Create a basic Task Tracker app using React Native that allows users to add, delete, and mark tasks as completed.
Our app should have the following screens:
Task List Screen:
- Display a list of tasks with their titles.
- Each task should have a checkbox to mark it as completed.
- Include a button to add a task.
- Bonus: Include a button to delete a task.
Add Task Screen:
- Create a modal screen to add a new task.
- Include an input field for the task title.
- Add a button to submit the new task.
Implement a simple and clean UI using React Native styling.
- Use functional components and hooks.
- State management can be done using a global module/singleton/etc.
- You can use Expo Router (already configured) for navigation between screens.
- No need for persistent storage (local storage or database). Just keep the data in the app state.
- Focus on functionality over advanced styling.
Install required dependencies:
npm install
Start the application:
npm run web