RubyMotion iOS app for interacting with the NYTimes Best Seller's API
$ git clone $ cd BestSeller $ git log
In your log you'll see a series of commits, each one tagged. Cycle through the tags using
$ git checkout
to 'build' the app.
Using .ruby-version ruby-2.0.0-p0 and .ruby-gemset bestsellermotion. Run:
$ rvm use ruby-2.0.0-p0 $ rvm gemset create bestsellermotion $ cd .. $ cd BestSeller
before bundling.
You'll need to create your own app.yml file in the resources directory with your NYTimes BestSeller's List API key which you can find here. Enter this key as a string value for API_KEY key in your app.yml. For instructions on setting this up, see the motion-config-vars gem github at