Your goal is to fill in the blanks in Mr. Fox's profile using jQuery, and data from a JSON object.
Please clone this repo.
Open index.html
in your browser, and launch your Chrome Javascript Console.
You will be coding in the scripts/app.js
file (and a bit in index.html
Please note that the JSON object is accessible by typing data
in your console. Each time you refresh it will change a little bit (just to keep you on your toes!).
- Getting Values from Objects and Arrays
- Using Bracket Notation
- Using Dot Notation
- Looping over Arrays/Lists
- Using the current index of the loop
- Combining Strings using Concatination
- Creating HTML strings
JSON is a convenient format for transferring data. It is supported in many languages, not just Javascript!
Although Javascript Objects and JSON have a lot in common, JSON follows a slightly more strict format.
Here is an example of a JSON object:
"key": "value"
We can assign the object to a variable o
var o = {
"key": "value",
"list": ["a", "b", "c"]
To access values, we need to know the name of the key. We can use either dot notation or bracket notation:
// dot notation
o.key; //=> "value"
// bracket notation
o["key"]; //=> "value"
o['key']; //=> "value"
Sometimes you'll need to "drill" down into an object to get the value you want.
**How would you get the value `"c"` from the list?** (Click Here)
```js o.list[2]; //=> "c" o["list"][2]; //=> "c" o['list'][2]; //=> "c" o["list"]["2"]; //=> "c" o['list']['2']; //=> "c" ```
But note that o.list.2
will never work. Why is that?
Often we want to do this same thing multiple times, but with values at different indexes.
var list = ["a", "b", "c"];
for(var i=0; i<list.length; i++){
console.log(i, list[i]);
// 0 a
// 1 b
// 2 c
We can do the same thing with the powerful forEach
Array method:
var list = ["a", "b", "c"];
list.forEach(function(value, i){
console.log(i, value);
// 0 a
// 1 b
// 2 c
When we combine strings together, it's known as "concatination". Here's an example:
"1" + "1"; //=> "11"
"what's" + "up?"; //=> "what'sup?"
"hello" + " " + "world"; //=> "hello world"
**""What'll happen when you "quote" a quote?", he asked, helplessly"** (Click Here)
```js 'this "works"' "and this'll work" 'but don't do this!' // SyntaxError "He said \"don't\" do this, but I'm clever" // escape inner quotes with forward slash ```
We can create HTML strings by simpling creating a string containing HTML, but we have to be very careful(!):
var p = "<p>simple paragraph</p>";
var words = "words words words";
var dynamic_paragraph = (
"<p>" +
words + "!" +
dynamic_paragraph //=> "<p>words words words!</p>"
Please see the solution