originally forked from underscore.cpp, this has been updated for c++14, and includes more underscore functionality and a smattering of the more useful container functions from lodash.
c++14 has allowed for compatability with some of the quirkier stl containers (e.g. std::set) that weren't previously compatible.
lodash-cpp is a single-file, header only library.
std::vector<int> numbers;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
// Display is a function that takes one argument of type int.
_::each(numbers, display);
using json = nlohmann::json;
Vector3 fromJSON(json& values) {
auto v = _::values<std::vector<float>>(values);
return Vector3(v.data());
#include <nowide/convert.hpp>
using namespace nowide;
using fspath = std::experimental::filesystem::path;
template<typename Container>
std::string pathCombine(Container container) {
// see: https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/reduce
fspath path = _::reduce(Container, [](fspath _path, std::string segment) {
return _path /= filepath(segment);
}, fspath);
return narrow(path.wstring());
// filter, then sort by predicate
std::vector<Player> players;
players = _::sort_by<decltype(players)>(
_::filter<decltype(players)>(getPlayers(), [=](const Player& player) {
return player.inVehicle();
}), [](auto a, auto b) { return distanceTo(a.ped()) < distanceTo(b.ped()) });
The functions that have been implemented:
- all
- any
- chain
- collect
- compact
- contains
- detect
- difference
- each
- each_iter — version of
that passes an iterator - each_with_distance — version of
that passes an index - every
- filter
- find
- first
- flatten
- foldl
- foldr
- for_each
- group_by
- head
- includes
- indexOf
- initial
- inject
- intersection
- keys
- last
- last_index_of
- map
- map_iter — version of
that passes an iterator - max
- min
- pluck
- pull
- pullAll
- reduce
- reduce_right
- reject
- remove — light-weight version of lodash
that doesn't return an array - removeAndReturn — full-weight vesion of lodash
- rest
- select
- shuffle
- size
- some
- sort_by
- tail
- to_array
- union_of
- uniq
- unique
- values
- without
- zip