the login user.
Pair<Integer, String> getCoinAccountList(SecuXUserAccount userAccount)
userAccount: Successfully logined user account.
The first return value shows the operation result. If the result is SecuXRequestOK,
getting coin/token account information is successful and coin/token account
information is in the user account's coinAccountArray, otherwise the second return
value contains an error message.
Note: if return result is SecuXRequestUnauthorized, the login session is timeout,
please relogin the system.
Pair<Integer, String> ret = mAccountManager.getCoinAccountList(account);
if (ret.first == SecuXServerRequestHandler.SecuXRequestOK){
for (int i = 0; i < mAccount.mCoinAccountArr.size(); i++) {
SecuXCoinAccount coinAcc = mAccount.mCoinAccountArr.get(i);
}else if (ret.first== SecuXServerRequestHandler.SecuXRequestUnauthorized){
//Need relogin
showMessageInMain("Get coin token account list failed! Error: " + ret.second);
2.5 Get coin/token account balance
Must successfully login the server before calling the function. Return the coin/token account balance
Pair<Integer, String> getAccountBalance(SecuXUserAccount userAccount, String
coinType, String token)
userAccount: A SecuXUserAccount object with login name and password
coinType: CoinType string
token: Token string
The first return value shows the operation result. If the result is SecuXRequestOK,
getting coin/token account balance is successful and coin/token account balance can
be found in the user account's coinAccountArray, otherwise the second return value
contains an error message.
Note: if return result is SecuXRequestUnauthorized, the login session is timeout,
please relogin the system.
for (int i = 0; i < mAccount.mCoinAccountArr.size(); i++) {
SecuXCoinAccount coinAcc = mAccount.mCoinAccountArr.get(i);
Set<Map.Entry<String, SecuXCoinTokenBalance>> entrySet = coinAcc.mTokenBalanceMap.entrySet();
for (Map.Entry<String, SecuXCoinTokenBalance> entry : entrySet) {
String token = entry.getKey();
//SecuXCoinTokenBalance balance = entry.getValue();
//Get account balance for a specified coin and token
ret = mAccountManager.getAccountBalance(mAccount, coinAcc.mCoinType, token);
if (ret.first == SecuXServerRequestHandler.SecuXRequestOK) {
//SecuXCoinAccount coinAcc = mAccount.getCoinAccount("DCT");
SecuXCoinTokenBalance balance = coinAcc.getBalance(token);
Log.i(TAG, "Token=" + token + " balance=" + balance.mFormattedBalance.toString() + " usdBalance=" + balance.mUSDBalance.toString());
} else {
showMessageInMain("Get account balance failed! Error: " + ret.second);
2.6 Change user login password
Must successfully login the server before calling the function.
Pair<Integer, String> changePassword(String oldPwd, String newPwd)
oldPwd: User current login password.
newPwd: User new login password.
The first return value shows the operation result. If the result is SecuXRequestOK,
registration is successful, otherwise the second return value contains an error message.
Pair<Integer, String> ret = mAccountManager.changePassword("pwd1234", "pwd5678");
if (ret.first==SecuXServerRequestHandler.SecuXRequestOK){
showMessageInMain("Login successful!");
showMessageInMain("Login failed! Error: " + ret.second);
Use SecuXPaymentManager object to do the operations below
SecuXPaymentManager mPaymentManager = new SecuXPaymentManager();
3.1 Implement SecuXPaymentManagerCallback functions
public void paymentDone(final boolean ret, final String transactionCode, final String errorMsg)
- Called when payment is completed. Returns payment result and error message.
public void updatePaymentStatus(final String status)
- Called when payment status is changed. Payment status are: "Device connecting...", "DCT transferring..." and "Device verifying..."
public void getStoreInfoDone(final boolean ret, final String storeInfo, final Bitmap storeLogo)
- Called when get store information is completed. Returns store info. string and store logo.
public void userAccountUnauthorized()
- Called when login session is invalid or timeout, relogin is required when the
function is called.
3.2 Parsing payment QRCode / NFC message
Pair<Integer, String> getDeviceInfo(String paymentInfo)
paymentInfo: Payment QRCode from P20/P22, or NFC string from P20/P22
The first return value shows the operation result. If the result is SecuXRequestOK,
parsing payment information is successful, the second return value contains decoded
payment information in JSON format , otherwise the second return value contains an
error message.
Note: if the first return result is SecuXRequestUnauthorized,
the login session is timeout, please relogin the system.
Sample return JSON format
"amount": "10",
"coinType": "DCT:SPC",
"deviceID": "4ab10000726b",
"deviceIDhash": "41193D32D520E114A3730D458F4389B5B9A7114D"
Note: "amount" and "coinType" are optional, QRCode from P20 will not generate
these items.
ret = mPaymentManager.getDeviceInfo(rawInfoString);
if (ret.first==SecuXServerRequestHandler.SecuXRequestOK) {
JSONObject replyJson = new JSONObject(ret.second);
String devIDHash = replyJson.getString("deviceIDhash");
String paymentInfo = ret.second;
}catch (Exception e){
Log.i(TAG, "Invalid store info "+ e.getLocalizedMessage());
3.3 Get store information
Pair<Pair<Integer, String>, SecuXStoreInfo> getStoreInfo(String devIDHash)
devID: Hashed device ID from getDeviceInfo function
The first return value shows the operation result. If the result is SecuXRequestOK,
getting store information is successful, the second SecuXStoreInfo contrains store
information, otherwise the first return string value contains an error message.
Note: if the first return result is SecuXRequestUnauthorized,
the login session is timeout, please relogin the system.
Pair<Pair<Integer, String>, SecuXStoreInfo> storeInfoRet = mPaymentManager.getStoreInfo(mDevIDhash);
3.4 Do payment
doPayment(String nonce, Context context, final SecuXUserAccount account, final String storeInfo,
final String paymentInfo)
nonce: The payment nonce from the P22 payment QRCode
context: The current activity context.
account: The login user account.
storeInfo: Store information JSON string from getStoreInfoDone callback function.
paymentInfo: Payment information JSON string from getDeviceInfo function.
An asynchronized function. Payment progress info. and result is in the callback
private SecuXPaymentManagerCallback mPaymentMgrCallback
= new SecuXPaymentManagerCallback() {
public void paymentDone(final boolean ret, final String transactionCode, final String errorMsg) {
runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
if (ret){
Toast toast = Toast.makeText(mContext, "Payment successful!", Toast.LENGTH_LONG);
Toast toast = Toast.makeText(mContext, "Payment failed! Error: " + errorMsg, Toast.LENGTH_LONG);
public void updatePaymentStatus(final String status){
Log.i("secux-paymentkit-exp", "Update payment status: " + status);
public void getStoreInfoDone(final boolean ret, final String storeInfo, final Bitmap storeLogo){
Log.i("secux-paymentkit-exp", "Get store info. done ret=" + String.valueOf(ret) + ",name=" + storeName);
runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
if (ret){
String storeName = "";
JSONObject storeInfoJson = new JSONObject(mStoreInfo);
storeName = storeInfoJson.getString("name");
}catch (Exception e){
Toast toast = Toast.makeText(mContext, "Get store info. failed!", Toast.LENGTH_LONG);
3.5 Get all payment history
Pair<Integer, String> getPaymentHistory(String token, int pageNum, int count,
ArrayList<SecuXPaymentHistory> historyArr)
token: Payment token, can be empty
pageIdx: History item page index starts from 0, e.g. 0,1,2,3...
pageItemCount: Number of history items per request, e.g. 5, 10, 20 ...
historyArr: An empty SecuXPaymentHistory list for returned history items
The first return value shows the operation result. If the result is SecuXRequestOK,
SecuXPaymentHistory objects are in the input hisotryArr. If number of the history
objects in the return array less than the input pageItemCount, there is no
more history items.
Note: if return result is SecuXRequestUnauthorized, the login session is timeout, please relogin the system.
ArrayList<SecuXPaymentHistory> payHisArr = new ArrayList<>();
int idx = 1;
int hisItemCount = 10;
while (true){
int preHisItemCount = payHisArr.size();
ret = mPaymentManager.getPaymentHistory("SPC", idx, hisItemCount, payHisArr);
if (ret.first!=SecuXServerRequestHandler.SecuXRequestOK){
showMessageInMain("Get payment history failed!");
}else if (payHisArr.size() - preHisItemCount < hisItemCount){
Log.i(TAG, "Get all history items");
idx += 1;
for(int i=0; i<payHisArr.size(); i++){
SecuXPaymentHistory history = payHisArr.get(i);
Log.i(TAG, "Store = " + history.mStoreName + " CoinType =" + history.mCoinType +
" amount=" + history.mAmount.toString() + history.mToken + " timestamp=" + history.mTransactionTime);
3.6 Get payment history from transaction code
Pair<Integer, String> getPaymentHistory(String token, String transactionCode,
SecuXPaymentHistory paymentHistory)
token: Payment token, e.g. SPC, DCT
transactionCode: Payment transaction code from SecuXPaymentManagerDelegate when
payment done
paymentHistory: The history item
The first return value shows the operation result. If the result is SecuXRequestOK,
payment history is in the input paymentHistory. Otherwise, the second return value
contains an error message.
Note: if return result is SecuXRequestUnauthorized, the login session is timeout, please relogin the system.
Please find more in our demo app
SecuX, [email protected]
SecuXPaymentKit is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.