Sublime Text 3 (not realy support ST2) package for better Symfony 2 usage.
git clone [email protected]:sergeylunev/sublimated-symfony.git \
~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 3/Packages/sublimated-symfony
— if pressed in Action opens template file (or create file and open it).
If pressed in template file — open Controller on Action file related to this template
— If pressed in Entity it send you to Repository class witch is
presented in @ORM\Entity(repositoryClass="Acme\DemoBundle\Entity\Repository\DemoRepository")
If pressed in Repository it send you to entity class file with the same name as
Repository DemoRepository
→ Demo
— automaticaly add use
statement when cursor placed on some object
defenition (new FooBar()
— automaticaly add namespace
statement related to file (please look
for PSR-0 for better understanding)
- add some screencasts to illustrate how it works
- working with symfony commands
- jump from inline in twig template to another template or to action/controller
- jump to twig file if we have named in annotation
- add commands execution from ST
- working with routes and other stuff
- try add GoTo by route, actions, entity, repository and other
- workign with generators from editor
- go to template file from twig render or include
- copy methods from interface class
- insert
related to the file - jump between entity and repository classes