- Package Name:
- package com.example.finalkotlinproject.CustomZoom
- companion object is used to define constant values for the Class ZoomCenter (companion object for constants: It's singleton object in the class having single instance only)
- Eg:
companion object { const val sShrinkAmount = 0.15f const val sShrinkDistance = 0.9f }
- Package Name:
- Package Name:
- package com.example.finalkotlinproject.Model
- package com.example.finalkotlinproject.HelpAdapter
- package com.example.finalkotlinproject.TeamAdapter
- In all Data Class/Adapter nullability check is added using
- check if the value is not null while using it along with variable) (!!
- It's not null operator which convert to non-null type and throws Null Pointer Exception if it's null)
- Package Name:
- Activity:
- MainActivity
- ExploreTeams
- PrecautionActivity
- ExploreHelp
- All activity extends AppCompatActivity Class and override the functionality of it using override keyword
- Eg:
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() { override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) setContentView(R.layout.activity_main) discover_button.setOnClickListener(){ val discover_intent = Intent(this,ExploreTeams::class.java) supertartActivity(discover_intent) } precaution_button.setOnClickListener(){ val precaution_intent = Intent(this,PrecautionActivity::class.java ) startActivity(precaution_intent) } help_button.setOnClickListener(){ val help_intent = Intent(this,ExploreHelp::class.java) startActivity(help_intent) } } }
- Activity:
Data Class
- Package Name:
- package com.example.finalkotlinproject.Model
- CustomTeams.kt Kotlin file has 2 Data Class : CustomTeams, HelpNumbers
- Both Data Class is the Object which holds data to be used by TeamAdapter and HelpAdapter Class repectively
- The Data Class are instantiate using the CustomTeams() and HelpNumbers() which initialise the object holding passed data
- Package Name:
Compact Functions
- Package Name:
- package com.example.finalkotlinproject.HelpAdapter
- package com.example.finalkotlinproject.TeamAdapter
- Abstract function "getItemCount()" returns result which is single expression
- Hence we can avoid the {} and return statement and is used = to return the expression(here it's return the size of ArrayList passed to Adapter)
- Eg:
override fun getItemCount(): Int = teams.size
- Package Name:
Abtract Class
- Package Name:
- package com.example.finalkotlinproject.TeamAdapter
- package com.example.finalkotlinproject.HelpAdapter
- Both TeamAdapter and HelpAdapter are subclasses which are implementing the abstract properties of Abstract Class Adapter (methods that has to be implemented by subclasses are onCreateViewHolder(),getItemCount(),onBindViewHolder() as they are abstarct method of Parent Class)
- Package Name:
Extention Function
- Package Name:
- package com.example.finalkotlinproject.TeamAdapter
- package com.example.finalkotlinproject.HelpAdapter
- In extention function we can add functionality to the existing function of the Class
- Here infalting property is added to ViewGroup Class using dot notation i.e ViewGroup.inflate(layoutIdentifier:Int)
- So in onCreateViewHolder() function , only inflate function need to be called on parent ViewGroup
- Eg:
fun ViewGroup.inflate(layoutR: Int) : View = LayoutInflater.from(context).inflate(layoutR,this,false)
- Package Name:
- Package Name:
- package com.example.finalkotlinproject.TeamAdapter
- Here in App ,filter is applied on String to filter out only digits part of it
- Filter condition is added in
refers to each item of String - Eg:
val totalCase = h.itemView.description1.text.toString().filter { it.isDigit() }
- Package Name:
- Package Name:
- package com.example.finalkotlinproject.HelpAdapter
- Here the method onRequestPermissionsResult() of interface 'OnRequestPermissionsResultCallback' from class 'ActivityCompat' is implemented
- Eg:
class HelpAdapter(val context: Context, private val helpnumbers:ArrayList<HelpNumbers>,val requestCall: Int) : RecyclerView.Adapter<RecyclerView.ViewHolder>(),ActivityCompat.OnRequestPermissionsResultCallback override fun onRequestPermissionsResult(requestCode: Int, permissions: Array<out String>, grantResults: IntArray) { if(requestCode == requestCall) makeCall() }
- Package Name:
- Package Name:
- package com.example.finalkotlinproject.HelpAdapter
- SuppressLint annotation specifies that for the given function ignore the specified Warnings given in the String form
- Eg:
@SuppressLint("MissingPermission") private fun makeCall(){ val callIn = Intent(Intent.ACTION_CALL) callIn.data = Uri.parse("tel:" + callNumber) mContext.startActivity(callIn) }
- Package Name:
- Description:
- Stats Button:
- The redirection give the basic stats of total,current,death cases(data is refered and not live data) of countries
- The status button pop-ups the window showing status is critical or not critical based total cases evaluation (Picasso is used to load images of countries flags though url's, Hence require internet)
- Precaution Button:
- The redirection give the list of steps that can be followed to prevent the infection
- Help Button:
- The redirection give the list of emergency numbers of different State and Union Territory of India.
- On clicking to any number of respective State/Union Territory it redirect to make a Phone call
- Stats Button: