Developer Release (preview) - 0.0.7beta Platform
Pre-release2.7G space needed for install!
A prerelease platform on which to test + check packages. A full rebuild of everything listed in the releasepackages.lst list.
This is for RSE contributors/maintainers, not for end use / general distribution.
You must install from fresh, no upgrades
So for a package not currently listed in releasepackages.lst that you want to "go" in 0.0.7 - check:
a) All the deps are already there (in 0.0.7) - if not, they need adding following the same process
b) The package builds satisfying the usual constraints (avoid force, nodeps etc)
c) The package has a testsuite or can be run and used successfully (the odd bug isn't a show stopper)
If the package meets the above criteria as-is - simply add it to the releasepackages.lst in wipnonautomated, and create a pull request targeting the 0.0.7 branch -> get someone to double check
If the package needs fixes, submit the changes as usual to wipnonautomated and verify it works there first before adding it to the list.