Configuration files for everything I use frequently.
Ubuntu 24.04 LTS w/ Regolith 3 desktop
- kitty
- May need to install kitty-terminfo package depending on install method
- neovim
- keepass2
- ranger
- qbittorrent
- python3
- pip (python3-full will install this)
python3 -m pip install --break-system-packages neovim-remote pipenv jedi pynvim black pylint
- zsh
- oh-my-zsh
- This changes default shell to zsh.
- neofetch
- libfuse2
- universal-ctags
- silversearcher-ag
- exfalso
- cmus
- fortune + fortunes
- trash-cli
- htop
- clang
- kitty
Install Firefox plugins
- Tree style tab
- Vim vixen
- Enhancer for YouTube
- Sponsorblock
Make symlinks in .local/bin for AppImages
Remove regolith-wm-base-launchers package
- WARNING: Make sure ~/.config/regolith2/i3/15_base_launchers has been copied first
May need to remove regolith-i3-control-center-gnome (conflicting i3 config with regolith-i3-control-center-regolith)
- vimrc cleanup
- Review /etc/fstab and /etc/sudoers
- Remove unused features/options from kitty-nvim
Let me know if I've included your work without attribution, the wrong license etc.